Industrial Therapy

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Presented by
Partheeban S
MPT 1st year
Traditional medical model sequential
Industrial therapy model team approach
Worker care spectrum
Industrial therapy team
Auxiliary team
The auxiliary team members in industrial therapy,by
virtue of influence ,play an essential role on the
expected outcome ;return to work.
Physicians providing service to the injured worker
have various specialties including the specialization in
industrial or occupational medicine.
The role of physician often in frequent interaction
with the vocational rehabilitation consultant is to
complete a diagnostic work up ,provide or prescribe
appropriate medical tests or treatment and monitor
the progression of the healing process.
The empolyers role in industrial rehabilitation is
indeed powerful.
The relationship maintained with the worker prior to
and during the rehabilitation process ultimately the
achievement of the primary goal ;return to work.
Traditionally the relationship of the family to the
worker has been one of financial dependency.
Family members need to encourage the worker to
assume responsibility for the rehabilitation process
and ultimate return to work.
They should encourage and reinforce the injured
workers diligence in performing home programs
especially over the weekends when therapy is not
available .
The attorney has the responsibility to represent the
clients best interests in a timely manner particularly if
the right of the injured worker are in jeopardy.
The attorney responsibility to see that all the
necessary documents pertaining to the job and
medical history are obtained and that a good case
history is completed.
The attorney often fulfills the role of case manager and
is therefore responsible for assuring that the client
receive the appropriate rehabilitation services
When return to work issue are clouded it is the
attorney responsibility to see that return to work
requirement are made possible or that alternative
services are provided that will afford the client the
opportunity to return to the working community.
Primary rehabilitation team
The primary rehabilitation team members are those
most directly involved in the rehabilitation process
When reviewing the job descriptions of these team
members one will note many overlaps in functions
Physical therapist
In 1991 the APTA assembled an industrial
rehabilitation advisory committee to develop
guidelines identifying the role of PT distinguishing
between the contemporary practices of work
conditioning and work hardening as well as
standardizing terminology.
The guidelines were approved by APTA in november
of 1992.
Work conditioning is defined as programs focusing on
physical issue of flexibility, strength, endurance,
coordination and work related functions for the goal of
returning to work.
Work hardening is identified as being
interdisciplinary in nature focusing on the physical ,
functinal ,behavioural and vocational needs of the
injured worker with the goal being returning to work.
Occupational therapist
In 1986 AOTA published guideline for work
hardening and in 1989 published the book work in
progress –occupational therapy in work programs .
The role of OT personels is defined as providing an
individualized , work oriented activity process that
involves a client in simulated or actual work tasks .
These tasks are structured and graded progressively to
increase psychological ,physical,and emotional
tolerance and improve endurance ,general productivity
and work feasibility.
Vocational rehabilitation consultant
VR as a process is goal oriented ,is comprised of an
individualized sequence of services designed to assist
the injured worker to achieve vocational
adjustment ,culminating in gainful activity and
rendering that worker a productive wage earning ,tax
paying member of society.
The injured worker enters into the rehabilitation process
not only with physical injury but also the psychological
complexities associated with this interruption in life
These psychological overlays may delay or alter the
injured workers progress in the rehabilitation process
and return to work.
Manifestations of decreased motivation , frustration ,
anger, fear and anxiety or depression often cause
resistance to participation in the rehabilitation process.
The role of the psychologist to help the injured
worker establish a stable ,emotional status that is
conducive to reinstatement as a team member with a
positive goal oriented focus.
The goal of treatment is to decrease the injured
workers psychological distress and increase their
taking control ,also to provide the other team
members a framework within which they are to
respond to the injured workers behavioral patterns .
Both must work under the direct supervision of a PT or
In work hardening their responsibilities include
supervising the worker performing their exercises and
work simulation tracks .
They may participated in the evaluation process if
appropriately trained , provide general supervision of the
workers daily activities , assist in the development of work
circuits ,upgrade daily work task assignments ,monitor
body mechanics ,and participate in providing group
activities and educational components.
Exercise physiologist
Responsibilities include fitness and exercise testing
with development of an exercise prescription
Assessment may include strength , flexibility , body
composition and submaximal or maximal exercise
cycle or treadmill testing.
They may be responsible for developing the
conditioning exercise program and monitoring its
content , frequency , duration , intensity and
Warm up , stretching and cool down programs should
also be under.
They also contributes to the educational components ,
especially in the areas of fitness , body mechanics and
Work simulator technician
They function under the direct supervision of core
team member.
Responsibilities include designing and constructing
work station to simulate the injured workers job tasks ,
then monitoring the workers performance with special
attention to safety , pacing , work habits and progress
towards job goals.
This technician may participate in job site evaluations
and work station modification.
Social worker
They also participate in the intake interview process
and then counsel the client pertaining to social or
vocational problems arising from the workers injury.
They arrange for services not provided within the
programs and make appropriate referrals to the
community resources.
Rehabilitation nurse
They can monitor the clients medical status and
medications and can provide education in health
related behaviors and their relationship to the work
It may include nutrition, monitoring vital signs ,
blood pressure , use of medications , substance abuse
and other medical condition as indicated.
External service providers
Case manager
The case manager is typically a rehabilitation
professional often a vocational rehabilitation
consultant ,who either works directly for an insurance
company or a private rehabilitation service provider.
The case manager assumes the responsibility of
triaging appropriate service for the injured worker in a
cost effective manner.
The case manager coordinates the services provided
and facilitates the communication between all team
members and service providers.
Office support services
Most industrial therapy programs require the support
services of a marketing representative and clerical
This programs needs to develop a marketing plan,
including designing marketing materials .
Thank you

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