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Eastern Integrated Health

Campus (EIHC)

7T Magnet at EGH. Site Considerations

30 May 2023

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Delivery – 7T

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Delivery – 7T

Requires a large crane to lift it off the truck to lower it on a

transport platform. Will require extensive site preparation
and main driveway will be restricted for several hours.
Eastern Integrated Health Campus
Magnetic Interference

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Magnetic Interference False Ceiling height, Above
ceiling space at B1 under the 7T
5G 5G MRI will need to be out of bound
for maintenance personnel

Some areas of
5G line will be
inside Z-1 ,
Potential 5G line under fault condition
hence the room
size will need to
be increased.

Potential 5G line under

Potential 5G line under


fault condition

fault condition
Potential 5G line under fault condition

5G line may
expand under
fault conditions
to 6m radially
and 9m axially

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Electrical requirements

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Quench Pipe Min
600mm Diameter,

Delivery – 7T other services will

need to divert because
of it

Only 1m 2F
below beams 400mm min. Slab
due to recess required for
requirement shielding
of 4m clear
inside the Engineered Smoke
scan room for Exhaust duct
Electrical Services

Plumbing/Fire fighting

False Ceiling
Eastern Integrated Health Campus
Example of 7T – overseas
Standalone building for
7T MRI scanner

Safe distance for Trucks

Safe distance for cars



5G line is within the

MRI room, Equipment
room(Zone III) and
Control room (Zone-

Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, Cambridge UK.

7T MRI is housed in a standalone extension of the main
building. Traffic is controlled around the building when
magnet is operational. Eastern Integrated Health Campus
Electrical Load Peak load – 291 Kva
Installed load – 153 Kva
While the 7t will not add disproportionately to installed load , it does comparatively add higher load than 3t
MRI (110 kva) . Diversity factor to be considered for all large radiography equipment, not just the 7T

Floor Loading 50-ton floor loading required for the heaviest model available today in 2023. Although there is a chance that the weight may
reduce in future models, we will still have to design for the heaviest model available today. This floor loading will substantially
impact the piling foundation design.
Head room Headroom above : 4m headroom required inside the MRI room, due to which the clear head room available above for M&E
services reduces to 1m only below the beams – hence leaving very little room for Mechanical, Electrical services for the MRI
clearance room and the adjoining areas, thus impacting the surrounding spaces as well.

Headroom Below floor : Due to requirement for shielding a slab recess of minimum 400mm is required for the 7T machine,
thus pushing the structure for the spaces below further down. The B1 floor below has a requirement to run Engineered Smoke
Control ducts which primarily run in the Corridors. The Current 7T MRI position occurs in a spot where it lies above the
corridor on B1 thus pushing down the ESCS Duct, the electrical and mechanical services further down and reducing the Ceiling
height to ~2200 mm only which is not acceptable in the corridors below.

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Magnetic Much further 5G line in comparison to the 3G magnets. The 5G line may expand under fault condition and
extend into the Public Corridor. We may have to make the room much larger to avert the risk of a 6.5m radial
Interference magnetic interference.
Delivery It will take a large crane to lift the magnet to the transfer platform, this will obstruct the main drop-off and driveways for an
extended period, Delivery to basement is not an option since the entire ramp, corridor leading to Imaging department may need
Challenges to be strengthened.
No vendor in Singapore has experience of transporting a 7T – 50-ton magnet.

• 7T Magnet is best not to be located in the Basement -1 due to very heavy floor loading requirement and delivery
challenges to hoist down the 50-ton magnet down a hatch.

• 7T Magnet is housed on L1 – It may cause a lot of unforeseen effects on upper and lower floors due to heavier
loading – thicker structure, limited head room for essential M&E services. Additionally, the Magnetic interferences
for the 7T machine are extensive.

• It is seen that 7T magnets are housed in extension/standalone buildings overseas.

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

Updated planning principals based on the information obtained from various tracks

7 Tesla MRI

• Imaging Advances in 7T MRI:

 Enhances cortical imaging detail by minimizing blurring between grey and white matter.
 As the signal-to-noise ratio is more than doubled, what is undetectable or unclear in a 3T
MRI may be clearly identified in a 7T system.

• Clinical benefits of 7T MRI:

 Small multiple sclerosis plaques and their connections to cerebral veins are more evident,
allowing for earlier identification.
 Diagnosis of tiny intracranial bleeds or other diseases of cerebral blood vessels.
 Detect subtle traumatic brain injury or tiny hemorrhages caused by hypertension or
amyloid angiopathy.
 Small variations in cerebral blood flow can be detected, enabling physicians to create
precise functional maps to prevent harming crucial brain regions during tumor removal
or seizure surgery.

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

7 Tesla vs 3 Tesla MRI

Parameters 3T MRI 7T MRI

Typical Examination Room size (m) 7.5 (L) x 5.5 (W) 11.0 (L) x 6.3 (W)

Typical Equipment / Technical Room size (m) 7.5 (L) x 2.0 (W) 7.6 (L) x 3.7 (W)
Typical Control Room Size 5.5 (L) x 2.5 (W) 5.2 (L) x 2.4 (W)
Magnetic Interference, 0.5 mT, X/Y axis 3500 6500
Magnetic Interference, 0.5 Mt, Z axis (mm) 6030 9000

Magnet Size 2.5 (W) x 2.2 (L) x 2.3 (H) 2.9 (W) x 3.3 (L) x 3.0 (H)
Floor Loading 8,000-13,000 25,000-50,000

Examination Room Clear Height (m) 2.6 4.0

Cost (SGD) Approx. 4.5 mil Approx. 25 mil

Clinical Usage • conducted in paediatrics for therapeutic purposes, particularly • Only patients weighing more than 66 pounds, as well as brain
enhancing spatial and temporal resolution and knee scans, were cleared for usage by the FDA
• Installations are only in research center and isolated sites
Challenges / Risks • Well established and adopted protocols available to manage • Long delivery lead time (requires 2 years)
known risks • Extremely heavy loading (up to 50 tonnes)

Eastern Integrated Health Campus

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