縱橫填字猜謎 (字彙&正音) 系列 2 (學生版)

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Practice 2

Edward Wu 老師
巫明鑫 (Edward Wu) 老師 簡

專長 : 全民英檢、語音學、商業英語
電話 :03-5969021 , 0982-245-860
講義網址 :http://www.esnips.com/web/edwardwu

 學習外語時,語言中樞四大要素:
音調 ( 發音和語調 ) 字型 ( 單字結構 ) 句型 ( 文法和詞類 )
意境 (who/where/when/why/what/how)
英語互動多媒體 簡介 & 上課內容及方式
結合 POWERPOINT 和 WORD 的超強功能 , 整合聲音 , 圖
片 , 音樂 , 動畫與文字。上課模式隨機生動 , 不呆板或填鴨 ,
活學活用 , 讓學生自然溶入美語環境中 ; 藉由臨場
互動 , 刺激與活化大腦的語言中樞
掌握和熟悉音標 , 發音 , 連音 , 聲調和語調 , 分析單字結構 ,
英語語法 , 句型 , 閱讀和寫作技巧
多元化的教材 , 家庭 , 學校 , 購物 , 飲食 , 機場 , 公共場所等
經典用語全方位啟發聽 , 說 , 讀 , 寫能力
根據英檢初 , 中級考試範圍編寫教材 , 上課中穿插全民英檢
模擬試題 , 現學現考。上課風格創新獨特 , 突破學習英語
 營造虛擬的外語環境 , 培養說外語的興致和信心 , 經由聯想
與推理的引導 , 激發內在無限本能
1 2 3

8 9


1. To be h_____t, I did not like your performance.
4. Don't throw the bottle away. It may come in h____y.
6. He's so c____r. He grasps the concepts so quickly!
7. Don't be s__y. You are among friends.
8. How p___y he is! He keeps insisting on that.
10 We must have a f____k discussion about our relationship.
. This is a n___t piece of writing! It's tidy and carefully done.

2. I'm t____y. I'd like a glass of water, please.
3. Why are you a___y with me? I didn't do anything wrong.
5. You look s____y. Did you stay up all night?
9. I like s__t music, not loud music.

2 3 4


1. the father of a person's father or mother

3. a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another
7. one person
8. to give control of oneself or one's property to another or
others; to stop fighting and admit defeat

1. the daughter of a person's daughter or son
2. a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain
in one place above the ground
4. farming
5. a room or place where experiments in science are done
6. to promise a result; to promise that something will happen
1 2 3 4

5 6

8 9


11 12


1. left out 2. drinking vessel 3. implement 4. the night before 5.

situated 6. pastimes 7. something worn on the hand 8. dull pain
9. young sheep 10. nocturnal mammals 11. something worn
around the neck 11. snow runner 12. an adjective meaning
indefinite but relatively small 13. picture puzzles
1 2 3

7 8

4.After Diana moved to America, she tried her best to
a____t to her new life here.
6.The home slowly became v___e in a distance.
7.When he e_______red difficulty, he didn’t know what
to do.
9.Tom worried about making bad i________n on
his girlfriend’s parents.
10.A p_____n must consider voters’ opinion.
1. My grand mother is a c____c example of a traditional
2. She was a s_______e of a modern successful woman.
3. In Taiwan, there are many c___ __ies of butterflies.
5. It’s very hard for me to accept r______n.
8 After her d____e ,she left her husband.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 11 12
13 14


16 17
18 19
20 21 22
20 22
23 24


26 27
2. Tag
1. Drain off a fluid of body 3. Terminated
5. In a higher place 4. Source of venison
9. Less distant 5. Take into custody
10. Dwelling 6. Horizontal structural component
12. Worthless piece of cloth 7. Gallery occupied by a church
13. Pry organ (5,4)
14. Electronic letter 8. Wicked DOWN
15. Sliding vehicle 10. Too
16. Exclamation of contempt 11. Exceed in weight
18. Roughly 16. Animal with tusks
20. Lyrical wordsmiths 17. Have confidence in
22. Terrible 18. Body of bees
23. Irritate ACROSS 19. Melody
24. Fall guy 20. Head of the Roman Catholic
25. Eccentric man Church
26. The heavens 21. Tall plant
27. Enthusiastic kiss 22. Copies
1 2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10

