簡明文法&誤用辨析&考題 (初&中&中高級) (學生版)

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巫明鑫 (Edward Wu) 老師


巫明鑫 (Edward Wu) 老師 簡

專長 : 全民英檢、語音學、商業英語
電話 :03-5969021 , 0982-245-860
講義網址 :http://www.esnips.com/web/edwardwu

 學習外語時,語言中樞四大要素:
音調 ( 發音和語調 ) 字型 ( 單字結構 ) 句型 ( 文法和詞類
2 )
意境 (who/where/when/why/what/how)
英語互動多媒體 簡介 & 上課內容及方式
結合 POWERPOINT 和 WORD 的超強功能 , 整合聲音 , 圖
片 , 音樂 , 動畫與文字。上課模式隨機生動 , 不呆板或填鴨 ,
活學活用 , 讓學生自然溶入美語環境中 ; 藉由臨場
互動 , 刺激與活化大腦的語言中樞
掌握和熟悉音標 , 發音 , 連音 , 聲調和語調 , 分析單字結構 ,
英語語法 , 句型 , 閱讀和寫作技巧
多元化的教材 , 家庭 , 學校 , 購物 , 飲食 , 機場 , 公共場所等
經典用語全方位啟發聽 , 說 , 讀 , 寫能力
根據英檢初 , 中級考試範圍編寫教材 , 上課中穿插全民英檢
模擬試題 , 現學現考。上課風格創新獨特 , 突破學習英語
 營造虛擬的外語環境 , 培養說外語的興致和信心 , 經由聯想
與推理的引導 , 激發內在無限本能
What is Grammar?
Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes
describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in fact no
language has rules. If we use the word "rules", we suggest
that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the
language, like a new game. But languages did not start like
that. Languages started by people making sounds which
evolved into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-
spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time.
What we call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a language
at a particular time.

Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The

short answer is "no". Very many people in the world speak
their own, native language without having studied its
grammar. Children start to speak before they even know the
word "grammar". But if you are serious about learning a more
foreign language, the long answer is "yes, grammar can help
you to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently."
It's important to think of grammar as something that can help
you, like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or
system) of a language, you can understand many things
yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book.
So think of grammar as something good, something positive,
something that you can use to find your way - like a signpost
or a map.
Quiz On Eight Parts of Speech
1. Limits the meaning of nouns and pronouns. 詞類
A. adverbs B. adjectives C. prepositions D. verbs

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing,

identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually
precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. more


2. Connects words, phrases, and clauses within a sentence. 音標

A. adverbs B. conjunctions C. prepositions D. verbs
You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses.
Corinne 必須決定是否唸醫學院還是法學院 ( 用 whether…or)
我的叔叔和我的父親兩人都在鋼鐵廠工作 ( 用 both)

3. Show surprise or emotion.

A. adverbs B. interjections C. prepositions D. verbs
An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion.
It is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. more
喔 , 糟了 , 我忘了考試是今天 ( 用 Oh no, …)

我不知道 , 但是 , 我的天 , 我想 太高了 ( 用 good lord…)

4. Refer to the names of persons, places, things, and ideas.

A. adverbs B. conjunctions C. nouns D. verbs
A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing,
and abstract idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small
children learn. A noun can function in a sentence as a subject,
a direct object, an indirect object, a subject complement, an
object complement, an appositive, an adjective or an adverb.八大


5. Answers one of three questions: How? When? Where? 八大
A. adverbs B. conjunctions C. prepositions D. verbs 詞類
An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a
phrase, or a clause. An adverb indicates manner, time, place,
cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how,"
"when," "where," etc. While some adverbs can be identified by
their characteristic "ly" suffix, most of them must be identified by
untangling the grammatical relationships within the sentence or
clause as a whole. Unlike an adjective, an adverb can be found
in various places within the sentence.

很不幸地 , 今天在城裡發生了銀行搶劫

6. Expresses action or state of being.

A. adverbs B. conjunctions C. prepositions D. verbs more
The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A
verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject of
the sentence and expresses actions, events, or states of being.
健康有賴於好的食物 , 足夠的睡眠和適當的運動

7. Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and

some other word in a sentence. 八大
A. adverbs B. conjunctions C. prepositions D. verbs 詞類
A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other
words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition
introduces is called the object of the preposition. A preposition
usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of
its object to the rest of the sentence. more
孩子們無恐懼地爬上高樹 ( 用 without)

蜘蛛沿著欄杆緩慢地爬行 ( 用 along)

8. Take the place of a noun. 八大

A. adverbs B. pronouns C. prepositions D. verbs 詞類
Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. If we
didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns.
We would have to say things like: Do you like the president? I
don't like the president. The president is too pompous. With
pronouns, we can say: Do you like the president? I don't like
him. He is too pompous.
在閱讀小冊子之後 ,Judy 把它丟進垃圾桶 ( 用 After reading… 開頭

確認你給每一個人一份修訂過的契約 ( 用 Make sure… 開頭 )

( ) Desk is not chair.
( ) A desk is not a chair.
( ) Mr. Lin is these students’ teacher.
( ) Mr. Lin is these students’s teacher.
( ) Come and bring me some water.
( ) Come and take me some water. 誤用
( ) My clothes is new. 辨析
( ) My clothes are new.

( ) Where were you last Tuesday?

( ) Where were you on last Tuesday?
( ) One of the boys is a Chinese, others are Americans.
( ) One of the boys is a Chinese, the others are Americans.
Tara is exhausted. She (A. has been running B. had been
running C. has running)
He got ____ bronchitis and was taken to ____ hospital. 綜合
(A) a / a (B) the / - (C) - / - (D) the / a 文法
I've decided to join (A. to B. at C. – D. in) this club.
He thanked me for what I (A. have done B. had done C. did D.
was doing) the previous week.
I'd like to know what you do for (A. a job B. work C. a
profession D. a living)
Mark prefers cycling (A. than B. for C. to D. as) driving.
It took years of research, but (A. at the end B. in the end C. last
D. lastly) they found the answer.
We eat __ soup with __ spoon.
(A) a / a (B) - / - (C) the / the (D) - / a
The visitors (A. had shown B. were shown C. showed D. has
shown) all the different ways of making brandy.
Dear Cindy,
   My family (A. be B. are C. were D. was) going to have a
vacation in Japan this summer. I was looking forward (A. to
join B. joining C. to joining D. to join with) them but I will have
to go to summer school till August. By that time they will be
back from their vacation, (A. so B. because C. since D. 綜合
however) it looks like I will be the one staying home. 填空
Although my grandparents will come to my home to take
care of me, I do not feel excited at all. What are you going to
do in the summer? Do you also have to go to summer
school? Maybe we can call up our old friends and get
together (A. sometime B. at all times C. sometimes D. some
times) Anyway, good luck on your final exam. That's what we
have to care (A. for B. about C. of for D. by) now.

Sincerely yours,
Jimmy 13
( ) I bought two pants the other day. 名詞
( ) I bought two pairs of pants the other day.

( ) Animals are man's friends. 音標

( ) Animals are men's friends.

( )This is a piece of good news.
( )This is a good news.
( ) Will you make a friend with me?
( ) Will you make friends with me?
1. It’s a pleasure to do businesses with you.
2. Students on the course learn about all aspects of business.
3. Mr. White is the owner of five different businesses.

( ) What's the English for 電視 名詞
? 辨析
( ) What's English for 電視 ?
( ) The Duncans are going to move to London.
( ) The Duncan‘s are going to move to
1. Everybody should have good character.
2. He has a changeable character.
3. The character in Dicken’s novels are usually miserable.
4. I only know a few Chinese character.

