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Data type: The term data type refers to what

kind of data a value represents.
Specifically there are three different data types
that you need to be aware of at this time namely
 Strings
 Integer
 floats
• STRING : is a text consisting of zero ( empty
string ) or characters.

• Integers are whole numbers, which can be

positive or negative.

• Floats, or “floating-point numbers,” are

numbers with decimals.
• An expression : is a combination of one or
more values (such as String, integer, or floats)
using operators, which result in a new value.
• The value on the right and left of the +
operator is called operands.
• Programs usually store data in the computer’s
memory and perform operations on that data.
• Programs use variables to access and
manipulate data that is stored in memory.
• A variable is a name that represents a value in
the computer’s memory.

• For example : a program that calculates the

distance between two cities might use the
variable name Distance to represent that
value in memory.
Variable name
• when you create variables , you are free to
choose the names of variables as you like ,
provided that you follow a few simple rules
• A variable name must consist of only letters ,
digits and or underscore (_)
• A variable name must start with a letter or an
• A variable name should not be a reserved word.
Comments in python
• When writing code in python , it is important
to make sure that your code can be easily
understood by others.
• Awesome and easy way to increase the
readability of your code is by using comment.
• Comments are short notes placed in different
parts of a program, explaining how those parts
of the program work.
• Although comments are a crucial part of a program ,
comments are intended for a person reading a
program’s code , not the computer.
• To write a comment in python , simply put the hash
mark # before your desired comment.
• When the python interpreter sees a # character , it
ignores everything from that character to the end of
the lines.
• This line is an example of comment : #this is a
Conditional statements
• you have mostly viewed computer programs as
sequence of instruction that are followed one after
the other.
• Sequencing is a fundamental concept of
programming ,but it alone is not sufficient to solve
every problem.
• Often it is necessary to alter the sequential flow of a
program to suit the needs of a particular situation.
• To do that is used control structures.

• A control structure are an essential part of

programing that allow you to specify the
flow of execution in your code.
Loop structures for repetitions

• Computers are often used to automate

repetitive tasks.
• Repeating similar tasks without making error is
something that computers do well and people
do poorly.

• Each execution of the body of a loop is known

as an iteration.
• If loop does not have a way of stopping it is
called an infinite loop

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