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Welcome to Circle K


Introduction of Guests

Ice breaker!

1. Get in three groups and we will come around and give you a phrase 2. Phrase can only be said once from one person to another 3. Which ever group gets closer to the actual phrase wins

If there was only one thing I could do;I would be with Circle K everyday,and do service with all of you.

District Service Initiatives

Each year, the CNH District of Circle K endorses a Service Initiative in order to focus service efforts across the district towards one unified cause. For the 2011-2012 year, the District Board has chosen to adopt Special Help for Special Needs
Promoting the wellbeing of the mentally challenged. This can be done through helping them in the following areas: behavioral, social, and literary skills. In doing so, this would help people with developmental disabilities to better adapt to living independently.

K-family!!! Kiwanis Breakfast

Every thursday at 7AM
Meet at Zura Turnaround at 6:45AM UCSD Meeting

Every Monday at 8PM (Starting on Sept. 26th)

Meet at Zura Turnaround at 7:30PM

K- Family Softball!!!
Saturday October 8th
1-5pm Batter up!!!

George G. Glenner Alzheimer's Family Center

Next Tuesday, Sept. 27th
From 3:30 PM - 5 PM Meet at Zura Turnaround at 3PM

Weekly Service Project Come help feed the homeless

Thursdays at 6PM
Meet at Zura Turnaround at 5:30PM

Life House San Diego Community Center

Friday from 3 - 4:30PM

Meet at Zura Turnaround at 2:45PM

Pediatric Trauma Protection (PTP)

District Fundraising Initiative

Eliminate (Ending Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus w/UNICEF)

Potluck//Movie Social!
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure Bring Food!!! n_n Meet at 7 PM at the Apt. K At Jordan Apartments

Aids Walk
AIDS Walk Volunteering
Sunday from 5AM-10AM

Meet at Zura Turnaround at 4:30 AM

You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for ICE CREAM!!! n_n

Ice Cream Social//Fundraiser

Next Wednesday Sept. 28th We will all go after meeting!

Happy//Sad Dollars

Thank You for being Thursday here!!! (Sept. 22) Monday (Sept. 26)
Kiwanis Breakfast: Meet at 6:45AM EMBRACE: Meet at 5:30PM Friday (Sept. 23) BINGO: Meet at2:45PM Sunday (Sept. 25) AIDS Walk: Meet at 4:30AM
UCSD Meeting: Meet at 7:30PM Tuesday (Sept. 27) Alzheimers Facility: Meet at 3 PM

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