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EDM - 815


Humanitarian Relationship with Colleagues, Students and Administrators

Submitted to- Submitted by-

Mr. Umesh Sone Pragya Singh

M.Ed. 4th sem

Humanitarian relationship

Having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and

happiness of people.
Ways to build Humanitarian Relationship with Colleagues

1. Be proactive and help where you can without being asked

As the new person in the team, your colleagues will be keen to see what you

can deliver both to wider team goals and also to projects they are working on.

That will most likely take the form of the work you are tasked with early on;

bear in mind that new employees are typically not very heavily loaded with

2. Make time for everybody, not just the senior stakeholders

There can be a tendency to focus all of your time and effort impressing

more senior stakeholders, and a temptation to discount junior colleagues

and tasks you deem to be of low importance. These things are important to

someone, so don’t be dismissive. 

3. Deliver on work and always follow up with people 

Nothing is worse than someone who fails to deliver on a promise or consistently

misses deadlines. There is no quicker way to spoil your reputation and damage

potential working relationships than failing to follow through on work or not

replying to emails and requests for information and help.

4. Show yourself in meetings

Professional relationships are built on respect and there is no better way to earn

the respect of your colleagues than by proving yourself an engaged and valuable

member of the team.

5. Be positive

A key part of building healthy relationships is to retain a positive attitude

towards your new colleagues. There is sure to be some level of office politics

and gossip – this is just a reality of working in close quarters.

6. Learn to communicate effectively 

When learning to build solid relationships at work it's important first to learn

about communication, and the styles of communicating. When looking at the

DiSC model, there's 4 key personality types that people can often be grouped

into: the driver, the influencer, supporter and controller. 

Importance of Humanitarian Relationship with Colleagues

•Improve employee morale- There is a saying that people don’t quit jobs, they

quit managers.  Employee morale will depend on whether your staff feel

evidently safe and trusted. If you build strong relationships, you improve

employee morale and engagement.

•Team members are more productive- If employees have a good friend at

work, they are 7 times more like to be engaged at their job.

•Improves collaboration- If your employees have each other’s back and

unconditional trust, they can freely collaborate and work. They also feel

empowered to share ideas and opinions.

•Less discomfort during meetings. In a toxic workplace, people are afraid

to speak up. But, with the help of good work relationships, you’ll feel

empowered to share your ideas.

•More support from your colleagues. Work can be stressful. You’ll need

moral and practical support when times get tough. Good work colleagues

will step up for you when you ask, and you’ll do the same for them.
Ways to build Humanitarian Relationship with Students

•Teach With Enthusiasm and Passion 

Students will respond positively when a teacher is enthusiastic and passionate

about the content she is teaching. Excitement is contagious. When a teacher

introduces new content enthusiastically, students will buy in.

•Have a Positive Attitude

Everyone has terrible days including teachers. Everyone goes through personal

trials that can be difficult to handle. It is essential that your personal issues do not

interfere with your ability to teach. Teachers should approach their class each

day with a positive attitude. Positivity is transcending.

•Make Learning Fun

Learning should be fun and exciting. Nobody wants to spend time in a

classroom where lecturing and note-taking are the norms. Students love

creative, engaging lessons that grab their attention and allow them to take

ownership of the learning process.

•Use Student Interests to Your Advantage

Every student has a passion for something. Teachers should use these

interests and passions to their advantage by incorporating them into their

•Incorporate Humor into Lessons

Teaching and learning should not be boring. Most people love to laugh.

Teachers should incorporate humor into their daily lessons. This may involve

sharing an appropriate joke related to the content you will be teaching that day.


•Good relationships result in long-term effects

•Positive relationships result in better outlook on school

•Teachers who build good relationships experience fewer discipline problems

•Show an Interest in Their Lives Outside of School

Your students have lives away from your classroom. Talk to them about their

interests and extracurricular activities that they participate in. Take an interest

in their interests even if you do not share the same passion.

•Treat Them With Respect

Your students will never respect you if you do not respect them. You should

never yell, use sarcasm, single a student out, or attempt to embarrass them.

Those things will lead to a loss of respect from the entire class.
Ways to build Humanitarian Relationship with Administrators

From Contract to Departure

It is the responsibility of an administrator to ensure that once a teacher is

brought on board that they feel it is a journey together with student

excellence as the ultimate goal. Administrators must show teachers they

support them and they genuinely care about the teachers’ growth and

•Professionally Personal

Administrators must engage their teachers on a personal level from time to

time. How we do that can go a long way in determining how much trust is

built. Teachers, like everyone else, have personal lives and sometimes personal

situations that demand a response from the administrator.

•Empowerment Builds Trust

The administrator that listens to their teachers and empowers them to try new

and innovative approaches in the classroom builds trust and confidence. When

a teacher comes forward with an idea, we should listen to them and, through

collaboration, allow teachers to “go for it”.

•The Evaluation Process

The evaluation process is probably one of the most dreaded procedures

we go through each year with teachers and administrators. Let’s face it,

nobody enjoys being evaluated and, ultimately, having their

shortcomings brought to the forefront. 

Thank you

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