集合名詞 family, class, police, cattle, clothing, jewelry 等 , 指整

體時被看作 { 單數 }; 指其中所有的構成分子時被看作複數 , 請看
例句 :
我的家人都是 ABC 健身中心會員
補充 15 more
time, food, wine, wood, gas, hope, friendship, 名詞
knowledge 等是不可數名詞 補充
我們時間很多 , 但食物很少
時間就是金錢 , 所以不能被浪費 ( 須出現 it)

我們之間的友誼地久天長 ( 須出現 between)

單複數同形的單字 : sheep, deer, species,

means, Swiss, Chinese, Japanese
有些名詞單複數意義不同 , 如 : time ( 時間 ), times ( 次數 ); arm
( 手臂 ), arms ( 武裝 , 手臂 ); cloth ( 布 ), clothes ( 衣服 ); glass
( 玻璃 ), glasses ( 眼鏡 , 玻璃杯 ); good ( 善行 , 好處 ), goods
( 貨物 ); manner ( 方法 ), manners ( 禮貌 ); wood ( 木 ), woods
( 樹林 )
它會給你帶來什麼好處呢 ?
儘管她名聲不佳 , 她還是有善的一面

這商店出售辦公室設備 16
1. My mother likes eating fishes. 名詞
2. Fish are cold-blooded. 補充
3. He caught five big fishes yesterday.
4. There are many fishes in this fishing pond.

1. Milk is the natural food for babies.

2. Books are foods for the mind.
3. Eating many sweet foods, like cakes and
ice-creams, may increase your weight.
4. Mary eats a lot of foods every day.

1. He eats plenty of fruits in summer.

2. I like fruit and vegetables.
3. Taiwan produces leechees, longans and
many other fruits.
4. I hope his hard work will bear fruit.
5. Her achievement is the fruits of industry.
6. His knowledge is the fruit of long study. 17
1. More regards must be paid to safety on the roads.
2. Helen has very little regard for the feelings of
3. The dictator has little regard for human rights.
4. The old teacher was held in high regards by me.
5. Please give my regards to your mother.
1. I have a lot of works to do every day. 名詞
2. They visited a brick works yesterday. 補充
3. The works of Charles Dickens are very famous.
1. She wants to change her clothes.
2. The cloth has a pretty pattern.
3. He always bought his clothes at the same store.
4. He was wearing a nice cloth.
clothes 無單數形 , 且不能用數量詞修飾 , 如不能說 a clothe 或
five clothes; belongings, comics, congratulations, contents,
cosmetics, headquarters, savings, surroundings 等常用複數形 18
( ) I have important something to tell you. 代名詞
( ) I have something important to tell you.

( ) Every student should do his own homework.

( ) Every student should do their own
( ) I like to receive letters but do not like to write
( ) I like to receive letters but do not like to write it.
( ) He knows my both sisters.
( ) He knows both my sisters.

He was so worried about (A. which B. who C.

whom D. that) he should ask to the big dance, 19

that he ended up not asking anyone.

( ) Neither the children nor he have ever eaten their supper.
( ) Neither the children nor he has ever eaten his supper.

( ) Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and I.

( ) Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and me. 代名詞
( ) Neither of my two sisters is here.
( ) None of my two sisters is here.

( ) What is the price of the book?

( ) How much is the price of the book?
This is a matter for you and (A. I B. me) to decide.
Everybody in this class has completed
(A. his/her B. their) homework already. 20
1. 主格 : 她是一位著名的歌劇歌手 代

2. 受格 : 他去年教我生物學 的

3. 所有格 : 這是她的鑽石戒指 法
4. 所有格代名詞 : 我的手機壞了,能借用 的 ? 一

5. 反身代名詞 : 他自己修理車

We came across a friend of (A. ours B. us) at the mall yesterday.

Each plan has (A. their B. its) merits and demerits. more
1. both ( 兩者皆 ): 兩輛車都在事故中被損壞 代
2. another( 不特定的另一個 ):

價格是需要考慮的一件事 , 而品質是另外一件。 詞

我喜歡這個 PDA 但是太貴。我能看另一個 ?

3. the other( 特定的另一個 ): 法
這兩兄弟經常 架 ; 一個很固執 , 另一個則很自私。 (

4. one ( 不特定的一個 ): )
我常常 讀到大猩猩 , 但是從來一隻也沒看過

5. the one ( 特定的一個 ):

有六位女孩在照片裡 , 而這位穿黃色洋裝的是我堂姐。

( ) a ten years old child 所有格
( ) a child of ten year old 誤用
( ) a ten year old child
( ) a ten-years-old child
( ) a ten-year-old child
( ) Have you done homework?
( ) Have you done your
( )The policemen caught him by the
( )The policemen caught him by his
The computer quickly stores information
on (A. yours B. theirs C. its) huge memory.
The fluffy brown puppy is (A. its B. my C. theirs).
( ) Those are some books of our teacher's. 23

( ) Those are some books of our teacher. more

生物的 < 所有格 > 構成為 :{ 單數名詞 } 後加‘ s;{ 複數名詞 } 以
s 作結尾的後加 (’), 不以 s 作結尾的後加 (‘s) 。如 :Tom’s dog,
Jones‘ father, women’s rights 。請看例句 :
< 名詞 > 若表示時間 , 距離 , 重量 , 價格 , 國家 , 團體或城市等
時 , 也要加 (‘s) 表示所有 , 如 :a day’s sick leave( 一天的病
假 ),two miles' distance( 兩英里的距離 ),Japan's industry( 日
非生物的 )<。
本的工業 所有格 > 須加 (of), 如 :the name of the plane( 飛
機的名字 ),the capital of Austria( 奧地利的首都 ) 。
在 < 所有格 > 後的 < 名詞 > 為 house,shop,home,store 等建
築物時 ,< 名詞 > 一般被省略。如 :He stayed at his uncle‘s 24

(house). end
( ) He is skinnier of the two. 形容詞
( ) He is the skinnier of the 比較級
( ) He is taller than any boys in his class. 誤用辨析
( ) He is taller than any other boys in his class.

( ) Tom is less old than I am.

( ) Tom is less older than I
( ) He is the strongest in
( ) He is the strongest of

這個餐 比那個還不圓
( ) Things go from bad to worse. 形容詞
( ) Things go from worse to worse. 比較級

( ) He has lost not fewer than ten thousand dollars.

( ) He has lost not less than ten thousand dollars.

"less" vs. "fewer" Use "fewer" for things you count

(individually), and "less" for things you measure: "fewer apples",
"less water". "fewer successful professionals" (fewer
professionals who are successful) is different from "less
successful professionals" (professionals who are less
successful). Please look at the following examples:
1. He's less than six feet tall.
2. Your essay should be a thousand words or less.
3. The town spent less than four percent of its budget on snow
removal. 26
Determiner Observation Physical Description Origin Material Qualifier Noun

Size Shape Age Color

a beautiful old Italian touring car

an expensive antique silver mirror

four gorgeous red silk roses

her short black hair

our big old English sheepdog

those square wooden hat boxes

that dilapidated little hunting cabin

several enormous young American basketball players

some delicious Thai 27

Those are probably the (A. fanciest B. most fanciest) curtains in
the store.
Uncle Carl is really (A. an old sweet B. a sweet old) man.
Porsche is (A. a fine German B. a German, fine) sports car.
Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make for (A.
the merriest B. a merrier) Christmas than that?
They grew up in (A. a little comfortable B. a comfortable little)
house in Mexico City.
David wants to take a course with (A. that nice new Japanese
economics B. that Japanese nice new economics) professor.
我有一個七歲男孩和一個五歲女孩 補充

定冠詞加形容詞起複數名詞的作用 , 如 :the strong ,the weak, the

dead, the living, the young, the old, the poor, the rich 等 28
越乾淨越好 形容詞
越小越可愛 補充

他們聽這首歌聽得越久 , 就越不喜歡它

形容詞需放在 something, anything, everything, nothing 之後

這個機器有一點問題。 ( 用 something)

還有其他甚麼是要跟我談的嗎 ? ( 用 anything)

還有誰去參加婚禮 ?
初生率在去年下降了 2.5 倍 數詞的
學生的數目比前年上升 1.3 倍

我的收入比去年同期少 30%

我買了一塊 2 x 3 英呎的地毯
攝氏零下 5 度
水在華氏 32 度結冰
7 x 8 = 56

60 ÷ 4 = 15

分數的表達法 : 先說分子 , 後說分母 ; 分子用 <

基數詞 >, 分母用 < 序數詞 >; 分子大於 1, 分母
加 s, 如 : one tenth ( 十分之一 ), two sevenths 30
現在簡單式的用法 時態
1.表示現在的事實狀態 補充

他非常喜歡 足球
Diane 大約每隔一天洗頭髮

水由 和 組成
2. 表示習慣性的動作 , 通常與 every day, often, always,
usually, sometimes 等 < 頻率副詞 > 連用

3. 不變的格言、真理或事實
地球是圓的 31
4. 表示未來的動作 , 通常用在 when, before,<as soon as> 等
連接時間的 < 子句 > 和由 <if> 等引導的條件 < 子句 > 中
如果明天下雨 , 我們將取消到海灘的旅程

5. 動詞如 : come, go, arrive, leave, begin, start, end, open,
close, finish 等 , 可用簡單現在式表示未來。
下個禮拜就開課了 !
6. < 動詞 >find, hear, tell, forget 等在口語中可用 < 簡單現在
式 > 代替 < 現在完成式 >
我終於找到了我的書 時態
7. 在由 here 或 there 引導的 < 句子 > 中表示此刻正在發生的
動作 , 用 < 簡單現在式 > 代替 < 現在進行式 > 引起別人注意

垃圾車來了 ! more

現在輪到 演講了 !

