English Q3 Week6 Days-1-5

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Retelling Events

Day 1

Retell and/or reenact

events from a story
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the primary goal of expository text

a. entertain b. inform
c. inspire d. motivate
2. A problem and one or more solutions to the
problem is outlined.

a. description
b. cause and effect
c. problem and solution
d. compare and contrast
3. Information is presented by detailing how two or
more things or events are alike or different.

a. description
b. cause and effect
c. problem and solution
d. compare and contrast
4. A topic is described by listing characteristics,
features, attributes, and examples.

a. sequence
b. description
c. cause and effect
d. compare and contrast
5. Items or events are listed in numerical or
chronological sequence, either explicitly or implied.

a. description
b. sequence
c. cause and effect
d. problem and solution
Below is an example of a short story.

The Garden
The Garden
Julia and Anna went gardening yesterday. They
watered the plants and bushes. Julia picked up the
dried leaves and threw them in the garbage bin.
Anna planted sunflower seeds. After doing their
tasks, they sat under the tree and ate apples and
bananas. They immediately went back to their
house because it rained.
Answer the following questions:

• Where did Julia and Anna go?

• What did Julia do in the garden?
• What did Anna do in the garden?
• Why did they go back to their house?
We hear and read various interesting stories but
sometimes we can’t seem to recall even the most
important details or parts of the story we just

Today, we will learn one of the most important

skills in reading and that is retelling.
Retelling events is a skill which we use regularly, such
as telling someone about our day or weekend. It is a
difficult task and requires many smaller skills to be
developed first.

In retelling events, you have to remember or act out all

important events, but it would be better if you can
remember the entire story.
Read the short story below. Choose the best answer for
each question. Write the letters of your answers in your

Hamburger Sunday
Michelle and her friends have hamburgers every Sunday
night for dinner. She helps her friend Lily prepare the buns.
When the ham is done, Michelle sets the table. Everyone
enjoys the delicious hamburgers!
_____1. What do Michelle and her friends eat on
A. hotdog B. hamburger C. fries
_____2. What do Michelle and Lily prepare?
A. hotdog B. sauce C. buns
_____3. What does Michelle do after cooking the
A. eats B. sets the table C. goes home
Read the short story below. Choose the best answer for each
question. Write the letters of your answers in your notebook.

Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood
Mother gave Red Riding Hood a basket of food for
Granny. On her way through the woods, Red met the
wolf. The wolf ran ahead to Granny’s house and
pretended that he was Granny. “What big eyes you
have!,” said Red. “And what big ears you have!” Red
screamed when the wolf tried to eat her. The woodcutter
came and frightened the wolf away.
_____1. Who went to visit her granny?
A. Red Riding Hood B. Fox C. Woodcutter
_____2. Who said “What big eyes you have”?
A. Red Riding Hood B. Fox C. Woodcutter
_____3. Who frightened the wolf away?
A. Red Riding Hood B. Fox C. Woodcutter
Retelling and reenacting events are two
important skills that you must have to
check how you understand a particular
story. In doing these, you need to actively
listen and focus on the details or
information presented to you.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and
FALSE if not. Do this in your notebook.
______1. Retelling events refers to remembering
what we read or listened to.
______2. You must read the story again while
______3. It is okay to forget the important details
of the story in retelling it.
What is
How will you retell
To retell stories, you have to
listen/ read about the story
carefully to remember the
important details from it.
Directions: Read the story and answer the questions that
follow. Circle the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

Be Kind
Tito and Belen were going home. Tito saw a nest. It has
three little birds. “I will take the birds home,” said Tito.
“No, Tito,” said Belen. “For sure, the mother bird will look
for her baby birds. Do not take them away.”
1. What did Tito see?
A.A hen’s nest
B. A bird’s nest
C.A duck’s nest.
2. How many little birds were there?
B. three
3. What did Tito want to do?
A. Take the birds home.
B. Sell the birds.
C.Cook the birds.
4. Who would look for the birds?
A. The mother bird
B. Tito’s mother
C.Tito’s sister
5. Tito and Belen saw the bird nest while
going to school.

