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By; Mohamed hassan


07/15/2023 1
Scope and history of pediatrics;

• Pediatrics is concerned with the health of infants,

children, and adolescents

• Pediatrics – the branch of medicine dealing with the

care and Rx of children.

• The health problems of children and youth vary widely.

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Age classification
• Embryo- from conception up to 8 weeks of gestation
• Fetus - from 9weeks of gestation up to birth
• Neonate – from birth to the 1st month of age (28 days) New
• Infant – from 28 days to the completion of one year of age.
• Toddler – 1-3 yrs.
• Preschool – 3-6yrs of age
• School – 6-12 yrs of age
• Adolescent- 13 to 18 years of age
• Child – is the time (age) from infancy to puberty.
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Overview of Initial Health History

Biographic data Medications

Source of history
Reason for seeking care
 Hospitalizations/Surgeries
Past Medical History

Prenatal, birth and neonatal  Serious accidents or injuries

Acute and chronic illnesses
Childhood infectious
diseases  Family History
Allergies Social History
Developmental History
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Initial Health History cont…
Biographic Data Source of History
• Person providing the
• Child’s name information
• Birthplace • Special circumstances

• Gender

• Parents and/or caregivers


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Reason for Seeking Care
• Chief Complaint - why is the patient here?
• History of Present Illness - details of what has
happened with this illness leading up to the visit
◦ Location
◦ Character or quality
◦ Quantity or severity
◦ Timing
◦ Aggravating or relieving factors
◦ Associated factors
◦ Patient’s perception

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Past Medical History
Prenatal/Obstetrical History:
• Maternal age
• Was there prenatal care and if so, when did it start?
• Methods of contraception
• Maternal health prior and during pregnancy, including
• Any complications during pregnancy, such as bleeding,
excessive nausea and vomiting, high blood pressure, etc.

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Past Medical History cont…

Any medications taken during pregnancy and if so,

what and when were they started?

• Any use of alcohol, drugs or cigarettes during

pregnancy? If so – amount and frequency?

• Any radiation/x-ray exposure?

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Birth History
◦ Parity of the mother
◦ Course and duration of pregnancy
◦ Length of labor
◦ Place of delivery
◦ Use of anesthesia
◦ Type of delivery
◦ Problems associated with labor and delivery
◦ Condition of infant at birth – onset of cry and APGAR
scores, need for any support

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Neonatal History
o Gestational age, birth weight, length and head

o Problems after birth – hypothermia, fever,

hypoglycemia, poor feeder, respiratory distress,
jaundice, apneas.

o Congenital anomalies

o Illness within first 2 months of life

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Acute and Chronic Illnesses

• Frequent respiratory and/or ear infections, diarrhea,

vomiting, tonsillitis, etc.

• Any chronic illnesses such as congenital anomalies,

genetic disorders, obesity, diabetes,

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Childhood infectious diseases

• If any history of common childhood and/or chronic

illnesses such as measles (rubella), varicella, pertussis,
streptococcal infections.

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• Type: Medication, Food, Contact Agents,


• Type of reaction: rash, itching, respiratory distress.

• History of allergic rhinitis, dermatitis.

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Type (prescription versus over-the-counter)

 Name, dose and frequency

 Indication for medication

 Include vitamins, herbal remedies, and

complementary and alternative medical therapies

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◦ Date, the child’s age and reason for
◦ Type of surgical intervention
◦ Any complications?
◦ Duration of stay
◦ Did child require any blood transfusions?

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Immunization History
• Assess whether the child is fully immunized or not

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Family Medical History:
 Document ages and current health status of immediate family members
 Any family history of:
• Heart disease
• Arthritis
• High blood pressure
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Blood disorders

• Mental illness
• Cancer
• Sickle cell anemia
• kidney disease
• asthma
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Social History

Start with least threatening questions to more sensitive,

personal questions


◦ Who is in the family, structure, roles (as defined by the


◦ Primary caregiver

◦ Family functioning

◦ Friends
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Home Environment:

• Assess for health and safety

 Economic Status:

 Cultural Assessment

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