Ways To Share Your Writing

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[ways to share your writing]

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

1. Use a story wall

Claim a space at home or at school/work/uni/ library to hang your work so that everyone can read it (fridge, feature wall, noticeboard).

Project your work on a screen (large screen or computer screensaver)

Blog it.
wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

2. Lend me your ears!

Ask your friends, family, teachers or librarians to
comment constructively on your work.
I like your imagery. I know a great competition for you to enter. Will you write a story with me? Your opening paragraph grabbed my attention!

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

3. Go public

Read your work to a public gathering

(open mic, poetry festival, literary festival, Book Week, eisteddfod, assembly, art gallery event, storytelling session, vodcast, podcast). Perform your poetry at a slam!

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

4. Commune

Start a writers group (or join one). Join your State writers association. Participate in writers workshops and festivals.

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

5. Get published!
Submit your work to an online site or
paper magazine. Submit your work for radio broadcast. Submit your play to a theatre group for workshopping or performance.

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

6. Enter here
Enter your work in competitions to be rewarded with

feedback, prizes or publication. Be aware of scam competitions. Support organisations that legitimately support your creative development. Check wordbox online for entry dates (youth comps).

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

7. Collaborate
Work with an actor or musical friend to perform
your play or monologue, duologue, song

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

8. Treasure it
Give your story, poem
or comic-strip as a gift (on a postcard or bookmark, in an artists book or zine, on a t-shirt or jeans, on a lantern, banner or canvas, on a chair or tabletop..).

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

9. Be zined!
Cutnpaste DIY technology
and the photocopier Organic, independent, creative, individual, funky, collaborative, quirky, artistic, informative Learn about marketing, distribution, sales Sticky Institute, Joanna, Matchbox Project, Jen Mills, Vanessa Berry, Etsy, MadeIt,

Sydney Writers Festival Zine Fair

Emerging Writers Festival, Melbourne

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

and more. Arent they moresome?

Little at Sydney Writers Festival Zine Fair

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

10. Teach
Learn from
storytellers, tutors, teachers, fellow writers, industry leaders, mentors, favourite authors, and Teach others.

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

Why? Your words out in the world to express yourself, have a voice, give others a voice, explore your creativity, experiment with language and form, give to others, get inside your characters skin, be part of a community, entertain and inform, discover what audiences like, win prizes, make money, pump up your portfolio, create unique gifts, get used to deadlines and wordcounts, make sense of it all, LIVE!
Why & how do you share your writing? Comment on the-storyspace

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

Write now! Create, live!

created October 2008 by alison (based on TEN zine, released August 2008).
* Big thank you to Little zine creator, Joanna Coltman, for five images on slides 10 & 11 *


I knit words [This presentation was created for educational purposes]

wordbox / the-storyspace.blogspot.com

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