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This lesson will be

Lesson 20 English Intermediate

Creative software
Class 19 Class 20

Essential apps: Creative software


✓ Listening: Databases ✓ Web design or web developm

✓ A database horror story
✓ Vocabulary: editing tools
✓ Grammar: past tenses
✓ Grammar: reporting verbs
✓ Writing: Note-taking and rep
Class objectives

Understand the difference between web design and web

development by completing vocabulary exercising and later listening
to a youtuber explain what each professional does.
Learn and use vocabulary related to some basic tools and functions
creative software offer.
Expand the knowledge of how to use reported speech with other
reporting verbs aside form ‘say’, ‘tell’, and ‘ask’.

Learn how to take notes at a meeting and prepare a minute report.

Warm up
What creative software
do you know?

Retrieved from

What is creative software used for?

photography illustrations publishing video audio

Images source: All images by Flaticon retrieved from

Speaking time
How do IT professionals use creative software?

5 minutes
Listening focus
Web design or web development
Who’s who?
Read the following sentences and match them to the right person.

1. I create the look and feel of a I’m a web designer.


2. I build and bring to life a functioning I’m a web developer.

What’s that?
Match the words on the left to their definitions on the right:
1. brand
a. the art of arranging letters and text that is legible and clear
2. brief
b. short for user experience, how the user feels using the website
3. journey
c. a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies a company
4. mock-up
d. a document that summarises what a client wants and needs
5. typography
e. short for user interaction, how the user interacts with the website
6. UI
f. the path a user takes when using a particular website
7. UX
g. a static design of a website that is not functional
Class Activity - Check what you know brand - brief - journey - mockup
typography - UI - UX
Complete the paragraph with the words in the
Designing a website starts with a creative ________ that includes what a client or company wants displayed on a
website. The web designer must think about the user's ________ through the site making sure the information is easy
to consume. That part of the design process is called ________. Web designers are also responsible for the visual
look and feel of the site. And that's called the ________. What a website looks like is really important because it
must reflect the company's ________. Web designers think about colour , ________, positive-negative space, and
brand typography
other design principles when creating a website. There are many different software applications you could use to
design a website. They're all tools to get the ideas down and create a visual file or ________ to hand to a developer.
And that's when the development side starts.

Answer in the Zoom chat

Web design & web development -
What's the difference?
Watch the video. Answer TRUE or FALSE.

1. Web design and web development are two separate roles in the website creation process.
2. One person cannot do both web design and web development.
3. Web developers are responsible for creating the mock-up.
4. Mock-ups are functioning websites.
5. The base of a website is created using HTML and then styled with CSS.
6. Web developers usually write and edit code directly on HTML.
Web design & web development
What's the difference?
After watching
Check the answers.

T 1. Web design and web development are two separate roles in the website creation process.

F 2. One person cannot do both web design and web development.

F 3. Web developers are responsible for creating the mock-up.

F 4. Mock-ups are functioning websites.

T 5. The base of a website is created using HTML and then styled with CSS.

F 6. Web developers usually write and edit code directly on HTML.

After watching
Correct the false statements
F 2. One person cannot do both web design and web development.
“Some people do both of them together, but not everyone does, as they do involve a very different skill
set for each.”
F 3. Web developers are responsible for creating the mock-up.
Web designers are responsible for creating the mock-up.

F 4. Mock-ups are functioning websites.

“And we call it a mock-up because it visually looks like a website, but it doesn't function as one yet.”
F 6. Web developers usually write and edit code directly on HTML
“And usually developers will use a text editor like Sublime or Brackets to write and edit their code.”
Speaking time
Which do you think is more interesting, web design
or web development?

5 minutes
Language focus
editing tools
Listening Activity

Listen to an extract from a podcast

talking about basic tools in creative

What are some tools used for?

Retrieved from:

Listening Activity

Listen again.
True, false, or doesn’t day?

F 1. All creative software include the same tools.

T 2. Tools usually appear together in a meny or palette .

DS 3. Some tools are hidden.

F 4. ‘Fading to black’ is a tool mostly used in graphic design.

Retrieved from:

Match the tool icons on the left to their functions on the right:

1. crop a. turn objects around a fixed point

2. erase b. select a colour within the composition for later use

3. eyedrop c. cut down the dimensions of an image

4. paint, pencil d. resize objects around a fixed point

5. rotate e. activate objects, points, or lines.

6. scale f. delete something, usually a part of an image

7. select, move g. draw or paint different shapes and patterns

Image source: Pngwing
Reporting verbs
Can you remember?
How say and tell are used in reported speech?

✓ We say something. She said (that)...

✓ We tell someone something.She told me (that)...

Answer in the Zoom chat

Compare the direct and reported statements:

DIRECT 1. Sally: “I can help you create the mock-up.”

REPORTED 2. Sally offered to help me create the mock-up.

