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Education is the means for
achieving the goals of sociology.
Education is the laboratory and
workshop of sociology .
Sociology attempts to ascertain
the functions performed by the
educational system while
education adopts the principles of
sociology to improve its
Meaning of Sociology
• The term “ SOCIOLOGY” is composed of two words.
• Latin word ‘ Socius’ means Companion or Associate,
• Greek word ‘ Logos’ means Study .
• So the word literally means the study of companionship,
or social relations.
Definitions of sociology
• “ Sociology is a general science of society”. -An
-Kingsley Davis

• “Sociology is the study of relationship of human with social, physical, biological and
cultural aspects”.
• “Sociology is the study of human social life groups and societies”.
-Anthony Giddens
Meaning of Education
• The term “EDUCATION” has been derived from
the Latin word 'Educatum’ which means ‘the act of
teaching or training’.
• Etymologically, the word Education is derived
from the Latin word “Educare” which means ‘to
bring out’ or ‘to lead out’ or ‘to raise’.
Definitions of Education
• “Education is the self-realization and service of the people”.
-Guru Nanak
• “Education, in it’s broadest sense, is the means of the social continuity”.
-John Dewey
• “Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity
which are latent in the mind of every man”.
Inter-Relationship between Education
and Sociology
• An individual can learn very little by himself. Others play a very important
role and contribute a lot to his learning process. The presence of other persons
is important because a person learns from the knowledge gained by others.
Therefore the process of getting education is always a social process.
According to Finney and Zeleny define educational sociology
“the discipline which interprets educational problems on the basis of sociology”.
• Education takes place in the society and thus a social thing.
• Sociology studies the structure and functions of social systems while
education is one of the important functions of any social systems.
• Education helps to minimize the conflict among
the different groups of people belong to unequal
Social stratification by providing equal ability
understanding and opportunities.
• Values and duties taught by education enables a
person to assimilate in the society.
• Sociology contributes greatly to the planning execution,
monitoring and evaluation of educational process.
• Education relinquishes the dire consequences of social
• The study of society assists in the management of special
education for need group and implement inclusive education/
education for all .
• Education contributes to social change and transmission of
culture which are sociological issues.
Objectives of Educational Sociology
• To acquire Knowledge in relation to sociological perspective.
• To understand the role of teacher in the relation to society and social progress.
• Make the use of sociological principles in education.
• To develop a curriculum that educates properly about all aspects of the society.
• To understand the needs of the society in which the school functions.
• To understand the ways and means of developing healthy teacher-student relationship.
• Foster social change in the educational system necessary to fulfill the changing needs of the society.
• Education and Sociology is significantly
related to each. Education is the part of the
society. Society determines the standpoint for
the education.
• Prof : Nagarajan. K(2022) Contemporary India and Education, Chennai, Sriram publishers.
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