A. True
B. False
Directions: Draw scenes to reenact the passage.

1. My mother loves to take care of plants.

2. I help her in keeping her plants healthy and beautiful.
3. I water them everyday.
4. I put fertilizer near the soil.
5. I also remove the dry leaves from them.
Retelling Events

Day 2

Retell and/or reenact

events from a story
Checking and presenting
of assignment in the
Directions: Read the story. Put a check (/) if the event is
found in the story and (x) if it is not. Write your answer on
a sheet of paper.

Beautiful Dream
by: Eleonor T. Placido
It was a fun day at Enchanted Kingdom. Everyone
is excited to enjoy at the amusement park. Renzo
rode in Vikings. He did not feel nervous at all.
Afterwards, he tried to experience Space Shuttle.
He enjoyed roaming around the park. Suddenly, he
heard his Mom waking him and telling him to
prepare for school.
1. Renzo rode in Vikings.
2. Renzo bought popcorn and drinks while
roaming around the park.
3. Everyone is excited to enjoy at the amusement
4. Renzo did not feel nervous at all.
5. Renzo tried to experience Ferris Wheel
Most children love to read stories. When reading a
story, it is helpful to make a picture in our mind of
the important events that happened in the story.
Pictures also help us to remember the proper
sequence of the events that happened in the story. It
can help us to tell the story in our own words or to
tell the story again
Retelling is a strategy that readers use to think
about what they are reading. It is a part of our
everyday life. When we retell a story, we tell
the important parts, in the right order. It
allows children to learn, organize and describe
events which enhances reading
In reenactment, children try to get the details as close to the
original as possible. They perform it through action.

Here are the important details to be identified in retelling a

 Character
 Setting
 Events (Beginning, Middle, Ending)
Read the short story below. Choose the best answer for
each question. Write the letters of your answers in your

Amber the Ant and the Dove

One hot day, Amber the Ant was searching for some
water. He came to a spring. But to reach it, he had
to climb up a blade of grass. While making his way
up, he slipped and fell into the water. A dove sitting
on the nearby tree saw him and quickly plucked a
leaf and dropped it into the water to save the
drowning ant.
_____1. Where did the ant climb to get some water?
A. tree B. vine C. blade of grass
_____2. How did the Dove save the ant?
A. plucked a leaf and dropped it in the water
B. swam
C. called a friend
_____3. If you were the Dove and you saw an ant drowning,
what would you do?
A. save the ant B. fly and enjoy C. go home
Read the short story. Select the best answer for every
question. Write the letters of your answers in your

Harry and the Purple Crayon

Harry is very imaginative. One day, he decided to
go for a walk. He took with him his favorite purple
crayon. He drew the moon. It started following him
in his path as he continued his walk. Along the
road, he drew his favorite tree with his purple
crayon. Moving a little further, he drew a beautiful
sea with a boat to sail.
______1. Who is the main character in the story?
A. Peter B. Gary C. Harry
______2. What is the favorite color of the main
A. blue B. purple C. pink
______3. What was the last thing that Harry drew?
A. moon B. tree C. sea
Directions: Read the story. Using the train figure, retell by writing the
events that happened in the story entitled Lexi. Use the following
questions as guide. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

by: Eleonor T. Placido
Lexi is an industrious girl. Everyday, she tries to
wake up early to do her daily activities in their
house. Lexi also helps her mother cleaning the
house and washing the dishes. She eats healthy
meals and exercises as well. She reads and
answers her modules carefully. During her free
time, she watches her favorite TV shows.
1. Who is the character in the story?
2. What kind of girl is Lexi?
3. When does Lexi do her activities?
4. Where does it happen?
5. What are her daily activities? Write at least
three activities.
What is
How will you retell
Retelling involves telling what is
important in the story without telling too

Retelling a story should be done in

sequence. Sequence is the order in which
things happen.
Directions: Read the short story then answer the questions.
Circle the letter of the correct answer.