John: It seems that the shuttle buses don’t run too often?
Rose: Oh, here one comes now! Lucky us!
= Oh, here comes the shuttle bus! How lucky we are!

我幾乎沒有時間看電視 !( 用 Hardly 開頭 )

她從來不同意他的意見 ( 用 Never 開頭 )

1. I was there before. 2. I have been there before. 時態
1. I am late for school this morning. 辨析
2. I have been late for school this morning.
3. I was late for school this morning.

1. The Long River is flowing into the China Sea.

2. The Long River flows into the China Sea.
1. My house faces south. 2. My house is facing south.

1. By the time you come back, I shall finish my report.

2. By the time you come back, I shall have finished my
report.   not help Mary. 2. He needs not help Mary.
1. He need
By then I _____ my driving test, I hope.
(a) pass (b) will have passed (c) will be passed (d) have passed
1. I would rather you open the door.
2. I would rather go to swim with Mary.
3. I would rather you opened the door.
I (A. wasn't feeling B. haven't been feeling C. didn't feel D.
haven't felt) as ill as I do now for a long time.
She said she (A. would have written B. have written C. would
write D. write) to me, but she didn't.
If he (A. is B. had been C. would be D. would have
been) lucky, he could get the job.
She told him that if he _____ his promise, she _____ speak to
him again.
a) break - would never b) break - will never 時態
c) broke - will never d) broke - would never 辨析

You (A. have just started B. had started C. were starting D.

started) a six-month contract when you are offered a
permanent position elsewhere. What will you do?
1. 當副詞 : 此後 ; 從那時到現在
She left school three years ago and has
worked as a nurse (ever) since.
Angela left school five years ago and has
worked as an English
teacher ( ever ) since.
2. 當介係詞 : 之前 , 以前 , 自 ... 以來 ,
從 ... 至今


3. 當連接詞 : 自 ... 以來 , 從 ...
自從丈夫死後 , 她一直過著艱苦的生活

4. 當連接詞 : 既然 ; 因為 ,

既然天氣這麼熱 , 我們去游泳吧

既然書已經不見了 , 我最好馬上去圖書館去借一本來

他一定把書拿走了 , 因為已經不在這裡

( ) He had been to Europe many years ago. 時態
( ) He went to Europe many years ago. 誤用辨析
( ) She was wearing a blue dress and was looking very pretty.
( ) She was wearing a blue dress and looked very pretty.
除了 look 以外 , 下列動詞也不用進行式 , 如 : seem /appear ( 似
乎 ), feel ( 摸起來 ), sound ( 聽起來 ), smell, taste, keep/remain
( 保持在某種狀態 ) 等
( ) They were having supper when I went to see them.
( ) They had supper when I went to see them.
( ) She went to Australia two months ago. She has been
there many years before.
( ) She went to Australia two months ago. She had been there
many years before.
從過去的某時之前算起的 , 表示過去的過去 , 要用過去完成式
How long (A. had they known B. have they known C. would
they know) each other when they got married?
( ) They asked what had 時態
happened. 辨析
(( )) They asked
He has what
worked happened.
there since the war has begun.
( ) He has worked there since the war began.

( ) I wrote a letter last night and sent it this morning.

( )I was writing a letter last night and sent it this morning.
( ) He went away last year and I did not see him since.
( ) He went away last year and I haven't seen him since.

( ) He has arrived here for three

( ) He has been here for three days.

Ram (A. spoke B. had spoken C. has spoken) good French

because he had been studying for several years.
as soon as 一…就… ( 任何時態 ) =no sooner had...than…
= hardly had/scarcely had…+ when/before…( 過去式 )



He didn't arrive as soon as we'd expected.


儘快到牙醫生那裡去 !
no sooner had.. than..= hardly/scarcely





A: 再過多久完成它 ?
B: 約三小時。
( ) They have married for two years. 被動語態
( ) They have been married for two years. 誤用辨析
( ) He was laughed by all the pupils. 黑板
( ) He was laughed at by all the pupils. 音標

( ) Great changes have taken place in China.

( ) Great changes have been taken place in China.
( ) The war was broken out in 1937.
( ) The war broke out in 1937.

1. Who is to be blamed for the accident?

2. Who is to blame for the accident?
1. John and Mary were divorced last week. 42

2. John and Mary divorced last week. more

( ) I can't see the blackboard very well. Perhaps I need to
examine my eyes.
( ) I can't see the blackboard very well. Perhaps I need to
have my eyes examined.

他試圖不介入政治 被動
據說他今年突然變得很富有 ( 用 He is said 開頭 ) 語態

I saw her come out of the classroom. ( 改被動語態 )

You should not have touched the wet paint. ( 改被動語態 )

They are going to build a new factory in Portland. . ( 改被動語態 ) 43

Did Peter use this pair of chopsticks?. ( 改被動語態 ) 黑板

Tom had me repair his laptop. ( 改被動語態 )

She is watering the flowers. ( 改被動語態 )

Did the plan interest you? . ( 改被動語態 ) 被動


他是一個 得表揚的工人
我不想和 爭 ( 用 wish)
由於被雨淋了 , 他感冒了 ( 用分詞構句“ Being…” 開頭 佳句

會後是經驗交流的時間 ( 用 It‘s the time…) 44

What +名詞 ( +主詞+動詞+其他 )
多麼湊巧 ( 的事情 ) 啊 !

How +形容詞/副詞+主詞+動詞+其他
你怎麼可以對我說那種話 ! 真大膽
他工作多努力呀! 45
What a mess he made on the ______!( 地毯 )
This math question is causing me to go ____________ ( 發瘋 )!

What a ____ ( 可惜What

), we ___ ( 輸了 ) the game again!
好有趣的故事哦 !
What 她唱得多好啊 !
他人太好了 ! How
多漂亮的風景 ! How 感嘆
他們怎麼那麼吵啊 ! How
他是一個多麼聰明的男孩啊 ! How
Gulls are seabirds. They’re in general medium to large sizes,
typically grey or white, often with black markings on the head or
wings. They’ve stout, longish bills and webbed feet. 46
(A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice food)
you've cooked!
(A. What B. What a C. How D. How a) terrible weather we've
been having these days!
(A. What a bad time B. What bad time C. How a time D. how
time) I had! I really suffered a lot then.
Which of the following interjections is NOT an expression of
surprise or wonder? (a. Gee! b. Gosh! c. Boo!) 感嘆
You are vegetarian and you are offered a dish of raw meat.
What do you think? (a. Ugh! b. Hurrah! c. Yippee!)

Somebody has just stepped on your toe. Which interjection

would best fit the situation? (a. Yoo-hoo! b. Ouch! c. Eh!)

( ) I would just leave if I was you. 假設語氣誤用辨析
( ) I would just leave if I were
( ) If my teacher were here now, he would help me.

( ) If my teacher were here now, he will help me.

( ) If I had her phone number with me

yesterday, I would have called her.
( ) If I had had her phone number with me
yesterday, I would have called her.

( ) If it had not rained yesterday, he might have

( ) If it had not rained
如果不是他警告了她 yesterday, he might come.
, 她就可能喪命了。
( ) If he brought money, he would have paid me.
( ) Had he brought money, he would have paid me.
( ) I suggested that the teachers' wages could be increased.
( ) I suggested that the teachers' wages should be increased.
( ) It’s important that he’ll do it. ( ) It’s important that he do it.

