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Complex Sentence Investigation
Collection 2

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Collection 2: Sentence 1 easy

1. 宾语从句
Many ecologists now think that the
2. not…but… 词性保持一
relative long-term stability of climax 致

communities comes not from 3. 解释 patchiness

diversity but from the “patchiness” of

4. 定语从句
the environment, an environment
that varies from place to place and 5. 连词连接 2 个动词

supports more kinds of organisms 6. 定语从句

than an environment that is uniform.
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Collection 2: Sentence 1 easy
TPO 3: The Long-Term Stability Of Ecosystem

Many ecologists now think that the relative long-term stability of climax
communities comes not from diversity but from the “patchiness” of the
environment, an environment that varies from place to place and supports
more kinds of organisms than an environment that is uniform. (42 Words)

来自于云斑环境 , 该云斑环境比起单一的环境来说在区域间变化并支持了更
stability 稳定性 climax community 高潮群落
patchiness 云斑 ; 补缀的性质 diversity 多样性
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Collection 2: Sentence 2 easy

1. 句子逻辑 , 转折

Even though the fine arts in the 2. 句子核心 : 变化对不变

twentieth century often treat
3. 句子主语
materials in new ways, the basic
difference in attitude of artists in 4. 超长状语
relation to their materials in the
5. 句子谓语
fine arts and the applied arts
remains relatively constant. 6. 句子核心 : 变化对不变
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Collection 2: Sentence 2 easy

OG: Applied Arts And Fine Arts

Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat
materials in new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artists in
relation to their materials in the fine arts and the applied arts
remains relatively constant. (38 Words)

即使在 20 世纪的艺术通常用新方法对待材料 , 但是艺术与应用

in relation to 与…有关 constant 持续的 ; 始终如一的 ; 常数
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Collection 2: Sentence 3 easy

1. 主句主语

The cinema did not emerge as a 2. not…until…

form of mass consumption until its
3. until 作为连词加句子
technology evolved from the initial
“peepshow” format to the point 4. 句子谓语

where images were projected on a

5. from A to B
screen in a darkened theater.
6. 定语从句
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Collection 2: Sentence 3 easy

TPO 2: Early Cinema

The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption

until its technology evolved from the initial “peepshow” format
to the point where images were projected on a screen in a
darkened theater. (34 Words)

的影院屏幕 , 电影院才作为一种大众化消费的形式而出现。
emerge 出现 mass consumption 大众消费
peepshow 西洋镜 project 项目 ; 放映
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Collection 2: Sentence 4 easy

1. 主句主语
Those individuals who possess
2. 定语从句
characteristics that provide
them with an advantage in the 3. 定语从句

struggle for existence are more 4. 主句谓语

likely to survive and contribute

5. 主句谓语
their genes to the next
6. 主句宾语
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Collection 2: Sentence 4 easy

OG: Aggression

Those individuals who possess characteristics that provide them

with an advantage in the struggle for existence are more likely to
survive and contribute their genes to the next generation. (29 Words)

那些拥有竞争优势的个体更容易存活 , 并且会将它们有利于生存竞
possess 拥有 ; 迷住 struggle 奋斗 ; 竞争
existence 存在 contribute 贡献 ; 捐赠
provide sb with sth 提供某人某物
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Collection 2: Sentence 5 easy

1. 专业名词 , 用首字母 F
The Fore also displayed familiar
2. 句子逻辑 , 时间状语从
facial expressions when asked 句
3. 省略了 the Fore were
how they would respond if they
were the characters in stories 4. 宾语从句

that called for basic emotional

5. 条件状语从句
6. 定语从句
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Collection 2: Sentence 5 easy

OG: The Expression Of Emotions

The Fore also displayed familiar facial expressions when asked how
they would respond if they were the characters in stories that called
for basic emotional responses. (26 words)

