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I can forgive you.

I may forgive you.
I will forgive you.
I must forgive you.
I should forgive you.


• A type of auxiliary verb, which is used
together with the main verb in the
• The main verb is in original form
❌ -s ❌ -ed ❌ -ing
1. Have to
• To say ‘this is important or necessary’
o Our train leaves at 7’oclock, so I have to get up early.
o She has to reach the office by 8a.m.

2. Don’t have to
• To say ‘this is NOT important or necessary’
o You don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to.
o He doesn’t have to work as it is holiday today.
3. Must
• To say that one has an obligation to do something
o You must try to work harder, Jack.
o We must take our shoes off before entering someone’s
4. Should/ Ought to
• To tell someone that something is a good idea
o You should put some sunscreen at the beach.
o That wasn’t a nice thing to say⎯ you ought to say sorry.
5. Shouldn’t
• To tell someone that something is NOT a good idea
o You shouldn’t spend so much money on clothes.

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