Busy Children
It was Saturday. “Let us clean the
house,“ said Gloria. “I will clean the
yard,” said Nilo.
“I will pull out the grass then I will
sweep the yard. After that, I will
water the plants,” said Lina.
1. What day was it?
A.Monday B. Saturday C. Friday
2. Who asked that they clean the house?
A.Nilo B. Mother C. Gloria
3. What will Nilo do?
A.He will clean the garden.
B. He will help clean the house.
C.He will clean the yard.
4. What will Lina do first?
A. She will sweep the yard.
B. She will water the plants.
C. She will pull out the grass.

5. What will Lina do with the grass?

A. Water them
B. Plant them
C. Pull them out
Retelling Events

Day 3

Retell and/or reenact

events from a story
Reenact the story of Harry and the Purple Crayon in front
of the class.

Then, ask them to give their comments about your

performance using the questions below.
1. Was I able to reenact the events well?
2. Did I include all important details in reenacting the
Let us read a story and check how much we understood it by being
able to retell its different parts or events.

“Haley’s Dream”
Today is the day Haley has been waiting for. First,
she took a bath and wore her new clothes. Next, she
went down to the kitchen to eat a hearty breakfast.
After eating, she and her mom immediately rode a
taxi and went to the airport. When they reached the
airport, they checked-in their luggage at the counter.
Finally, the announcer said that they could already
board the airplane. Haley’s dream of flying is
finally going to come true! Now, let us retell the
story using our own words. Remember that we only
need to mention the important details when retelling
a story. Also, we will tell the events in the order of
how it happened in the story.
Who among you can retell the story?

According to the story, Haley first took a bath and

wore her new clothes. Next, she ate her breakfast
then rode a taxi going to the airport. At the airport
they checked-in their luggage and finally, the
announcer said they could board the airplane.
Retelling a story read is one of many skills that contributes
to your ability to understand what you read. It involves
telling what is important in the story without telling too

Also, retelling a story should be done in sequence.

Sequence is the order in which things happen. Remember
to use time order words when retelling-first, next, then,
after that, finally.
Directions: Read the story then answer the questions. Circle
the letter of the correct answer.

The Ugly Duckling

Mother Duck sat on her eggs to hatch. One
morning, the eggs began to crack. Five pretty
chicks came out of their shells. But one egg has not
hatched. So, Mother Duck sat down to wait. Then
the egg finally cracked. Out came a chick with ugly
feathers. That chick was not a duckling. It was a
beautiful swan when it grew up.
1. What did Mother Duck do?
A. Sat on her eggs
B. Swam in the pond
C. Played with her chicks
2. Why did Mother Duck sit on her eggs?
A. To hide them
B. To crack them
C. To hatch them
3. How many eggs were hatched first?
A. four
B. five
C. six
4. What kind of chick came out last?
A. beautiful duckling
B. big duckling
C. ugly duckling
Directions: Arrange the events according to the order of its sequence.
Write numbers 1-5 on the space before the number.

______ Mother Duck sat on her eggs to hatch.

______ Five pretty chicks came out of the shells.
______ Then out came a chick with ugly feathers.
______ The eggs began to crack.
______ The chick with the ugly feather became a beautiful swan.
Color the bulb yellow if the statement inside is true, color it
blue if not.

Retelling involves telling what is

important in the story without
telling too much.

Retelling a story should be

done in sequence. Sequence
is the order in which things
What is
How will you
retell/reenact stories?
In retelling and or re-enacting
events from the story you had
heard or read, it is important to
know the essential details that
happened in the story.
Directions: Read the story below then answer the questions. Circle
the letter of the correct answer.

“Look, Father,” shouted Leon.
“Our beans have fruits. Our patola plants have
fruits, too.”
“Let us pick some of them,” Father said.
“We shall sell them in the market. Mother will
cook some too.”
1. Who saw the fruits of the beans and the patola?
A. Leon B. Father C.Mother
2. What will they do with the fruits?
A. They will eat all of them.
B. They will sell some and eat some.
C.They will give them away.
3. What will Mother do with some of the fruits?
A.Give them away.
B. Cook them.
C.Throw them away.
4. What does Father want to do?
A.He wants to water the vegetables.
B. He wants to pick some of the fruits.
C.He wants to eat the vegetables.
5. The patola plants had fruits first before Father and
Leon picked them.
A. True
B. False

Direction: Ask your parent to tell you

a story about their childhood. Retell it
by illustrating the important events
that happened of the story. Draw it in
a separate sheet of paper
Retelling Events

Day 4

Retell and/or reenact

events from a story
Checking and presenting
of assignment in the
Read the story, then answer the questions after.