F 部落的人也展现出了相似的面部表情当他们被问及如果他们是故
display 显示 ; 展览 facial expression 面部表情
call for 需要 ; 去接 ( 某人 ) emotional responses 情绪反应
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Collection 2: Sentence 6 easy

1. 主句主语
Ekman and his colleagues more
2. 主句谓语
recently obtained similar results
in a study of ten cultures in 3. 主句宾语

which participants were

4. 定语从句
permitted to report that
5. which 指代 study
multiple emotions were shown
by facial expressions. 6. 宾语从句
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Collection 2: Sentence 6 easy

OG: The Expression Of Emotions

Ekman and his colleagues more recently obtained similar results in a

study of ten cultures in which participants were permitted to report
that multiple emotions were shown by facial expressions. (30 Words)

Ekman 和他的同事们从近期的一项研究中得出了相同的结论 , 他们
对来自 10 个不同文化背景的参与者们进行了调查 , 参与者可以通
obtain 获得 participant 参与者
permit 允许 multiple 多重的 ; 复杂的
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Collection 2: Sentence 7 easy

1. 句子逻辑 , 转折
Although she discovered and
2. Although 句子 A, 句子
introduced her art in the United B.

States, she achieved her great 3. and 并列 2 个动词

glory in Paris, where she was 4. 非限制性定语从句

engaged by the Folies Bergere in

5. and 并列 2 个动词
1892 and soon became “la Loie”,
6. 解释 La Loie
the darling of Parisian audience.
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Collection 2: Sentence 7 easy

OG: Loie Fuller

Although she discovered and introduced her art in the United States,
she achieved her great glory in Paris, where she was engaged by the
Folies Bergere in 1892 and soon became “la Loie”, the darling of
Parisian audience. (38 Words)

虽然她在美国发现并且介绍了她的艺术 , 但是她在巴黎赢得了巨大
的荣誉 , 在那里她与 Folies Bergere 在 1892 年订婚并迅速成为了 La
Loie, 巴黎观众的宠儿。
achieve 实现 ; 达到 engage 从事 ; 忙碌 ; 订婚
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Collection 2: Sentence 8 medium

1. 主句主语
The explosion is also calculated
2. 主句宾语
to have produced vast quantities
of nitric acid and melted rock 3. 定语从句

that sprayed out over much of 4. 非谓语

Earth, starting widespread fires

5. 定语从句
that must have consumed most
6. must have done
terrestrial forests and grassland. 对过去事情的肯定猜测
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Collection 2: Sentence 8 medium

Online Test: Meteorite Impact And Dinosaur Extinction

The explosion is also calculated to have produced vast quantities of

nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out over much of Earth,
starting widespread fires that must have consumed most terrestrial
forests and grassland. (35 Words)

该爆炸被计算出产生了大量的喷洒在地球上的硝酸和溶化的岩石 ,
造成了大范围的火灾 , 烧掉了大多数地球上的森林和草地。
calculate 计算 ; 推测 nitric acid 硝酸
spray 喷 ; 喷雾 terrestrial 陆地的 ; 类地行星的
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Collection 2: Sentence 9 medium

1. 插入语修饰 Patrick
As Patrick Kirch, an American Kirch

anthropologist, points out, rather 2. 句子谓语

than being brought by rafting South 3. 句子逻辑 , 转折

Americans, sweet potatoes might just
4. 宾语从句
have easily been brought back by
returning Polynesian navigators who 5. might have done
could have reached the west coast of
South America. 6. 定语从句
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Collection 2: Sentence 9 medium

TPO 5: The Origin Of The Pacific Island People

As Patrick Kirch, an American anthropologist, points out, rather than

being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just
have easily been brought back by returning Polynesian navigators
who could have reached the west coast of South America. (39 Words)

正如美国人类学家 Patrick Kirch 所指出的 , 并非从南美筏运过来 , 土

anthropologist 人类学家 raft 木筏 ; 用木筏运
navigator 航海者 ; 航行者
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Collection 2: Sentence 10 medium