Shakespeare would be famous even if he (A. had not written B.

had not been writing C. has not written) "To be or not to be..."
如果我可以跟你去 , 我會去 , 但是 , 不幸地是 , 我真的不能跟你去。

但願我昨天沒翹課 more
( ) I wish he was able to type faster. 假設
( ) I wish he were able to type faster. 語氣
( ) I don't think that I shall fail. But if I
should fail, I would try again.
( ) I don't think that I shall fail. But if I
failed, I would try again.
( ) If it were to stop snowing next winter, I would stay.
( ) If it’ll stop snowing next winter, I would stay.

如果我能跟你去 , 我就去了。我沒跟你去是因為我不能去

他們講起話來就好像以前互相碰過面似的 ( 用 as if 或 as though) 50

+ 現在式 ..., S + 助動詞 + V ..( 正常假設 ) 假設
如果明天下雪,我們就去滑雪 語氣

如果我失業了 , 我就出國
可能的話 , 她想跟我們一起去

If + V-ed, S + would ...( 與現在事實相反 )

如果現在我有空 , 我會睡個午覺

如果 站在我的立場 , 你會怎麼做?

如果我有望遠鏡 , 我就可以清楚地看見那顆彗星

1. It’s time you leave. 2. It’s time you left.

他看起來好像是無辜的 ( 用 as if)

他談起倫敦就好像他有去過一樣 ( 用 as if)

要是昨天沒停電該有多好 ( 用 if only)

我寧願你昨天就把它寄出去了 ( 用 would rather)

水若沸騰就會變成水蒸氣 ( 公認的事實 ) 語氣
Evelyn Pumita moved that the meeting (A. was adjourned B. be
It is very important that all employees (A. are dressed B. will be
dressed C. be dressed) in their proper uniforms before 6:30 52
A great deal of talent is lost in the world (A. because B. if C. in
D. for) want of a little courage. Courage doesn’t (A. be
composed of B. consist in C. result from D. consist of) feeling
no fear, but in conquering fear. (A. Unless B. Even C. Once D.
Though) you are confronted with any difficulty, the best way is
to defeat it (A. rather than B. notwithstanding C. instead of D.
not only) escape it. But, (A. as B. to C. with D. X) those who
often lose heart whenever failing in doing something, the best
cure (A. in B. for C. or D. of) their weakness is to (A. make it B.
be made C. make D. be made it) clear to them that whoever
can’t (A. tease B. tear C. try D. take) heart is doomed to be in
failure (A. without B. among C. throughout D. between) his life.
Only when you defeat fear (A. you can B. you will C. can you D.
are you) advance a little further.
We must accustom ourselves to (A. get B. getting) up early.
她不贊成我打網球 end
as … as one can = as…as possible





我從沒看見過如此漂亮的女孩。 ( 把” never did” 放在句首 ) 助

他考試不及格 , 是嗎 ? 詞
他通過考試了 , 我也一樣。 ( 不要用” me too”) 的

我寧願上學去而不願留在家裡。 (would rather)

你要我到機場接你嗎 ? ( 用 <SHALL> 詢問對方的意向 )

你應該比我早一小時到這裡的 ( 已發生 )

必須多穿些衣服以免感冒。 ( 用“ lest”)

祝你旅途愉快! ( 用” may”)
他現在一定是在上班的路上。 ( 用” must”) 助動
想必昨天有人打開過這個抽屜。 ( 用” must”) 用法

dare 膽敢 (v. aux., v.)

真大膽敢問我這樣的問題 !

真大膽敢翹課 !


had better(= ‘d better) 最好 , 後接動詞原型 , 沒有時態的變化


最好別做這樣的 事
我最好以自我介紹開始 56
( ) So as to be in time for the bus we hurried. 不定詞
( ) In order to be in time for the bus we hurried. 誤用
( ) It's very foolish of you to say so.
( ) It's very foolish for you to say so.

( ) Didn't you ask them to never do that?

( ) Didn't you ask them never to do that?
( ) Here is a new book for you to read it.
( ) Here is a new book for you to read.

( ) He was so kind as to give me a free ride. 不定詞
( ) He was so kind to give me a free ride. 辨析

( ) You had better not to bully the poor new student.

( ) You had better not bully the poor new student.

( ) Do you like listening to others to talk?

( ) Do you like listening to others talk?

喜歡看其他人跳舞 ?
< 不定詞 > 的 < 進行式 > 由 to+<BE>+{ 現在分詞 } 構
成 , 表示其動作發生的時間和主要 < 動詞 > 發生的時
< 不定詞 > 的 < 完成式 > 由 to+<HAVE>+{ 過去分詞 }, 表示其動
作在主要 < 動詞 > 發生的時間以前發生。
很抱歉讓 久等了。
明天要開的會是很重要的 ( 用不定詞未來式 ) 。

將被拆建成購物商場的戲院很舊 ( 用不定詞未來式 ) 。

當我打開門時 , 他被發現正在偷東西。




他堅持立刻離開 動

她並沒提到開了一個銀行戶頭。 詞

你介意我在這裡打地鋪嗎 ?

你介意幫我從信箱取信回來嗎 ? 法
你介意點一根菸給我嗎 ?

Mind = Be careful with = Beware of 當心

當心月台間隙! 60


< 動名詞 > 作 < 介系詞 > 的 < 受詞 >, 如 keep on ( 繼續 ),

look forward to ( 盼望 ), be used to ( 習慣於 ), get used to ( 習
慣於 ) 等

< 動名詞 > 和 < 名詞 > 一樣可用作 < 形容詞 > 修飾 < 名詞 >,
表示該 < 名詞 > 的用途 , 如 :a sleeping car = a car for
sleeping, a walking stick = a stick for walking; 而 { 現在分詞 }
用作 < 形容詞 > 修飾 < 名詞 >, 則表示該 < 名詞 > 的動作或狀
態 , 如 :a sleeping child=a child who is sleeping, a crying 61 more
在 enjoy( 欣賞 ), miss( 錯過 ), practice( 練習 ), suggest( 建
議 ), consider( 考慮 ), avoid( 避免 ), mind( 介意 ), finish( 完成
等 < 動詞 > 後接 < 動名詞 > 。
我們正考慮搬回到台北。 動名詞

在慣用法 be worth( 得 ), be busy( 忙於 ), can‘t help( 禁不

住 ), it is no use( 沒有用 ) 等後接動名詞 , 但是 it is useless 後
這部來自波蘭的外國電影 得看。



在 need( 需要 ), want( 需要 ), worth( 得 ), deserve( 該 ) 等字
後常跟 < 動名詞 > 的主動形式表示被動的意義
這些花該澆水了 動名詞
這本小說不 一讀
動名詞 vs. 不定詞
< 動詞 >start( 開始 ), begin( 開始 ), like( 喜歡 ), remember( 記
得 ), forget( 忘記 ), stop( 停止 ) 等後面既可接 < 動名詞 > 又可
接 < 不定詞 >, 但意思有時會有很大差別。


Gerund vs. Infinitive
The verbs below can be followed either by the gerund or by the
infinitive, and usually this has no effect on the meaning. The
verbs marked * can also be followed by a that-clause.
allow bother deserve intend* neglect prefer*
attempt cease fear* like omit recommend*
begin continue hate* love permit start
I prefer to live in an apartment. = I prefer living in an apartment.
1. “Allow” is used in these two patterns:
a. Allow + object + to-infinitive:

b. Allow + gerund:
2. Deserve + gerund is not very common, but is mainly used
with passive constructions or where there is a passive
的提案 得被詳細研究


3. The verbs hate, love, like are usually followed by a gerund

when the meaning is general, and by a to-infinitive when they
refer to a particular time or situation. You must always use
the to-infinitive with the expressions 'would love to', 'would
hate to', etc.
I hate to tell you, but Uncle Jim is coming this weekend.
I hate looking after elderly relatives!
I love dancing.
I would love to dance with you this weekend. 65
I regret leaving you = I left and then I regretted
I regret to leave you = I’ll leave but I regret now before I leave

I remember giving my wife some roses

(I gave and now I remember)
I remembered to give my wife some roses
(I remembered and then I gave)
Gerund vs. Infinitive quiz
1. I'm sure he will object _____ for everything himself. You
know he's having financial problems at the moment.
A. to having to pay B. to have to pay C. against having to pay

