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New Lower Secondary Curriculum

December 2022

Identifying dangers of an
imbalanced education.

• Which of the four illustrations can best represent a Ugandan

• Do you think education can address these challenges in
• To produce citizens with employable skills,
who are competitive in the job market.
Competency Based Education (KUSVA)
It is a kind of education in which the learner acquires :-

a)Knowledge (The Head)(facts, concepts and principles)

b)Understanding (How is it applicable in real life

c)Skills (The Hand)(Doing: Of what good is it to know it if you
can’t do it?)

d)Values- (The Heart) (relating with self and others)

e)Attitudes (how we perceive things)
Skills can be categorized into two types
1. Scientific skills
2. Subject specific skills


3. Acquisitive skills:- Ability to acquire and possess information(e.g)

Listening ,observing ,searching ,inquiring etc
4. Organizational skills :-Capacity to manage and stay focused on
different tasks by using time ,energy and mental
strength(eg)Recording, comparing ,constrating,classifying etc 5

1.Acquisitive skills:- Ability to acquire and possess

Listening ,observing ,searching ,inquiring etc
2.Organizational skills :-Capacity to manage and stay
focused on different tasks by using time ,energy and
mental strength(eg)Recording,
comparing ,constrating,classifying etc 6
3. Creative skills :- Ability to precieve and think in an
imagination approach about physical occurrences to
able one find hidden pattern (eg) Designing, Inventing
and Synthesizing etc
4. Manipulative skills :-Ability to physically interact with
materials or proceedures to help in underlying principles
Demonstrating ,experimenting ,constructing ,calibrating
5. Communication skills:- Ability to effectively inquire
and engage others to obtain information
include ,questioning, discussing, explaining reporting

• Specific skills demonstrate to show competency
among learners for a given subject
• In your group
• (a) identify specific skills for your subject
• (b) justify ways to demonstrate each skill to show
competency among learners

Participants should be able to:
 Understand the types of test items to be used for End
of year Summative assessment.

 Develop short response and situational test items and

their respective assessment criteria and grids

Key Points
Short response test items;
• Are most effective if based on prompts/scenarios such as a
small collection of data, a description of a situation, a graph(s),
quotes, a paragraph, or any cluster of the kinds of raw
• Can be constructed to require learners to apply
knowledge/concepts, or synthesize and analyse data and text.
• Should consist of tasks/questions which require the learner to
process and think through the material provided and question
significantly before answering. Minimise recall.
• Cannot be subjected to universal assessment criteria
• The assessor can fix specific success criteria and
levels of performance for each item. This is termed
as level marking.
What are situational test
Situational Test Items:
• Present a learner with problem situations to be solved.
• Task the learner to search his/her cognitive domain in order to
come up with relevant learnings which are necessary for solving
the problem presented.
• Are designed to assess achievement of a competency.
• Focus on assessing higher order thinking skills (HOT) only.
• Are very similar to the Activities of integration used in end of topic
• Are scored using assessment/scoring grids.
Developing Situational items
Example one:
During a hunting mission, a chief came across a glittering stone which he
picked thinking that it was gold. When he took the stone home, he tried to
convince his family members that he had found gold and was going to
become rich. His family members did not accept that the stone had gold in it
and a disagreement started.
As a science student, prepare a comprehensive written message that would
be used to settle the disagreement among the family members. (10 scores)
Criterion 1 Criterion 2 Criterion 3 Criterion 4
Relevance Accuracy Coherence Excellence
 Scores 3 if the  Scores 3 if the response  Scores 3 if the response explains  Scores 1 for
Written response presents 6 presents 6 or more correct 6 or more ideas/steps relating to presenting
explanation or more ideas/steps ideas/steps relating to determining the density of the information
indicating how relating to determining the density of a stone in a logical order; up to which is
determining density stone including the formula determining whether the sone unsolicited in
the density of including the formula and apparatus. contains gold or not.
the stone is the task, but
and apparatus.  Scores 2 if the response presents
reinforces the
measured to  Scores 2 if the  Scores 2 if the response 4 to 5 ideas/steps of determining
effectiveness of
confirm response presents 4 presents 4 to 5 correct the density of the stone in a
to 5 ideas/steps ideas/steps relating to logical order; up to determining the procedure
whether it is and solution to
relating to determining the density of a whether the stone contains gold
gold or not. determining density. or not. the
 Scores 1 if the  Scores 1 if the response presents disagreement.
response presents 1  Scores 1 if the response 1 to 3 ideas/steps of determining
scores to 3 ideas/steps presents 1 to 3 correct the density of the stone and
relating to ideas/steps relating to whether it contains gold or not X/1
determining density. determining the density of a without any logical flow; with some
X/3 stone. distortions in the explanation.
Africa, the world’s second most populated continent now has
more than 1 billion people. The continent is experiencing very
rapid population growth. By 2050, its population is expected to
reach 2.4 billion and it will be the home to one quarter of the
world’s population; and almost 40% of it will be children under
18 years. Africa’s rapidly growing population presents an
opportunity and several problems. The opportunity lies in the
benefits the continent can get from a very large and young
population. However, if Africa’s population is not well planned,
it could turn into a burden.

