English TB Paru SGD 9 Malika Sayyidina Azizah Hakim

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Malika Sayyidina Azizah Hakim
Table of Contents


Physical examination

Supporting investigation
● Typical symptoms: cough with phlegm/coughing up blood (can be both) with an onset >2 weeks or >1 month
● accompanied by high fever
● shortness of breath (sometimes)
● sweat at night
● BB decreased
● such as signs of malignancy
● RPK: Has anyone in the family been coughing for a long time? because the spread can be through droplets sneezing,
● RPL: -Are there any people in the surrounding area who have experienced pulmonary TB?
● - Has anyone been taking old medication? due to taking TB drugs in the long term.
● - the environment around the house is clean? close to air pollution?
● RPG : eating regularly? adequate nutrition?
● RPK (HABITS): do you use PPE when you are working or doing activities? Example: mask
the only symptoms are characteristic.
Physical examination

Inspection Percussion
• shortness of breath: found retraction percussion: sonor, hypersonor, dim, sensitive

• a condition in which when breathing

requires the help of the respiratory
muscles because the body experiences a
01 03 on TB: dim/resonant shortening

lack of oxygen
Palpation 02 04 TB: bronchovesicular/bronchial breath sounds
• stremfemitus: normal/hardened
because there is infiltrate/infection => additional sound: egophonic sound can be
lung sounds ++ hardened found (typical for TB), the sound "iiii" will be
heard as "eeee".

occurs because = there is a cavity in the lung

Supporting investigation
• Routine blood: usually leukocytosis => Mycobacterium
tuberculosis is present
• Chest photo:
- Found infiltrates (white patches)
- Found cavities (holes / craters)
usually at the apex of the lung
- Fibrosis found: hard to find on chest X-ray
• BTA sputum test: + found 3x acid fast
bacilli (SPS).

• Molecular Rapid Test (TCM): the

same as BTA, the advantage is that
TCM can detect drug resistance.

● 1. Afifah, I., & Sopiany HM. Tuberkulosis Paru.

● 2. Dinata MTS, Subkhan M, Ghufron M. Sputum BTA pada Penderita
TB Paru MAGNA MEDICA Berk Ilm Kedokt dan Kesehat.
● 3. Tarigan PB. Kualitas Sputum Pasien Tuberkulosis. J Chem Inf
Model. 2019;53(9):1689–99.

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