2. Sheila claims _____ a very good job in Spain. I wouldn't

believe it. She hasn't got the proper qualification and can't
speak Spanish.
A. having been offered B. to have been offered C. to have offered66
3. I realized Mr. Humphrey didn't remember _____ me the story
before. But I was listening attentively because I didn't want to
embarrass the old gentleman.
A. to tell B. to have told C. telling
4. Why, on earth, did you bother to repair the vacuum cleaner
yourself? I would have _____ it for me.
A. had a mechanic do B. got a mechanic do C. had a mechanic to do
5. Her insisting _____ for a ride in our new car was childish and
A. on taking her B. on being taken C. to take her
6. As a child I was used to _____ alone at home because my
parents worked very long hours.
A. be left B. leaving C. being left

7. Well, if you ask my advice, I'd suggest _____ a new sofa for
the living room. 67
A. you to buy B. to buy C. buying
8. I don't enjoy skiing very much but I'm really looking forward
_____ a few days in the mountains.
A. to spending B. to spend C. about spending
9. He has worked hard this semester and expects _____ a
A. giving him B. to be given C. to give him
10. I know it' s a little old-fashioned but I really prefer _____
A. going by train than flying.
B. going by train to flying.
C. to go by train than to fly.
11. Would your brother mind _____ us a lift home?
A. giving B. to give C. about giving

12. You look so young. Even if you wear very formal clothes,
you cannot avoid _____ for one of the students. 68
A. to take you B. being taken C. taking you
13. The most difficult thing was _____ . Everything else was
relatively easy.
A. making them cooperate
B. making them to cooperate
C. to make them to cooperate
14. Do you really think that you are helping your students by
letting them _____?
A. to copy each other's work
B. copy each other's work
C. copying each other's work
15. Professor Rodman carried _____ as if nothing had
A. to speak B. on speaking C. speaking

16. The new method may be a bit more expensive, but it is

definitely worth _____ 69
A. to try it. B. to be tried. C. trying.
17. We pretended _____ anything offensive in what they were
A. not noticing B. not to notice C. not notice
18. I didn't remember _____ the fridge on and as a result I had
to throw away all the food that had got rotten.
A. turning B. to turn C. having turned
19. I always get up very early and I don’t object _____ the trip
before 8 a.m.
A. to starting B. to start C. against starting
20. I don't understand why you suggested _____ an hour
before the exam.
A. all the students to come
B. all the students they should come
C. all the students coming

Cloze Exercise: Gerunds and Infinitives
Yuri was in his first year at university, studying History. He was
rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid (working / to work)
whenever he could. In the middle of the semester, his history
professor gave out an assignment, due in two weeks. Yuri
intended (doing / to do) the assignment, but he postponed
(writing / to write) it for a week. The following week, he forgot
(doing / to do) it. The night before the assignment was due, he
suddenly remembered it, and rushed to the library. He tried
(reading / to read) as much as possible on the topic, but there
wasn't enough time. Yuri considered (asking / to ask) for more
time to do his paper, but the History professor was known to be
very tough on students, so finally he decided (cheating / to
cheat) and copy his paper from somewhere else. He found an
old article on the same topic, and quickly typed it out. The next
day, he submitted the paper.
The following week, he was alarmed (seeing / to see) the
professor approaching him, looking angry.
"Is this your own work, or did you copy it?" asked the professor.
Yuri denied (copying / to copy) the paper.
"If you expect me (believing / to believe) that, you must be very
stupid," said the professor. "Every word is taken from an article
I wrote myself five years ago. Did you really think I would forget
(writing / to write) it?"

1.stop( 停止 ) 後接 < 動名詞 > 表示使正在進行的動作停下來 ,

如後接 < 不定詞 > 表示停止原來做的事而去做另外的事
When the teacher came, the students stopped
When the teacher went out, the students stopped to talk.
2.forget( 忘記 ) 後接 < 動名詞 >, 表示忘記過去已經做過某事 ; 後
接 < 不定詞 >, 表示忘記了應該去做某事。
I forgot bringing my books here.
I forgot to close the windows. 72
( ) He had his hair to be 分詞誤用辨析
( ) He had his hair cut.
( ) He likes to drink boiled water.
( ) He likes to drink boiling water.

( ) He looked tiring with cooking.

( ) He looked tired with cooking.

( ) I couldn't make myself understand.

( ) I couldn't make myself understood.
( ) Walked to school this morning, I met a friend of mine.
( ) Walking to school this morning, I met a friend of mine.more
( ) The worker worn a hat is lying on the ground.
( ) The worker wearing a hat is lying on the ground.
( ) The little girl stood there cried.
( ) The little girl stood there crying. 分詞
( ) Looking at the sky, I saw many stars. 辨析
( ) Looking at the sky, many stars were seen.
( ) The vacation being over, John returned to school.
( ) The vacation was over, John returned to school.
( ) Being fine, we'll go outing today.
( ) It being fine, we'll go outing today.
School being over, they went home.
The moon having risen, we put out the fire.
The weather being bad, the football match was canceled. more
在中國生活了好幾年 , 她中國話說得相當好。 ( 用分詞開頭 )

這個圖書館裡有許多史蒂夫寫的書。 ( 用 there are 開頭 )

在沿著河流走時 , 他看到了一條蛇正在 殼。 ( 用分詞開頭 )

要是沿著這條路走 , 你會找到車站。 ( 用分詞開頭 )

她對街上的男人喊 , 請求 助。

< 分詞 > 可以和 < 名詞 >,< 形容詞 > 或 < 副詞 > 搭配構成 { 複合
形容詞 }, 用來修飾後面的 < 名詞 >, 如 :a time-consuming job,
man-made satellite [tk@fxuAaf], an ugly-looking dog, ready- 75

made clothes( 成衣 ), a hard-working people( 民族 ), well- More

分詞構句中 , 過去分詞之前的” Being” 和” Having been” 可以省黑板
(Being) tired with his work, he went ot bed early.
(Having been) written in haste, the book has some faults. =
The book, (having been) written in haste, has some faults.
由於被雨淋了 , 他感冒了。 ( 用分詞開頭 )
幾次被搶劫後 , 他不敢在夜間外出了。 ( 用完成被動分詞構句 )
非被動的分詞構句中 , 過去分詞之前的“ Having” 不可以省略 , end
如 :
既然你做了 , 你最好把它做好 佳句


這就是他母親在兩天前過世的那個男孩。 76

( ) Here is quite big a stone that no one can lift it. 副
( ) Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it. 詞

( ) He gets up early every day. 用
( ) He gets up early everyday. 辨

( ) I'm going to downstairs.
( ) I'm going downstairs.
( ) Your story is the most interesting.
( ) Your story is most interesting.


( ) I met him two years before. 副詞誤用辨析
( ) I met him two years ago.
ago 用於 < 簡單過去式 >, 通常由現在這個時間點往前推 , 重點
在於事件發生的時間 ; 而 before 當副詞用時 , 用於 < 完成式 >
較多 , 重點是所經歷的事件本身 , 如 : I haven’t been to this
place before. 或者是表述由過去的一個時間點往回推的事件 ,
如 : 1. We saw that movie last Saturday. Actually, we had
seen the same movie on the Saturday before (that). 2. My
grandpa died 5 years ago, and my grandma had died a year
( ) They came back lately last night.
( ) They came back late last night.

( ) He is reading loudly the newspaper.

( ) He is loudly reading the newspaper. 78

( ) He is reading the newspaper loudly. more

( ) He will be back on next Monday. 逐句作答 副詞
( ) He will be back the next Monday. 辨析
( ) He will be back next Monday.



很顯然地 , 他不很滿意。


ever 不可隨意用在肯定句中 , 常見用法如下 :
1. 在肯定句中與最高級形容詞並用 : 若名詞前有最高級形容詞加
以修飾時 , 其後常接由關係代名詞 that 引導的含現在完成式
之形容詞子句 , 此時完成式助動詞 have/has 之後經常可加
ever 予以強調。例:


2. 與 if 子句並用。例:
 不知道 有沒有用過這個工具

3. 與疑問句並用。例:
你 曾去過西班牙嗎 ? 80

你有讀過這本小說嗎 ? end
instead 的用法
1. 作為替代 ( 當副詞 )
他太忙了 , 讓我去吧
她要的是熱紅茶 , 他卻錯給了她冰咖啡

反而 , 卻 , 而不是 ( 當介系詞 )


這消息非但沒有令她不安 , 反而產生了一種奇怪的鎮定效果

他沒把錢給約翰 , 卻給了我

( )Nile River is the longest river in Egypt. 冠詞誤用辨析
( )The Nile River is the longest river in
( )It'sEgypt.
a nice weather.( )It’s nice
( weather.
) She’s playing the piano right now.
( ) She’s playing piano right now.