11 12


13 14 15 16 down

17 18 19

20 21 22 23

24 25

26 27
1. onto or within a ship or vehicle (6)
3. a line of poetry (6)
8. a species of large wild duck (7)
10. something or a living being unusually large (5)
11. a written sign or character representing the pitch and down
relative length of a tone (5)
12. a standard, formed in the mind, of the highest excellence;
an aim (5)
13. a bunk or bed for a passenger on a ship or railroad car (5)
15. the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet [θ, θ] (5)
20. Instrument that detects object not directly visible (5)
22. cordlike fibers which serve as a means of communication
24. the aft or rear part of a vessel (5)
25. immeasurably deep or great (7)
26. main course (6)
1. edible nut (6)
2. young nocturnal creature (5)
4. a bird of prey of the falcon family (5)
5. evidence of injury, redness (7)
6. the second largest planet (6) home
7. confess or let in (5)
9. something of value, any item of one's property (5)
14. zealous; fervent; eager (7)
16. convenient; close beside (5)
17. to bother; annoy (6)
18. of or pertaining to a city or town (5)
19. a vault or room under a building, often used for storage (6)
21. to move the body and feet rhythmically to music (5)
23. a character in a tragedy by William Shakespeare (5
1 2 3 4

1. Written message 1. Someone in charge
5. Give a detailed account 2. Excel
6. Igneous rock 3. Envisage
7. Esteem 4. Component
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 5
8 9

10 11

12 13

14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21

22 23

24 25
1. Music symbol 1. Short sleep
5. Fuss 2. Mineral
8. Geographical region 3. Golf pin
9. Summit 4. Ahead of time
10. Look searchingly 5. Particle
11. Poem 6. Extinct bird
12. Citrus fruit 7. Overt
14. Flexible plastic 13. Evade
17. Frozen water 14. Passport endorsement
18. Tangelo 15. Symbol
22. Female hog 16. Semi aquatic salamander
23. Entrance 19. Deity
24. Insect 20. Tree trunk segment
25. Boundary 21. Anger
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8

9 10 11

12 13

14 15

16 17

18 19 20

1. Group of musicians (9)
7. Eye socket (5)
8. Jockey (5)
9. Epoch (3)
10. Part of the foot (6) 1. Woodwind instrument (4)
14. Shrewd (6) 2. Floor show (7)
15. Cacophony (3) 3. Consumes (4)
18. Thighbone (5) 4. Despot (6)
20. Ice hut (5) 5. Assistance (3)
21. Court game 6. Precipitous (6)
11. One of three (7)
12. Perplex (6)
13. Gaped (6)
16. Flightless bird (4)
17. Metal money (4)
19. Disorderly crowd
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11


13 14 15 16


18 19 20 21


23 24

25 26
1. Downy fruit (7)
4. Pickled flower buds used as a relish (5)
7. A drink of chocolate, milk and sugar (5)
9. Powdery substance used in cooking (5) home
10. Cereal grass seed (3) down
11. Main course (6)
13. Edible nut (6) ACROSS
15. Plant grown as a salad (6)
18. Well-seasoned stew of meat and
vegetables (6)
21. Hostelry (3)
23. Bourbon, sugar and mint over crushed
ice (5)
24. Sponge without egg yolks, ___ cake (5)
25. Oval smooth-skinned fruit (5)
26. Oblong cream
2. Marine mollusks served in chowder (5)
3. Sticky confection (6)
4. Small piece of toasted or fried bread (7) home
5. Food prepared by processing in across

a blender (5)
6. Food grain (4)
7. Breakfast food (6)
8. Dairy product (5)
12. Aromatic herb (6)
14. Pasta strips (7)
16. Cake topping (5)
17. Basic food (6)
19. Firm-fleshed green-skinned pear (5)
20. Escargot (5)
22. Consommé (4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 4

8 9

10 across

11 12

13 14 15 16 17


19 20 21 22

24 25

26 27
1. the art or science of making pleasing or harmonious
combinations of sound tones
4. a puzzling or perplexing question
8. a plant of the lily family, bearing brilliant flowers in spring
9. any of several African wild animals of the horse family home

10. anger; wrath down

11. failed to recognize

12. a funeral hymn ACROSS
13. gave back or repeated a sound
15. wound or twisted into a series of rings
19. confine or restrict
21. (of a kind of animal) no longer existing; obsolete
23. a young, little, or inferior devil; a hobgoblin
24. a strong pleasant smell
25. a very large strong bird with a beak like a hook that eats
small animals
26. embarrassing
27. necessities
1. a piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power such
as electricity to do a particular job
2. a closely woven, glossy silk 音標
3. the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one 黑板
gram of water one degree centigrade
4. a place in a river where the water descends swiftly because ofhome
a sudden slope in the river bed across

