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1) Qualities that make friendships respectful.

2) Why are boundaries important in a friendship

3) What is resilience and the outcomes. R

Why is it important to understand what a respectful relationship looks and feels like.

Why is it important to respect yourself In a relationship

Support services that can help young people in managing wellbeing in friendships.
Having Physical Boundaries and having your friend know them – Always set a ‘personal
space bubble’ where your friends acknowledge and respect that space.

Making sure your friends are okay emotionally as well as you. Regularly checking if
their okay and not putting them down.

3) Making sure your friendship is socially respectful e.g. not talking to them behind their
backs and no verbal ‘abuse’.
Why are boundaries important in a friendship?
Boundaries are very important in a long-lasting caring
relationship because they help to keep a balance between you and
your friend.
Creating boundaries can be easy as agreeing to have a open
conversation about what you expect from each other.
One healthy boundary in a friendship could be communicating
your needs and the other person communicating theirs and
prioritizing your self care.

Another healthy boundary could be only taking on responsibilities

you have the energy/capacity to do, don’t overachieve yourself for
your friend.
What is Resilience and the
outcomes of it in a friendship?
A Resilient Friendship is one that has overcome and
learned from obstacles, adversity, and setbacks and
emerged stronger as a result or in simpler terms never
letting setbacks stop you.
A positive outcome of using resilience in a friendship is
when a resilient friendship has conflict, they can take it
like a stretchy rubber band not a cracked egg.
A negative outcome if you do not use resilience in your
relationship is during conflict, the relationship will
instantly crack and your relationship may be over.
Why is it important to understand what a
Respectful Relationship looks/feels like?

A respectful relationship looks like each party respecting

each other and their unique needs. A respectful
relationship would feel respectful, nice, sometimes
It is important to understand what a respectful
relationship looks and feels like as most of us may not
know what a respectful relationship looks and feels like so
we can try and make our relationships like that.
Why is it important to respect yourself in a
Self respect is important in a relationship because Self-
respect is the key to building confidence and maintaining
healthy relationships with other people throughout your
Self-respect also conjoins with resilience, so if you have a
healthy amount of self-respect you will have resillence
which is key in a respectful healthy relationship.
Self respect can be gained by setting yourself boundaries
(by not promising something not at your capacity), having
self esteem and self confidence.
Support Services that can help young people in
managing wellbeing in friendships.
If you need to manage your wellbeing, you might want to
contact somebody; – Counselling offered 24/7 on live chat

or call them at 1300 22 4636 to talk about your problems.
Beyond Blue is completely confidential and is a non-profit.

Need something more close to home?

Our school nurse is available at all times for somebody to
talk to for anything. Her email address is
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