( )She’s listening to radio in the room.

( )She’s listening to the radio in the
( room.
) The woman is equal to the man.
( ) Woman is equal to man.

1. Dog is a faithful animal.

2. A dog is a faithful animal.


3. The dog is a faithful more

不定冠詞” a/an” 可表示某一類 ( 個 ) 人或物
定冠詞用在單數名詞前 , 可表示總稱 , 並且有強調之意
定冠詞和計時 , 計量的名詞連用表示計算單位 補充


Wendy 在她媽媽不在時做家事

Peter 必須維持生計 More

在表示統稱的物質名詞 , 抽象名詞或動名詞前要省略冠詞。 黑板

自由是我們所追求的。 補充

我們必須把它做完 , 不是嗎 ?
沒有人打電話來 , 有嗎 ?
當我打電話給他時,他已寫完他的報告。 佳句

只有坐船 才可以到那裡 ( 用倒裝句 only 開頭 )


Ted 在電話中告訴我此消息 84
1. Mr. Yang is the chairman of the Music Club. 冠詞
2. The soldiers made him king. 補充
3. The president of France visited our country last week.
4. Her husband is a film director.

1. Malaria is a very common disease in hot countries.

2. The cholera is a dreadful disease.

Einstein won (A. a B. an C. the D. X) Nobel Prize in Physics in

1921. He left his country and lived in (A. a B. an C. the D. X)
States until he died in 1955. Einstein is known for his theory of
(A. a B. an C. the D. X) relativity.

They go to (A. a B. an C. the D. X) church to pray every Sunday.

Turn the following into inverted sentences. 倒裝句
The matter could be explained in no other way. 練習

I saw only then the danger we were in.

We had no sooner left the house than it exploded.

He didn't realize that he had lost the key till he got home.

They not only robbed him; they smashed everything.

If Mr. Chan had been kinder to his employees, his business

would not have collapsed.
( ) He neither speaks English nor French. 連接詞
( ) He speaks neither English nor French. 誤用辨析

( ) For I am sick today, I decide to stay at home.

( ) I decide to stay at home for I am sick today.

( ) Either you or I are wrong.
( ) Either you or I am wrong.

( ) I shall speak to him until he apologizes.

( ) I shan't speak to him until he apologizes.

( ) I have never been to London and Paris.
( ) I have never been to London or Paris.

他沒有參加會議 , 我也沒有。 ( 用 “ nor”)


由於沒有電 , 我點了一支 燭。
英語既有趣又難學。 ( 用 “ both…and”)

昨天湯姆沒去酒吧 , 亨利也沒去。 ( 用 “ neither…nor”)

據我所知 , 他從未說過謊
話 ( 用 “ in case”)
either 1. ( 用在否定句中當副詞 ) 也 黑板
你如不去 , 我也不去

2. ( 兩者之中 ) 任一的 這對他們沒有好處 , 但也沒有壞處

在這些問題上 , 們任何一個我都不同意
把 either 改成 neithe


either…or… 不是…就是 動詞人稱由最近的主詞決定


不是我對就是你對 end
否定副詞 neither = nor “ 也不” 和 “ either” 的比較
約翰不會游泳 , 我也不會
約翰沒說 , 我也沒有

sometimes: 有時 , 間或

sometime: 在 ( 將來或過去 ) 某一時候


我可以哪天來找你聊天嗎 ?
連接詞 as/so far as
1. 遠到 ...




2. 盡 ...; 就 ...; 依…
我將盡我所能 助
據我所知 , 他從未說過謊
據我所知 , 他是一個你可信賴的人

3. ( 指進展 ) 達到某一點為止

Yokohama is Japan's largest seaport, and

a commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo
Area. Yokohama used to be a small fishing
village. Yokohama is located on a peninsula
facing the western side of Tokyo Bay, 30
kilometers (18 miles) from Tokyo, to which92

it is connected by a half-dozen railway lines

o/as far as+ 主詞 + be + concerned… 就某人 / 某事而言
就翻譯練習而言 , 我敢說這本書是無法相比的

就英文而言 , 它並不像你所認為的那樣難

就我而言 , 我並不反對你的計劃

就英語作文而言 , 練習是最好的方法

就國防而言 , 我們必須買更精密尖端的武器

Some of the boys thought the river was too dangerous to
swim in. However, ________ Tim was concerned, it was
perfectly safe. 字彙
(A) as far as (B) as for (C) as well as (D) as a whole 詞意
I refuse to pay anything (A. so that B. as long as C. until D.
as if) you do the work properly.
(A. So that B. As long as C. While) I don't think she's perfect
for the job, she's certainly better qualified than Steve.
燃放爆竹有可能會危險 實用
這封信主要是關係到進口和出口 ( 用 concerned)

那男孩糟糕的健康使他的父母親憂慮 ( 用 concerns)

他擔心她的安全 ( 用 concerned)
他對她非常關心 ( 用 concerned) 94
( ) He likes to sit in the sun. 介系詞
( ) He likes to sit under the sun. 誤用辨析
( ) He is known by everyone.
( ) He is known to everyone.

( ) He left home in the morning of 11th.

( ) He left home on the morning of 11th.

( ) He was angry with what I said.

( ) He was angry at what I said.

( ) Mr. Jones lives on 10 Queen

( ) Mr. Jones lives at 10 Queen Street.
more 95
( ) She looks quite young in her age.
( ) She looks quite young for her age.

那棟建築物著火了 !
沒有什麼可怕的。 ( 用 “ afraid of”)
我贊同 的提議。
這些孩子必須受到良好的照顧。 ( 用被動與態 )

in, after 表示在 ... 時間以後 ,in 是以現在為起點 , 談將來的情況 ;

after 是已過去某時間為起點的 ... 時間之後 , 談過去的情況。

他去年五月結婚 , 而在兩個月後去世。
in, within 皆可表示事情發生的整個時期或一段時間內 , in 強調事
情發生的全部過程的時間 , 有完成的意思 ; within 強調事情發生
的全過程不超過 ... 時間 ; for 只表示事情發生的過程長達 ... 時間
, 無完成的意思。
他學過一個星期游泳。 介系詞
before, by 皆可表示在 ... 以前 , before 表示在 ... 以前 , 不包括其
< 受詞 > 所指的時間 ; by 表示在 ... 以前 , 指不遲於其 < 受詞 > 所

above/over 是和 under /below 相對的 , 表示高於 ; 表示在 ... 正上

方 , 強調垂直在 ... 之上。
一枝劍懸挂在他頭的上方。 97
below, under, beneath 皆可表示在 ... 之下 , below 表示非垂直並
不與表面接觸的下方 ; under 表示垂直並不與表面接觸的下方 ;
beneath 表示在某物之下 , 接觸或彼此極為接近。

在你父親面前你敢這樣說嗎 ?