1. 主句主语
Lichens helped to speed the
2. 主句谓语
decomposition of the hard rock
surfaces, preparing a soft bed of 3. 主句宾语

soil that was abundantly

4. 非谓语
supplied with minerals that had
5. 定语从句
been carried in the molten rock
from the bowels of Earth. 6. 定语从句
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Collection 2: Sentence 10 medium

TPO 9: The Arrival Of Plant Life In Hawaii

Lichens helped to speed the decomposition of the hard rock surfaces,

preparing a soft bed of soil that was abundantly supplied with
minerals that had been carried in the molten rock from the bowels of
Earth. (36

苔藓帮助加速了坚硬岩石表面的分解 , 准备了一个能够提供丰富矿
物质的土壤软床 , 这些矿物质是被来自地球内部的溶化的岩石带出
decomposition 分解 ; 腐烂 supply A with B 给 A 提供 B
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Complex Sentence Investigation 小站教育
Collection 2: Sentence 11 medium

1. 句子逻辑 , 转折
Although early exhibitors
2. Although 句子 A, 句子
regularly accompanied movies B.

with live acts, the substance of 3. 句子主语

the movies themselves is mass- 4. 过去分词作形容词修饰

produced prerecorded material
5. 定语从句
that can easily be reproduced by
theaters with little or no active 6. with 状语的限定修饰

participation by the exhibitor.

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Collection 2: Sentence 11 medium
TPO 2: Early Cinema

Although early exhibitors regularly accompanied movies with live

acts, the substance of the movies themselves is mass-produced
prerecorded material that can easily be reproduced by theaters with
little or no active participation by the exhibitor. (35 Words)

虽然早期的展览者通常把电影与现场表演相结合 , 但是电影本质是大规
模制造的提前录音的材料 , 这些材料可以被剧院轻易地复制并不需要展
live 现场直播的 substance 物质 ; 实质 ; 内容
prerecord 事先录音的 reproduce 复制 ; 繁殖
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Collection 2: Sentence 12 medium

1. 比较级前置的倒装句
More than a decade of agitation
2. and 连接 2 个句子
did finally bring a workday
shortened to 10 hours to most 3. A1, and A2, but B.

industries by the 1850’s, and the 4. 句子逻辑 , 转折

courts also recognized worker’s

5. 句子主语
right to strike, but these gains
6. 译为“几乎没有”
had little immediate impact.
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Collection 2: Sentence 12 medium
OG: Artisans And Industrialization

More than a decade of agitation did finally bring a workday shortened

to 10 hours to most industries by the 1850’s, and the courts also
recognized worker’s right to strike, but these gains had little
immediate impact. (37 Words)

超过 10 年的骚动 , 直到 19 世纪 50 年代最终带来的是 , 在大多数行

业中 , 每天的工作时间减少到了 10 小时 , 并且法院也认可了工人的
罢工权力 , 但是这些收益几乎没有直接的影响。
agitation 煽动 ; 搅拌 strike 罢工 ; 打击
gain 获得 ; 利润 immediate 直接的 ; 立刻的
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Collection 2: Sentence 13 medium

1. 主句
Fuller devised a type of dance that
focused on the shifting play of 2. 定语从句

lights and colors on the

3. 定语从句省略 that
voluminous skirts or draperies she
wore, which she kept in constant 4. 非限制性定语从句

motion principally through

5. 过去分词后置修饰
movements of her arms,
6. 过去分词后置修饰
sometimes extended with wands
concealed under her costumes.
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Collection 2: Sentence 13 medium
OG: Loie Fuller

Fuller devised a type of dance that focused on the shifting play of lights and
colors on the voluminous skirts or draperies she wore, which she kept in
constant motion principally through movements of her arms, sometimes
extended with wands concealed under her costumes. (44 words)