Cool Martha!
Martha is such a nice young girl. Her parents are
proud of her. The first thing she would do to start
her day is to help her mother wash the dishes. Next
thing she would do is to water the plants in their
garden. Then she would spend an hour reading her
favorite books. Lastly, she would give her parents a
big kiss before the day ends!
1. What is the first thing that Martha does at the
start of the day?

2. What does she do next after washing the dishes?

3. What is the last thing that Martha does before the

end of each day?
In retelling and or re-enacting events from the
story you had heard or read, it is important to
know the essential details that happened in the
The most important in retelling or re-enacting
events in the story are the five elements of the story.
And these are the following.
1. Character- the person or individuals in the story.
2. Settings- the place where the story happened.
3. Plot- this is where the action of the story took place.
4. Conflict- the problem in the story.
5. Solution- the way where the problem in the story is
being resolved.
Directions: Read the story below. Choose the letter of the correct
word to retell the story. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

At the Beach
by: Raquel B. Cutanda
It was a nice day for Letty and Rowena. They
decided to go to the beach. They played and
splashed around the water. They made a huge
sandcastle with a tunnel. They looked for
seashells and put them in pails. When the sun
went down, they decided to go home. It was
such a fun day for them.
1. Who were the main characters in the story?
a. Letty and Rowena
b. Lilet and Rosemarie
c. Lorna and Roxanne
d. Lourdes and Rachel

2. The story took place in the _______________.

a. arena b. beach c. park d. yard
3. The beginning of the story is _____________.
a. It was such a fun day for Letty and Rowena.
b. Letty and Rowena decided to go to the beach.
c. Letty and Rowena made a huge sandcastle with a
d. When the sun went down, Letty and Rowena
decided to go home.
4. After they looked for seashells, what they did

a. They went to the beach.

b. They decided to go home.
c. They put the seashells in pails.
d. They played and splashed around the water.
5. What was the ending of the story?
a. They decided to go to the beach.
b. They made a huge sandcastle with a tunnel.
c. They looked for seashells and put them in
d. When the sun went down, they decided to go
Directions: Read the story. Draw a happy face (  ) in the box if the
event is found in the story and sad face (  ) if it is not. Write your
answer on a sheet of paper.

Lito’s Toy
by: Raquel B. Cutanda
Lito has a top. He uses a long yarn to wind the
top and throws it strong. When the top
touches the ground it spins fast and steady. He
always shows his learned tricks to his brother.
He also shows his learned tricks to his friends
and they are glad to learn more from Lito.
1. Lito has a ball toy.

2. Lito always shows his learned tricks

to his brother

3. Lito likes to spin his top fast.

4. Lito’s friends are glad to see that he

can play his toy car.
5. Lito uses a long yarn to wind the
Directions: Recall the events that happened in the story “Lito’s Toy”.
Draw a star ( ) if the picture shows reenactment of the event and
moon ( ) if it does not. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
What is
How will you retell
In retelling and or re-enacting events from the
story you had heard or read, it is important to
know the essential details that happened in the

The most important in retelling or re-enacting

events in the story are the five elements of the
Directions: Retell the story by arranging the events on their proper
order. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

One day, a dog was crossing a brook. It had a bone in its

mouth. While crossing, the dog saw its own image in the
water. The dog thought it was another dog with a bone in
its mouth. It barked at the shadow. As it opened its mouth,
its own bone fell into the water and the greedy dog learned
a lesson.
1. It barked at the shadow.
2. One day, a dog was crossing a brook.
3. While crossing, the dog saw its own image in the
4. Its own bone fell into the water and the greedy
dog learned a lesson.
5. The dog thought it was another dog with a bone
in its mouth
Retelling Events

Day 5

Retell and/or reenact

events from a story

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