就她的年齡而言 , 她看上去很年輕
at 和某些名詞連用表示在做什麼
。 介系詞
在工作 ( 上學 , 上大學 , 遊戲 , 吃飯 , 打坐 , 吃午飯 ) 。

on 和某些名詞連用表示在做什麼或處於某種狀態

她在渡假 ( 休假 , 站崗 , 班 , 上夜班 )

in 和某些名詞連用表示從事於某一行業或為某組織的成員。
他在經商 ( 做生意 , 陸軍 , 海軍 , 空軍 ) 。

她用她自己的縫紉機做了一件襯衣 ( 用 with)

這尊佛的雕像是用青銅鑄造的 ( 用 in)

最好公開地 ( 祕密地 , 簡要地 , 低聲地 ) 講 ( 用 in)

The child responded to his mother's demands (A. with B. by C.
from) throwing a tantrum.
The police caught the thief (A. in B. at C. from) the corner of
Cascade and Plum Streets.
What are the main ingredients (A. about B. to C. of) this
In cooking, a casserole (from the French for 'stew pan') is a
large, deep pot or dish used both in the oven and as a serving
dish. In the mid-twentieth century, the word also came to be
used for the food cooked and served in such a dish. These
foods usually consist of vegetables and sometimes meat,
pasta, or rice cooked slowly in sauce or other liquid, and may
be served as a main course or a side dish. 介系詞
I was visiting my best friend (A. of B. at C. in) the hospital.
我們控告他偷竊 ( 用 charge…with)
die of … , die from …
die of 表示死於某種疾病 , 如 cancer, smallpox( 天花 ),
pneumonia ( 肺炎 ) [nsbtmcnsQ] 等疾病 ; 或指死於自身因素 , 如
starvation( 飢餓 ), grief 等名詞作受詞
他因中風 / 痛風而死
die from 表示死於外界因素 , 如事故 , 車


不顧重複的警告 , 他仍沉溺於賭


be made of/from/out of 的用法
1. be made of 用以說明質料


2. be made from 用以說明所指質料從外觀上已看不出原來樣子

尼龍是由空氣 , 煤和水製成的

3. be made out of可表示前面兩種用法 , 更多的是表示 of 用法
這個桌子是由甚麼做的 ? 是大理石做的。
As for + 人 or 事物 = As to + 事物 至於 ; 談到
至於我的過去 , 我什麼都不會告訴你

至於 Peter, 他這次將無法參加遊行

至於 , 你應該為你自己感到羞恥

至於那個 , 他們尚未決
定 end

He grows flowers as well as vegetables.

He as well as I is satisfied with the result. 精選
The population as a whole are in favor of the reform. 佳句
( ) The reason is because he does not know how to do it.
( ) The reason is that he does not know how to do it.

( ) She is one of the few students who have

passed the exam.
She building
(( )) The is one ofwhich
the few students
windows are who
passedour the exam.
school building.
(( )) The building
That's whose Museum
the Science windows where
are round
we is
our school
visited lastbuilding.
( ) That's the Science Museum which we子句
( visited
) That is a last
book year.
the cover of that is blue. 誤用辨析
( ) That is a book the cover of which is blue. more

( ) The man and the horse who fell into the

river were drowned.
( ) He is the most boring speaker who I have ever
(句中有) Hethe
is only,
the most boring
the same, thespeaker that I ),
very( 正是那個 have everno( 無
all, any,
seen.much, little, none( 無一 ) 等詞修飾時 , 常用關係代名
一 ), every,
詞 that 來取代 who 或 which, 帶有強調的意味。
( ) Is this the car for that you paid a high price?
( ) Is this the car for which you paid a high price?

whose 是 that, which, who 的關係代名詞的所有格 , 代替其前

面的先行詞 , 用在 < 形容詞子句 > 中。
這就是窗戶總是關著的那間房子 105
( ) Learning foreign languages take us a lot of time.
( ) Learning foreign languages takes us lots of time.
主 / 動詞
( ) Between the two buildings stands a 一致誤用辨
wall. 析
( ) Between the two buildings stand a wall.
( ) They each has a dictionary.
( ) They each have a dictionary.

( ) Many a student are interested in English.

( ) Many a student is interested in English.
Some of the votes (A. seem B. seems) to have been

Everyone selected to serve on this jury (A. have B. has) to be

willing to give up a lot of time. 106
讓我們各付各的 , 好嗎 ?
遞給我那黑胡椒粉 , 好嗎 ? 主動詞
別再騎摩托車不戴安全帽了 , 好嗎 ? ( 否定只能用“ O.K”)

一天 10 元 , 一年 365 天 , 就相當 了

這裡除了 父母沒有人講法語
neither...nor, either...or, not only...but also,
or, nor 等連接主詞時 , 動詞由最靠近的主詞決
定, 我和湯姆都將不翹英文課


不但學生們 , 他們的老師也喜愛吃比薩

all, some, a lot of, most 等修飾可數名詞時 , 動詞用複數形式 ;

修飾不可數名詞時 , 動詞用單數形式

1. Betty, and not I, have won the prize. 主動詞
2. Betty, and not I, has won the prize. 一致
1. The house, including its furniture, were burnt.
2. The house, including its furniture, was burnt.
1. Neither the cat nor the dogs have been fed.
2. Neither the cat nor the dogs has been fed.
1. One’s happiness or sorrow depend on one’s attitude to life.
2. One’s happiness or sorrow depends on one’s attitude to life.
1. Many a child have made that mistake.
2. Many a child has made that mistake.
1. More than one person was hurt in the accident.
2. More than one person were hurt in the accident.
1. Reading books are her favorite hobby.
2. Reading books is her favorite hobby.
1. Birds of a feather flock together. 主動詞
2. Birds of a feather flocks together. 一致
1. Romeo and Juliet were written by Shakespeare.
2. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.
1. The United States is composed of 52 states.
2. The United States are composed of 52 states.
1. A hundred years are called a century.
2. A hundred years is called a century.
1. Five feet is too high for you to jump over.
2. Five feet are too high for you to jump over.
1. The horse and carriage are at the door.
2. The horse and carriage is at the door.
1. The rise and fall of the tide are due to lunar influence.
2. The rise and fall of the tide is due to lunar influence. 110
從本頁開始為額外重點補充 , 複習與各類型考題
1. That thief narrowly escaped to be caught.
2. That thief narrowly escaped being caught.
1. Can you imagine Mickey to cook the dinner?
2. Can you imagine Mickey cooking the dinner?
1. The teacher uses new methods to teach Chinese.
2. The teacher uses new methods of teaching Chinese.
1. I objected to smoking in public places. 特殊
2. I objected to smoke in public places. 動詞
1. She has the possibility to get a good grade.
2. She has the possibility of getting a good grade.
1. Whenever I feel cold, I cannot help trembling.
2. Whenever I feel cold, I cannot help to tremble.
1. Would you care to go to a movie? 111
2. Would you care going to a movie?
Growing vegetables ___ not as easy as it looks. 詞彙
A. are B. is C. which is D. which are 字義




There (A. have B. has C. are D. is) to be some people left in

that town after yesterday's flood.

Some of the grain (A. appear B. appears) to be contaminated.

Bob and Clara have lots of baby clothes at home, but we have
none, so we’re going to borrow some of (A. your B. ours C.
theirs D. those) for our newborn girl, Tammy.

I like both of those computers, but (A. Both B. the one C. the
other D. another) on the right is my favorite.
1. Three-quarters of the students are against the tuition hike.
2. Three-quarters of the student body is against the tuition hike.
Three quarters of the students represents a countable number,
but three quarters of the student body represents a lump sum,
a singular entity.
1. A high percentage of the population is voting for the new文法
2. A high percentage of the people was voting for the new bus.

【歲月不饒人】 【新官上任三把火】
Alan is a very good violin player. He (A. was B. is C. will be D.
has been) playing violin since 1992.
我昨晚回到家時是晚上 10 點鐘 語法
由於冷鋒面 , 天氣下個禮拜將非常冷


靠窗 / 走道位 前座 / front seat/wheel

子 輪

1. She confessed to have done it.
2. She confessed to having done it.
他否認犯罪 114
Amy entered the department store and ran ____ a woman
who was a _____( 以前的 ) high school classmate.
A. at

B. to

In former days there was a racecourse here.

The guide showed us the old home of former President.
They mated a horse with a donkey.
C. into
我身上沒帶現金 , 我可以待會再付錢給你嗎
塗抹香水 ( 化妝品 , 古龍水 )
Elderly people usually don’t have as _____ energy as
children and teenagers do.
A. many 今天跟昨天一樣冷
B. much我常把 Bob 搞錯成 Ken, 他們看起來像雙胞兄弟
C. more
D. most
Gordon 比他弟弟 Ben 聰明多了



_________, the birds would land in the branches of a
nearby tree and sing happily to each other.
A. Although B. Sometimes C. When D. If

雖下大雨 , 他們仍然去游泳

我有時去釣魚 , 有時去深水潛泳

你上次見到貝蒂的時候 , 她懷孕了嗎 ?