5. confused or dazzled with light

6. free from restraint or check DOWN
7. the form or figure of a person or thing
14. a swinging bed
16. a plane figure of eight sides and eight angles
17. information that helps to complete what you know about
18. to rely on for support
19. a South American animal with thick hair like wool, & a long
20. a piece of jewelry like a small crown, that a woman sometimes
wears on very formal or important occasions
1 2 3 4 5

7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17
18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25 26
27 28 29


1. Place of safety (5) 1. Headwear (3)
6. Nimble (5) 2. Matured (4)
7. Tell (7) 3. Small bird (5)
9. Male sheep (3) 4. Zeal (4)
11. Lair (3) 5. Mesh (3)
12. Tub (3) 7. Copy (7)
15. Part of the eye (4) 8. Apparent (7)
17. Lofty (4) 9. Narrow range of hills (5)
18. Dissuade (5) 10. Domain (5)
19. Military chaplain (5) 13. Concur (5)
20. Chew (4) DOWN
14. Topic (5)
22. Appear (4) 16. Stitch (3)
23. Consume (3) 17. Possesses (3)
24. Pouch (3) 21. Freight (5)
26. Indicating maiden name (3) 24. Leading actor (4)
27. Put into the care of someone 25. Craze (4)
(7) 28. Novel (3)
30. Bird of prey (5) 29. Envisage (3)
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9

10 11 12 13

14 15 16



19 20 21 22
23 24 25

26 27

28 29

30 31
1. Wanderer
4. Iced or hot drink 1. Person who rides
7. I have 2. Egg-shaped
8. Exclamation of disgust 3. A piece of poetry
10. Indoor game 5. Examine account books
12. Radio location 6. Cut into small pieces
14. Otherwise 9. Entrances
16. Sever with the teeth 11. Cloth
17. Tired ACROSS 13. Gathering of pus in body tissue
19. Organizations 15. Spiteful
23. Spoken 18. Stupid person
24. Free from doubt 19. Not drunk
26. Made a hole 20. Parlor game
27. Pertaining to Asia 21. Connected series of rooms
28. Conclusion 22. Leases
29. Small insectivorous bird 25. Shower
30. Total
31. Numbers 13 through 19
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 5

8 9 10

11 12 13

14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21

16 19

22 23



26 27
2. Sudden assault 1. Era
5. Land measure 2. Speed contests
7. Fruit 3. Got up
8. Victor 4. Is not
11. Summit 5. Area used for sports
13. Western pact 6. Male given name
14. Flexible tube 9. Long-tailed rodent
15. Absence of passion 10. Not these
16. Twinned 12. Revolve
19. Constituent 15. Help
22. Sicilian volcano 16. Flower segment
23. Light wood 17. Tavern
24. Most tender 18. Electromagnetic
25. Refined iron telecommunication
26. Public swimming 19. Spaghetti
pool 20. Change
27. Celestial body 21. Article of furniture
23. Of the highest quality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 11 12

13 14


16 17

18 19

20 21 22
20 22
23 24


26 27
1. Remove dirt with a broom
5. Hush 2. Entire
9. Idea
10. The intestine 4. Game played on horseback
12. Mineral spring 5. Female sibling
13. Texas mission 6. Expectant desire
14. One of ten equal parts 7. Of one mind
15. Depend 8. Silence
16. Armed conflict 10. Dog cry
18. Heath 11. Wall covering
20. Get to know 16. Bleak
22. Gravy 17. Worry
23. Strike lightly 18. Virile
24. Beginning 19. Body of salt water
25. Register 20. Speech defect
26. Jaunty 21. Social standing
27. Approaching death 22. Traded
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11

12 13

15 16

17 18


20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29

30 31

32 33
vergreen tree ACROSS 1. Plant science DOWN
nfastens 2. Female child
Agitate 3. Small animal
Upon 4. Gossip
Amount a tablespoon can hold5. Pertaining to a sponge
Single unit 6. Cause to be out of tune
Departed 8. Person who advocates libe
Kind of selling 10. Data
Funeral woodpile 11. Flat-fish
Sleeps briefly 12. Cease
Knapsacks 19. Person who plays the pia
Drill a hole 20. You cannot get out this w
Also 21. Writers
Rebirth of the soul in a new body
23. Peanut
Examination 24. Male offspring
Steals from 25. Spawned
Dining cars 26. Temporary stop
Directed a light 29. Stepped
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10


