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Natural Resources and Their Conservation

Submitted by: Shilpa verma JVWU (student), Jaipur

Topics covered
Definition of natural resources.
Their classification. Their uses. Their management.

Natural Resources
Any material which can be transformed in a way that it becomes more valuable and useful, can be termed as a resource. The resources occurring in nature are called natural resources. Soil, water and vegetation are three basic natural resources.

Soil is a natural resource, which is required for production of food, industrial raw materials as well as for generation of energy resources. It is also a natural value, which is protected as natural heritage. Deforestation causes loss of soil Therefore , soil is lack of nutrients and desertification may occur.

Water is a common natural resource that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. Industrial wastes are discharged into the water bodies and has caused serious water pollution. Many aquatic lives are threatened. Besides, the wasteful use of industrial and domestic water may lead to deficiency in ground water reserve.

It is also a natural resource and is used as fuel and food both. The degraded vegetation is used as fuel and the fresh ones as food. petrol, natural gas etc. are formed from plants. According to the statistics, the loss in trees is more than 1 billion hectares every year. Many organisms that live on trees lose their habitat due to deforestation.

It is a source of light energy. This energy is used by all life forms . The sun has produced energy for billions of years. Solar energy is the suns rays (solar radiation) that reach the earth. Solar energy can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. In the 1830s, the British astronomer John Herschel used a solar thermal collector box (a device that absorbs sunlight to collect heat) to cook food during an expedition to Africa. Today, people use the sun's energy for lots of things.

Types of resources
Based on continual utility: - renewable resources - non-renewable resources - cyclic resources Based on origin: - biotic resources - abiotic resources

Renewable resources
They can be renewed along with their exploitation i.e.always available for use. There are also non-living resources that are renewable, such as hydroelectric power, solar power, biomass fuel, and wind power. If renewable resources are consumed at a rate above their natural rate of replacement, the standing stock will diminish and eventually run out. e.g. trees,animals, soil, water.etc.

Non-renewable resources
A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that exists in a fixed amount that cannot be re-made, re-grown or regenerated as fast as it is consumed and used up. Some non-renewable resources can be renewable but take an extremely long time to renew. Fossil fuels, for example, take millions of years to form and so are not practically considered 'renewable'. E.g.oil, coal, natural gas etc.

Cyclic resources

They do not have any final use and can be used continuously.

e.g. Water

Biotic resources
They are obtained from biosphere or organic matter.
E.g. animals, plants, etc.

Abiotic resources
They are obtained from non-living inorganic matter. E.g. land, water, iron, copper, minerals, rocks etc.

Uses of natural resources

Coal, oil and natural gas provide us with almost all of the energy we use to light, heat and run our world. Minerals are ingredients in almost all of the products we use from fertilizer to plastics, from toothpaste to kitty litter, from knives to plates.


A view of Sunderban Biosphere Reserve

Renuka wetland in Lesser Himalaya

A view of a mangrove forest

Coral (Acropora spp.) needs conservation and management

A view of the forest of Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand

Panthera tigris (female) - needs protected habitat

To address the problems of environment and development holistically, the Ministry has enunciated several policy instruments which takes into consideration various cross-sectoral issues having a direct bearing on conservation and sustainable uses of natural resources including forestry and wildlife.


Thank You!!!

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