Final Project Presentation Template

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Programming Final

(Psst! just go to http://pihost and you can get to the page!)

By Skye Parker
(Not a crab!)
Learn Something
● What did you learn?
●I learned about the BootStrap CSS Framework which made it way easier to
style the page.
●I learned about the special version of Flask you need to even use Bootstrap.
● Why did you choose this topic?
●I’ve been interested in web development since I started programming as a
wee little kid.
● Why should others be interested in this topic?
●Because Full Stack Development is a fairly easy field that doesn’t receive
much love!
Learn Something
● What steps did you take to learn this topic?
I started by making a simple web page. Followed by researching how to make
a simple login page, and implementing that. Then I added persistence by
researching and implementing cookies. Finally I figured out how to send
messages to a discord server using requests and a webhook, allowing me to
create the image chat!
● Did you follow any tutorials?
I followed multiple W3Schools tutorials and the documentation for Bootstrap.
Make Something
I made a website that lets you login, sign up, send images to your friends, and
change your username and password!
Make Something
● What did your MVP Look like?
My MVP looked like a basic login and sign up page and a request that posted
an image to a discord server every time you loaded the page.
● What steps did you take to add to your MVP?
I fleshed out the login page and integrated the request into a form that let you
upload an image and send the specific image rather than a set image every
Make Something
pihost - just type in http://pihost and you can get to the page!
If i were to continue this project, I would end up adding to the home screen.
Maybe something like a panel that shows you new messages. I’d also add
separate channels that you could join and get new messages from.
● I used a couple of W3Schools tutorials and a lot of

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