12 13

14 15

16 17

18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26


28 29

3. Explosion 1. Strange and mysterious
8. To a smaller extent 2. Remains of a fire
10. Opposite one of two 4. Not won
11. Bishop of the highest rank 5. Central Massachusetts city
12. Make weary 6. Display
13. Absorbent cloth 7. Indian tent
14. Stops 8. Gate fastener
20. Adventurous expedition 9. Fragment
23. Emboss 15. Distress signal
26. Second son of Adam and 16. Acquired pattern of behavior
Eve 17. Put away papers
27. Associate in crime 18. Flight of steps
28. Fabric woven from flax 19. Master of ceremonies
yarns 21. Wrong
29. Collar fastener 22. Occur again
30. Full of reeds 24. Skin eruption
25. Very small lake
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 5
9 10

11 12 13 14



17 18 19 20

21 22 23

24 25 26 27

28 29

30 31
1. Roofing stone
1. Containing soap
2. Petroleum
5. Garment
3. Male or female given name
9. Capital of Peru
4. One of the divisions of a window
10. Capital of Egypt
5. Bag hung from a saddle
11. Isolated 6. Rent
13. Appliance that removes 7. Inhabitants of Ireland
moisture 8. Fish eggs
15. Dwells ACROSS 12. Moving stairway DOWN
16. Refuge 14. Steal from
21. Act of leaking 17. Affirmative reply
24. Pole for walking on 18. Hard stone
26. Feed on grass 19. Depart
28. Pungent bulb 20. Incident
29. Baking chamber 22. Hebrew male given name
30. Go into 23. Increase in size
31. Chirp 25. Unit of weight
27. Letter Z
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10

11 12

13 14


16 17 18

19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26

27 28

29 30

1. White-and-black bear-like mammal
7. Lake in the Sierra Nevada 1. Route
8. Traitor 2. In front
11. Molars ACROSS 3. Yuletide DOWN
12. Pitch 4. Hate
13. Large marine mammal 5. Lawless person
14. Gore 6. Slender boat
15. Extent of space 9. Entrance
17. Dry stalks 10. Enclosed automobile
19. Engrave with acid 16. Bird homes
23. Foot-wear 17. Monetary unit of Israel
24. Frighten 18. Suppose
27. Furniture wood 20. Of them
28. Swearword 21. Outer garment
29. Located 22. Flavor
30. Hotel for motorists 25. Black bird
31. Gem 26. Spool
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9

10 11 12 13

14 15 16



19 20 21 22

23 24 25

26 27

28 29

30 31
pen space in a forest
nor falsehood 1. Rasp
anipulate ACROSS 2. Limousine DOWN
one by 3. Once more
Accumulate 5. Swampy arm of a lake
Semi synthetic textile 6. One-twelfth of a year
abor 9. Farm bird
12 inches 11. US astronaut
Small brush for cleaning fingernails
13. Inhabitant of Africa
Fit of uncontrollable laughter 15. Blaze
To the inside of 18. Faultfinder
Ammunition 19. High fidelity sound
Demon systems
Rest on the knees 20. Precipitous
Frozen water 21. Sniff
Permit 22. Young horses
Writing instrument 25. Encounter
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 5

8 9 10

11 12 13

14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21
16 19
22 23


26 27
2. Travel on foot 1. Pierces with horns
5. Run-down part of a city 2. Squander
7. Florida city 3. Fright 音標
8. Sugar substitute 4. Fine and delicate 黑板
11. Entrance 5. Little
13. Solitary 6. Medium of exchange
14. Appear ACROSS
9. Decay
15. Completely dirty 10. Breathe in
16. Of inferior quality DOWN
12. Closer
19. Boy or man 15. Move through the air
22. Hire 16. Track
23. Titled 17. Insect
24. Flower with edible leaves 18. Slender piece of wood
and heart 19. Manufacturer
25. Inward feeling 20. Rephrase
26. Wait in concealment 21. Borders
27. Dweeb 23. Facial feature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10