You are the minister for Planning and Economic Development

for your country and you have been invited for the African
Annual Conference on Population and development.
Prepare a written policy paper of about 250 words, on how
Africa can turn its rapidly growing population into opportunities
for development, which you will present at the conference.
Relevance Excellence

Written policy paper

Written advice paper of about 300 words
Opportunities for development
associated with population
 Scores 3 if the response
presents 4 or more ideas relating
to benefits of a large population.
 Scores 3 if response presents 4 
or more correct ideas relating to
benefits of a large population.
Scores 3 if 4 or more ideas
relating to benefits of a large
population flow logically

  Scores 1 if the
on how to make a response presents an
 Scores if 2 the response without any distortions.
large population  More income through taxes, presents 3 ideas relating to  Scores 2 if the response  Scores 2 if 3 or more ideas idea(s) unsolicited in
resourceful  Larger market, benefits of a large population. presents 3 correct ideas relating relating to benefits of a large the task, but improves
 Larger labour force,  Scores if 1 the response to benefits of a large population. population do not flow the value of the
 Increased creativity and presents 2 or less ideas relating logically; with some response or the
innovativeness, to benefits of a large population.  Scores 1 if response presents 2 distortions. effectiveness of the
 Making use of idle resources X/3 or less correct ideas relating to  Scores 1 if only 1 idea relating policies suggested.
benefits of a large population. to benefits of a large
X/3 population flows logically.

 Scores 3 if the response  Scores 3 if the response


Policies for realization of

benefits of a large  Scores 3 if the response presents 3 correct policy ideas presents 3 policy ideas
presents 3 policy ideas relating relating to realizing the benefits relating to realizing the
to realizing the benefits of rapid of rapid population growth. benefits of rapid population
Max = 19 scores population growth. growth explained logically
 Provision of skill-based
 Scores 2 if the response  Scores 2 if the response without any distortions.
presents 2 policy ideas relating presents 2 correct policy ideas  Scores 2 if the response
to realizing the benefits of rapid relating to realizing the benefits presents 2 policy ideas
 Primary health care and relating to realizing the
population growth. of rapid population growth.
medical care,  Scores 1 if the response benefits of rapid population
presents 1 policy idea relating to  Scores 1 if the response growth with some distortions.
 Educate women on realizing the benefits of rapid presents 1 correct policy idea  Scores 1 if the response
family planning, population growth. relating to realizing the benefits presents 1policy idea relating
X/3 of rapid population growth. to realizing the benefits of
 Modernise agriculture in rapid population growth with
rural areas, X/3 many distortions.

 Invest in industries

Total X/19 scores

Activity 3
In subject groups, chose a topic from the syllabus, and using
your knowledge of the AoI;
i. Develop one situational Test Item and its Evaluation grid.
ii. What aspects have you taken into consideration while
developing the item?
iii.Share your responses to the plenary.
Key Points
In situational Test Items;
Assess a single competency, Every situational item should focus
on one competency.
Include relevant supports, Essential visual materials should be
provided as part of the problem situation to help the test taker
visualise the problem at hand.
Provide clear directions, Explicitly state what the test taker is
expected to do to successfully attempt the task; including
conditions for resolution.
Tasks should not be interdependent, If the
solution is to be given in more than one output,
the first task(s) should not provide clues or .
answers to other tasks in the item.
Scoring is guided by universal assessment
Scores do not depend on the number of points
raised but on the overall quality of the output. Not
scored on a point-for-point basis.
Assessment focuses on higher order thinking
skills (HOT) only.

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