如果我是你 , 我 不會做那件 事

Peter 想知道他是否會被允許參加婚禮派對

scuba [tkhsbeQ] 水肺 ( 潛水氧氣筒 ), dive [d1v]

Her little brother, _______ afraid of earthquakes, has
to be comforted all the time.
A. because of B. who is C. very D. and

s, who lives in Taidong, will visit her in Taipei next

( 非限定形容詞子句 )
“ 瓊斯先生 , 人住在台東 , 下個月將來台北看她” ,
本句的子句“人住在台東”只是對先行詞附帶說明而已 , 住在哪
裡不是重點。如果沒有用逗點隔開 , 則變成限定用法 , 請看下
s who lives in Taidong will visit her in Taipei next m
( 限定形容詞子句 )
“ 住在台東的瓊斯先生下個月將來台北看 ” , 重點是住在台
東的那位 , 而不是住在其他地方的那位。
At 3:30 AM, a neighbor started _______
singing loudly and kept
her awake for half an hour.
A. sang B. sings C. singing D. sing

忘記拉上 子的拉鍊了!

塗上眼影 119
You can see _____ miles from the roof.
A. for B. in C. during D. until

A. for: 從頭到尾延續的時間 / 距離他昨晚看了三個小時的電視

B. in: 事情在某段時間滿了之後發生

C. during: 事情在某段時間之內發生

D. until: 表示某個事情或動作直到某個時間才停止

though, although, even, even if, but, but for 的用法比較
雖然他富有 , 但是他的生活不快樂 ( 用 though)

雖然他生病 , 但是他沒有請任何病假 ( 用 though)

即使明天會下雨 , 他將準時到達 ( 用 even though 或 even if)

連史密斯太太都忍不住笑 ( 用 Even)

儘管惡劣的天氣 , 我仍然出去散步 ( 用 in spite of = despite)

我們的目的不是幫你做 , 而是教你自己做 ( 用 but)

要不是為了孩子們 , 他們老早就離婚了 ( 用 but for)

文法結構測驗 ( 綜合題庫 )
1. Jack had his hand ____ when he looked for his key in the
(A) cutted (B) cutting (C) cut (D) cuted
2. Jane is a very shy person. She ____ talks to others first.
(A) hates (B) never (C) usually (D) always
3. ____ a motorcyclist wears a helmet or not is not only a
matter of his own safety.
(A) When (B) Weather (C) If (D) Whether
4. I ____ funny pictures on the wall in my room but I am too
old for that now.
(A) was used to draw (B) used to draw
(C) am used to drawing (D) used to drawing
5. Penghu is located _____ the west of Taiwan
(A) in (B) on (C) by (D) to
6. ____ he didn't expect to see me there ____ he was
(A) X...because... (B) X...so...
(C) Although...X... (D) Because...so that...
7. This sweater does not look good on me. Give me ____.
(A) other one (B) another one
(C) the another one (D) others
8. I wonder ____.
(A) where is my class (B) where my class is
(C) that my class is here (D) that is my class
9. Jerry was pumping up his basketball when his friend ____.
(A) called up him (B) called him up
(C) was calling him (D) called off
10. I don't have time to watch TV now and my sister doesn't
(A) neither (B) either (C) too (D) also
11. Her curiosity was ___ by the mysterious tone of his
(A) arising (B) aroused
(C) arousing (D) arisen
12. John's classmates decided on two places. Some wanted
to go to the zoo. ___ wanted to go to the museum.
(A) others (B) other ones
(C) other (D) the others
13. I was very tired last night because I ____.
(A) exercised all day long (B) had exercised for hours
(C) didn't sleep well (D) slept for a short time
14. I plan to buy a new computer next year so I am saving
most of my allowance ____.
(A) for my savings account (B) on my account
(C) in my savings account (D) at my savings account
15. The nurse saw the face of the thief very well because
she stood very _____to him when the theft happened.
(A) closely (B) close (C) closer (D) close by
16. Our history teacher is very funny. I _____ not help
laughing whenever I see him.
(A) may (B) shall (C) can (D) should
17. I bought a watch yesterday, but I lost _____ shortly
afterwards. I don't know what time it is now.
(A) one (B) another (C) it (D) that
18. Computer technology has made remarkable advances
_____ the beginning of the 90's.
(A) for (B) during (C) since (D) at
19. English is not too difficult to master, _____ it gets easier
and easier with practice.
(A) so (B) consequently (C) when (D) as
20. Jane is very proud _____ her talent to sing. She thinks
that she is the best singer in her class.
(A) in (B) with (C) of (D) at
21. The villagers have decided _____ new guards to protect
them from the gangsters.
(A) to hire (B) hiring C) to hiring D) in hiring
22. _____ to leave his key in his car.
(A) It was careless of him (B) That was careful of him
(C) That was careless for him (D) It was careless for him
23. The moment he dived into the river, he _____ in pain, as
he found the water was freezing.
(A) cried out (B) is crying out (C) has cried out (D) crying out
24. Since the ground is wet, it ______ last night.
(A) must rain (B) had rained
(C) should have rained (D) must have rained
25. ___ of the smarter students were assigned to help those
with difficulties.
(A) some (B) each (C) everyone (D) either
26. It is doubtful _____ he will make it to his destination on
time. Nobody can be sure.
(A) what (B) whether (C) when (D) how
27. His opinion is the opposite _____ what we know. His
view is wrong.
(A) with (B) of (C) for (D) from
28. _____ when the drought will be over. Nobody knows
when it will rain.
(A) There is no reason (B) There is no knowing
(C) It is no reason (D) It is no knowing
29. I _____ only for two hours when he called me last night.
It was really rude of him.
(A) slept (B) have slept (C) had slept (D) had been sleeping
30. He doesn't have much money now, but judging from his
furniture, he _____.
(A) seemed to be rich before
(B) appeared to be rich in the past
(C) seems to have been rich before
(D) seems to be wealthy in the past
31. The people on strike demand that their salaries ____ by
at least 5 percent.
(A) are risen (B) be raised (C) should arise (D) must be risen
說明︰意志動詞有四類 : 建議 (suggest, recommend, propose,
advise, urge 等 ), 要求 (desire, ask, demand, require, request,
maintain, insist 等 ), 命令 (order, command 等 ), 規定 (rule,
regulate, stipulate 等 ) 。後接子句裡的動詞要用原形或“ should +
< 原動詞
32. >” 。
If more attention had been paid to the child this morning,
he _____ this afternoon.
(A) would have got lost (B) might not be lost
(C) wouldn't have gotten lost (D) should have not lost
33. If her father _____ richer, he would have held a more
expensive wedding banquet for her.
(A) had been (B) have been (C) is (D) was

34. The concert we went to last night was really fun. You
____ there with us.
(A) should go (B) should have gone
(C) must go (D) must have gone
35. This matter is not as serious as you thought. You ____ in
such a hurry last night.
(A) don't need to call me (B) need not have called me
(C) must have called on me (D) need not ring me
36. The man regrets that he killed the ___ hen out of greed.
(A) gold-eggs lying (B) golden-egg laying
(C) golden-egg laid (D) gold-eggs laying
37. Everything ____, the applicant was found to be less than
adequate to be admitted into the program.
(A) considering (B) considered
(C) taking into consideration (D) to be considered
38. Seeing the teacher enter the classroom, all the students
(A) stopped to talk (B) stopped talking
(C) stopped talk (D) stopping talking
39. It was not until the police arrested the murderer ____
everyone was relieved.
(A) when (B) who (C) that (D) how

40. The audience was ____ when the pop singer started to
sing his most popular song.
(A) by themselves (B) beside herself
(C) besides themselves (D) on itself
41. The manager needed a sales assistant who ______ be
able to travel abroad to visit overseas customers monthly.
(A) would (B) ought (C) should (D) could
42. Susan had free time during her holidays, so she decided
to go ____ a tour of Orchid Island.[tOqhag]
(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) up
43. The assistant measured the chemical liquid carefully and
then slowly ____ it to the tube containing water.
(A) had added (B) adding (C) added (D) adds
44. The association needed volunteers who ____ be able to
work four hours a week.
(A) ought (B) would (C) should (D) could
45. Some of the employees ____ in the bank would join us
for the board meeting.
(A) works (B) work (C) worked (D) working
The End
結 束
Thank you very much.
謝 謝 大 家
Never Give Up!!!
巫明鑫 老師 ( 新竹教育大學 )
電話 :03-5969021 , 0982-245-860
網址 :http://www.esnips.com/web/edwardwu

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