12 13

14 15

16 17

18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26


28 29

3. Tend a fire 1. Russian liquor
8. Attic 2. Anesthetic
10. Perspire 4. Former Russian ruler
11. East Idaho city ACROSS 5. Young owl DOWN
12. Migrant farm worker 6. Seaweed
(Disparaging) 7. Artist's support
13. Drive back 8. Big cats
14. Of little width 9. Pixie
20. Biblical dancing girl 15. Used to be
23. Mexican money 16. Bingo
26. Separate article 17. California city
27. Iridescent-blue blow fly 18. Horse-like African mammal
28. Frozen dew 19. Infested with lice
29. Underground part of a 21. Volume measure (French)
plant 22. Watery fruit
30. Vast chasm 24. Slovenly person
25. Hardens
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 5
9 10

11 12 13 14



17 18 19 20

21 22 23

24 25 26 27

28 29

30 31
1. Remove hair 1. Male deer
5. Wrong 2. Covering for the head
9. Story ACROSS 3. Communion table
10. Bird droppings 4. Blood vessel
11. Loft 5. Genuine
13. Tendency 6. Female horse
15. One more 7. Inactive
16. Surrounded by 8. Male child
21. Form of capital 12. Celebration of the Eucharist
punishment 14. Speck
24. Hot tapering pepper 17. Curve
26. South Carolina town 18. Next after the second
28. Burning of another's 19. Country in NE Africa
property 20. Destitute
22. Too DOWN
29. Potato
30. Supplement 23. US space agency
31. Tawdry 25. Did possess
1 2 3 4 5
1 4
6 7 8


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20

21 22 down

23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
31 32


35 36

1. Examine thoroughly 22. Friendship

4. Brushes 23. Synchronize
6. Inhabitant of Saudi Arabia 25. Female name
9. Self-confidence 27. Bouquet down
10. Overturn 28. Soft food for infants
11. On the top 30. Three at cards
15. Become firm 31. Island in the Bay of
16. Clenched hand Naples
19. Easy stride 33. Irregularly operated court
20. Social insects 34. Rigid
21. Irish county 35. Approaches
36. Destroy by immersion

1. Pertaining to the post office 16. Lacking brightness

2. Son of Isaac and Rebekah 17. Bury
(from Bible) 18. Genre
3. Former county in SE England 23. Oral
4. Grime 24. U.S. gangster
5. Perfumes 26. California town
7. Serpents 28. Whittle home

8. Musical composition for two 29. Career golfers


12. Capital of Japan 31. Felines

13. Unfolds
32. Chilled
14. Male name
1 2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10 11 12

13 14 across

15 16 17

18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33

34 35


37 38

1. Join together 21. Moral precept of conduct

4. Pretended 23. Full of unresolved
8. Paid announcement questions
13. Enclose 27. Donations to the poor
14. Burden 31. City in W central Israel
15. Ten Commandments
33. Shines
mountain 34. Brood
16. Greatly loved 35. Inwardly
18. Resting place 36. List of questions
19. Animal
37. Human mind
38. German military camp
DOWN across

2. ------ English, artificial language 20. Strike

3. Explosive 22. Storage cupboard
5. Bulge 24. Thighbones
6. Scottish seaport 25. Floating ice
7. Bad behavior 26. Barks shrilly
9. Grape plant
28. Female name
10. Periods of history
29. Republic in W Africa
11. Emotional state
12. Overhanging lower edge of a 30. Atlanta suburb
roof 32. Leguminous plant
17. Not wet
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9


11 across

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21

22 23

24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32

33 34


37 38

1. Ruin 23. Stream of air

4. State of confusion 24. City in W Nevada
7. Group of 12 27. Spanish male given name
10. Outdated medical 29. Vases
procedures 30. Exclamation of triumph
11. S Quebec city 32. Smack
12. Indian exercise method 33. In what place
16. And not 35. Trivial
17. Stated 36. Angered
20. Horizontal member 37. Book of the Bible
beneath a door 38. Thick sweet liquid
21. English princess
22. Permits
DOWN across

2. Probability 17. Cruises

3. New settlement 18. Invalidate
4. Measuring instruments 19. Republic in S Asia
5. International (Abbrev) 24. Debris
6. Follows orders 25. Garden plant with
showy colored flowers
8. Nothing
26. Kansas town
9. To one side
28. Swiftness
13. Oilcan 31. Make healthy
14. First US astronaut 33. We are
15. Lowest female voices 34. Whirlpool
The End
結 束
Thank you very much.
謝 謝 大 家
Never Give Up!!!
巫明鑫 老師 ( 新竹教育大學 )
電話 :03-5969021 , 0982-245-860
網址 :http://www.esnips.com/web/edwardwu

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