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5W 1H question

Group 15 :
Putri Anggraeni
( 20142011037 )

Salsabila Nurfayza Suhandi

( 20142011043 )
Table of contents

1 Definition of 5w 1h question

2 Sample 5w 1h questions and answers

5w 1h question
The 5W1H sentence element is a
method used to gather information,
develop a story, or solve a problem
easily. If translated, this formula has
elements called what, when, where,
who, why, and how.
6 question words
1 What 2 When 3 Where

4 Who 5 6 How
1 What
The what element, which means 'Apa ‘ in
Indonesian, serves to explain the events
that are the topic of discussion. This
element asks the essence of the problem
from the events presented. (What; used to
ask for a name, an object, event, opinion)
For example :
1) What is your name?
• My name is Risa.
2) What do you have any pets?
• I keep cats
3) What happened last night?
• The car accident happened last night.
4) what do you think about me?
• You're a friendly person
2 When
The when element or 'Kapan' is an
element that focuses on the time the
event occurred. This element contains
the day, date and year. (when; used to
ask for time)
For example :
1) When did they meet?
• They meet last week .
2) When are you going to Majalengka?
• I will go to Majalengka tomorrow.
3) When was the last time you visited family?
• The last time I went home and visited family
was last year’s Eid.
3 Where
The element where or 'Di mana' is
an element of information that
describes the scene or problem that
is happening. (Where; used to ask
for a place)
For example :
1) Where do you live?
• I live in an apartment.
2) Where is your favorite place while on vacation?
• flower garden my favorite place while on vacation.
3) Where did you buy that cute bag?
• I bought this cute bag at the mall.
4 Who
The element who or ‘Siapa’ is an
element that refers to the subject or
actor of the event being discussed.
You can explain about the person,
character, or group that is the source.
(Who; used to ask someone)
For example :
1) Who opened the window?
• Rendi opened the window.
2) Who are you waiting for?
• I’m waiting for Nina.
3) Who took the money from the drawer?
• The money in the drawer is taken by Tono.
5 Why
The why element or 'Kenapa’
explains the background or
reason for the incident. (Why;
used to ask why)
For example :
1) Why do you learn English?
• Because I want to be an English teacher
2) Why don't you go to school?
• Sorry, I didn’t go to school because of
3) Why do you prefer to watch horror movies?
• Because I like horror storylines.
6 How
Elements of how or "Bagaimana"to explain a
method or description of a certain event.
This element is made to support the "why"
element that was previously described in the
series of events. (How; used to ask the
process about something)
example :
1) How are you?
• I am fine
2) How do you go to campus?
• I went to Campus by car.
3) What do you think if we go on vacation to
• I really agree that we spend our vacation time by
going on an excursion to Dufan.

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