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Seminar presented by
Green House
Swami Vivekananda : Idea of India

“ Once more the world must be conquered by

India. This is the dream of my life, and I wish
that each one of you who hear me today will
have the same dream in your minds, and stop
not till you have realised the dream.”
His Plan of Work for India
 He wrote a letter to Sir Subramanya Iyer from New York.
 Later got published as the title “A Plan of Work for India”.
 He first suggested to established a theological society at Madras.

“First, it would be well to open a Theological College in Madras, and
then gradually extend its scope, to give a thorough education to young
men in the Vedas and the different Bhashyas and philosophies,
including a knowledge of the other religions of the world. At the same
time a paper in English and the vernacular should be started as an
organ of the college.”
Secondly, he felt the necessity to overhaul the society of
the country. He states –

“I fully agree with the educated classes in India that a

thorough overhauling of society is necessary. But how to
do it ? The destructive plans of reformers have failed. My
plan is this. We have not done badly in the past, certainly
not. Our society is not bad but good, only I want it to be
better still. Not from error to truth, nor from bad to good,
but from truth to higher truth, from good to better, best. I
tell my countrymen that so far they have done well – now
is the time to do better.”
He discussed on the caste system of India

> Caste in Sanskrit, Jati is, species.

> Jati also means creation.

> The original idea of Jati was the freedom of the individual to
express his nature, his nature, his Prakriti, his Jati his caste, and so it
remained for thousands of years.

> The present caste is not the real Jati but a hindrance to its progress.

> It really has presented the free action of Jati that is caste or

> According to him, the countrymen can rise only when the caste
barriers are broken.
Religion as the main current of India.

“Each nation has a main current in life; in India it is

religion. Make it strong and the waters on either side
must move along with it. This is one phase of my
line of thought. In time, I hope to bring them all out,
but at present I find I have a mission in this country
also. Moreover, I expect help in this country and
from here alone. But up to date I could not do
anything except spreading my ideas. Now I want
that a similar attempt be made in India.”
Hinduism as his Major Idea
=> In his first major speech before the world’s parliament of
religions in 1893 he defined the idea “Hinduism”.

=> According to him: “The Christian is not to become a

Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a
Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others
and yet preserve his own law of growth.
Concept of Universal Brotherhood
> Swami Vivekananda, the “Hindu Yogi”, is one such figure
in history.

> He was dedicated towards promoting “Universal


> The true meaning of brotherhood has to inculcate and


> Brotherhood may be Christian or Muslim brotherhood

which is proof of pity mindedness but of Hindu Dharma is
far broad and based on the vision of life – based on oneness.
Importance of universal Tolerations and Acceptance :

-> The message of Universal Brotherhood is based

on universal tolerance and acceptance.

-> In his speech status that he is so proud to belong

to religion which has taught the world both tolerance
and universal acceptance.

-> According to him when one accepts someone of

his own, then the feelings of brotherhood pervades.
Expression of Sanatana Dharma:
-> As in the Chicago speech he provides an
expression of the great message of Sanatana Dharma.

-> This message gave inspiration to many freedom

fighters like Subhash Chandra Bose, Yogi Arvind,
B.R. Ambedkar and others.

> Swami Vivekananda, the great patriot and the great

spiritual man in the country who wanted a genuine
development, global spirituality and peace in the wall.

> His ideals are the key sources of weapon to remove

darkness in Indian society.

> His new understanding of religion, new contribution to

Hinduism, sense of unity, pride in the past are the factor
which give strength in India’s National Movement.

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