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Demand Estimation:

1.An introduction to demand estimation:

2.Meaning of demand estimation:

3.Process and steps of demand estimation:

4.Tools and techniques of demand estimation:

5.limitation of demand estimation:

1.An introduction to demand estimation:

The Basics Demand estimation is a prediction focusing on

future consumer behavior. ...
Survey Method Consumer interviews, surveys and focus group
meetings are a grass-roots method of estimating demand. ...
Market Study Method Market studies are a direct demand
estimation method that combines consumer interaction with
science. ...
Regression Analysis Method ...
2.Meaning of demand estimation:

The estimation of quantitative nature of demand

and the its determinants.

To understand the functional relationship between

demands and its various determinations.

Demand function->Q=f(px,Y,pr,Ad,etc)
3.Process and steps of demand estimation:

1:Identification of variables: Depended and independent variables

2:Development of model: Mathematical equation

3:Collection of data: Primary and secondary source of data

4:Estimation of parameter of the model

5:Development of estimation based on the model

4.Tools and techniques of demand estimation :

Consumer Questioning the consumer to determining his

surveys behaviour
Experimental group to understand the relation
clinic or focus
group between the variables
Market Direct market experiments to understand the change
experiment in demand due to changes in it’s depended variables
The regression analysis
5.limitation of demand estimation:

The model can not be exact

Quantitative and qualitative nature of consumer behaviour

Indifferent consumer behaviour

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