Fuller 设计了一种注重她所穿的宽松的裙子上的灯光和色彩变换的舞蹈 , 她的舞姿则主

要体现在不停的上肢动作 , 有时候用隐藏在剧服下面魔棒来实现延伸。

devise 设计 ; 想出 shift 改变 ; 转移
voluminous 多产的 ; 宽松的 drapery 挂毯 ; 布料
conceal 隐藏 costume 剧服
extend 延伸 ; 扩大 wand 魔杖 ; 指挥棒
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Collection 2: Sentence 14 hard

1. 表示肯定语气
To be sure, their evaluation of the
technical flaws in 1920s sound 2. 句子主语

experiments was not so far off the 3. 句子逻辑 , 转折

mark, yet they neglected to take
4. 句子 A, yet 句子 B.
into account important new forces
in the motion picture field that, in a 5. 定语从句
sense, would not take no for an
6. 插入语
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Collection 2: Sentence 14 hard

TPO 12: Transition To Sound In Film

To be sure, their evaluation of the technical flaws in 1920s sound

experiments was not so far off the mark, yet they neglected to take
into account important new forces in the motion picture field that, in
a sense, would not take no for an answer. (46 Words)

诚然 , 他们在 1920 年的声音实验中对于技术缺陷的估计并非不相关 , 然而他

们却忽视了电影范畴内的新生的重要势力 , 从某种意义上说 , 其答案不是否定
flaw 缺点 ; 瑕疵 so far 迄今为止
be off the mark 不相关 ; 不准确 neglect 忽略 ; 忽视
take into account 把…考虑在内 in a sense 从某种意义上说
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Collection 2: Sentence 15 hard

1. 句子逻辑 , 转折
Normally, the constantly changing levels of an
animal's activity—sleeping, feeding, moving, 2. 插入语
reproducing, metabolizing, and producing
3. 表语从句
enzymes and hormones, for example—are
well coordinated with environmental rhythms, 4. 插入语
but the key question is whether the animal's
schedule is driven by external cues, such as 5. 并列 2 个动词

sunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent

6. 定语从句
somehow on internal timers that themselves
generate the observed biological rhythms.
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Collection 2: Sentence 15 hard
TPO 13: Biological Clock

Normally, the constantly changing levels of an animal‘s activity—sleeping, feeding, moving, reproducing,
metabolizing, and producing enzymes and hormones, for example—are well coordinated with
environmental rhythms, but the key question is whether the animal’s schedule is driven by external
cues, such as sunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent somehow on internal timers that themselves
generate the observed biological rhythms.
(61 Words)

通常 , 一个动物活动的持续变化的等级 , 例如睡觉 , 进食 , 移动 , 繁殖 , 新陈代谢以及产生酶和荷尔蒙 ,

都很好地与环境相协调 , 但是关键问题在于是否动物的生物钟是被外部线索所驱使 , 比如日出或是日
落 , 又或者在于是否依赖于他们自己产生的可观察的生物节奏的内部生物钟。

metabolize 新陈代谢 enzyme 酶

hormone 荷尔蒙 coordinate 使协调 ; 同等的 ; 坐标
rhythm 节奏 ; 韵律 drive 驾驶 ; 迫使 ; 驱动
external 外部的 internal 内部的
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Collection 2: Sentence 16 hard

1. 句子主语
The disorienting effects of this
mismatch between external time 2. between A and B

cues and internal schedules may

3. 句子谓语
persist, like our jet lag, for several
days or weeks until certain cues 4. 插入语

such as the daylight/darkness

5. 句子 A until 句子 B.
cycle reset the organism's clock to
6. 插入语
synchronize with the daily rhythm
of the new environment.
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Collection 2: Sentence 16 hard
TPO 13: Biological Clock

The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues and
internal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeks until
certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the organism‘s clock to
synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment. (46 Words)

下去 , 就像时差 , 会持续几周或几个星期直到有特定的线索比如白天或夜间
disorient 使迷失方向 mismatch 不匹配
cue 暗示 ; 线索 persist 坚持
jet lag 时差 synchronize 使同步 ; 同时发生

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