Sally agreed to help me create the mock-up.

1. We use quotation marks (“ “) to show the exact words someone said.

2. We use reported speech to report (to tell another person) what someone said.

When reporting, we use reporting verbs (said, told, asked.) in the past tense and usually move the tenses backwards
(like → liked).

Other reporting verbs: offered, agreed, promised, refused, insisted, suggested, recommended, etc.
reporting verbs + to + infinitive

A: “Can you help me?”

B: “Of course, I will help you.” She agreed to help me.

A: “I don’t know what to do.”

B: “Don’t worry, I will help you.” He offered to help me.

A: “Please don’t tell anyone.”

B: “I won’t tell anyone your secret.” I promised not to tell anyone her secret.

A: “Answer the question!”

B: “No!” She refused to answer any questions.
reporting verbs
+ person + to + infinitive

“This job is great! You should definitely She convinced me to take the job.
take it.”

“You should continue studying English. He encouraged me to continue studying English.

You are very good.

“Come to the party tonight.” She invited me to come to the party that night.

“Finish the report today!” He ordered me to finish the report that day.
reporting verbs + (that) + clause

A: “Can you help me?”

B: “Of course, I will help you.” She agreed that she would help me.

A: “What colour do you want it?”

B: “It must be blue like the logo.” He explained that it had to be blue like the logo.

A: “Please don’t tell anyone.” I promised that I wouldn’t tell anyone her secret.
B: “I won’t tell anyone your secret.”

A: “I think you should scale it down.” She suggested that we scale it down.
reporting verbs + (preposition) + -ing

“I know you made the mistake in the She blamed me for making the mistake in the code.

“I don’t like this colour you used. It’s The client complained about using that colour.

“I want you to copy this design.” The client insisted on copying that design.

A: “I think we should have another

meeting with the clients.” She recommended that we make it smaller.
Class Activity - Check what you know agree - complain - encourage - invite offer -
promise - refuse - suggest

Complete using reported speech and a verb from the box.

1. “I will help you, I promise.”

promised to helpme.
Jack _____________________

2. “We should attend this conference.”

encouraged me to attend
My colleague _____________________ that conference.

3. “I can’t believe we didn’t get the contract. It’s not fair.”

complained about getting
Her boss ____________________ not the contract.

4. A: “Can I hold the meeting here?“ B: “Sure, I’ll lend you the office.”
agreed to to lend us her office.
She ____________________
Answer in the Zoom chat
Class Activity - Check what you know agree - complain - encourage - invite offer -
promise - refuse - suggest

Complete using reported speech and a verb from the box.

5. “I think you should do some research first.”

suggested doing
Sandra _____________________ some research first.

6. “Please be at the next meeting. It’s really important.”

invited me to be
My boss _____________________ at the next meeting. She said it was important.

7. “We will not work with her again.”

refused to work
They ____________________ with her again.

8. “Let me look. I will help you find the bug.”

offered to to help me find the bug.
She ____________________
Answer in the Zoom chat

¡10 minutes!
Writing focus
Note-taking and reporting
One of the greatest failures of every
generation is that it refuses to read the
minutes of the last meeting.
- David A. Noebel
Listening Activity

Listen. Complete the tips on writing meeting minutes.

1. Start with an action review.


2. Write the names of those who attended.


3. Add the agenda.


4. Organise the information.


5. Document all the decisions.


6. Use reporting verbs.


7. Check for mistakes, typos, and omissions.


Answer in the Zoom chat

Listening Activity agree
Listen to an extract from a meeting. Complete the minutes ask
extract with an appropriate reporting verb. offer
agreed remind
1. Last meeting, everyone ___________ to think about the colours.
2. Silvia ___________ highlighting the blue in the logo and use a pale green.
3. Patrick ___________ using yellow, orange or magenta instead.
4. Patrick ___________ to Silvia for not agreeing with her.
5. Silvia ___________ Anna for her thoughts.
6. Anna ___________ the team that the client had said he wanted something ‘tranquil’.
7. Anna ___________ Silvia to share other options.
ordered Answer in the Zoom chat
8. Robert ___________ Peter to make some changes to the mock-up.
Speaking time
How important do you think note-taking and
keeping meeting minutes is?

5 minutes
Wrap up
Can you remember?
What reporting verbs besides ‘say’, ‘tell’ and ‘ask’ are

Answer in the Zoom chat

Home assignment
Writing a meeting minute

Writing a meeting minute

✓ Four team members are discussing a website design proposal for a client. Listen to the meeting and take
notes. Write up the minutes reports using this template. You can download and complete it.

✓ List of people present. Format
✓ Main point in the agenda. ✓ Written
✓ At least eight (8) points made in ✓ DOC, PDF
the meeting. ✓ Name your file: INT_Challenge5_Name Surname
✓ The final decision
Give your opinion
about this lesson
Thank you!

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