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Global Warming

Presented by: Vhiel Preza

What is Global Warming?
Global warming is the result of increasing atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentrations which is caused primarily by the
combustion of fossil energy sources such as petroleum, coal,
and natural gas, and to an unknown extent by destruction of
forests, increased methane, volcanic activity and cement

Global warming refers to the rise in global temperatures due

to mainly to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere.
What does Global Warming cause to us?
Extreme heat and poor air quality increase complications from
underlying heart and respiratory conditions like asthma, renal failure,
and pre-term birth, and as temperature rise, there will be more heat-
related illness and deaths in both urban and rural areas.

Why is Global Warming a problem?

Global warming can result in many serious alternations to the
environment, eventually impacting human health. It can also causse a
rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land, a change in
precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts and floods, and
threat to biodiversity.

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