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Topics of discussion:

• Campaign performance
• Optimization
suggestions for optimal
• Evaluation of activities
for potential booking
A Case Study • Discussion of campaign
A Case study of the current marketing strategy of the company and an evaluation launch for the summer
thereof. The main goal is to measure the performance of, update and optimize the
strategy, in order to be able to focus on the further growth of the volume and margin
Key tourism
trends  Expedia is calling 2022 the year of the “Greatest Of All Trips”
 An evaluation of the current market  A “go-big” mentality due to the psychological effect of Covid
trends and developments, as well as
key points that need to be taken  Escapism still a big concept, desire to escape to sunny destinations
into consideration. The main goal is
the creation of a strategy that  Some 70% of leisure travelers in major countries (U.S., the U.K.,
focuses on the increase of volume
and margin. A preparation for the Canada, Japan and Spain) plan to spend more on travel in 2022
market “reboot”.
 Travelers willing to pay more to go to certain places, rather than to
make the trip itself more luxurious (High Volume - Low Margin strategy)
 Renewed demand for travel agents (to help with the information and
organization aspects)
 Initiatives to encourage people to travel by plane less (nevertheless, air
travel still the preferred means)
 Innovative additions to the flight experience as a USP
 Reward programs for sustainable actions by customers
 On-demand economy taking over
Additional parenthesis: Looking into a “high volume low margin” mentality could be a beneficial insight if the
 Suggestion of a suitable main goal is to increase sales/bookings fast. Customers are focusing on more purchases for a lesser amount.
strategy based on a data Benefits include Network Effect for customer reviews and Economies of Scale
analysis and desk research of
best practices, current market What the marketing Strategy should focus on:
trends. Creation of SWOT  Storytelling: consumers want the information visible everywhere and at all times. The information needs to
analysis for further insight. be precise, concise and highly focused on the visual aspect
 Constant updating of and consistency of information across all platforms focused on promoting the
products and services
 The promise of an “experience of a lifetime”
 (Based on Data) Special focus on “unpaid” channels and continuous improvement of campaign quality/focus
on reviews to generate more user engagement
 Continuation of effective management of “paid” channels since they seem to be taking over in a marketing
sense. This is a strong indicator of the fact that the CPC marketing strategy is being done effectively and
should result in a lower cost and higher promotion rate.
 Possible removal of worst performing CPC campaigns and less reevaluation of affiliates since they are a big
 It could be useful to look into the Cross Selling aspect (if applicable) since it could be of major benefit for
profit. Possible strengthening of partnerships with other travel service providers to offer value to the
 Continue to evaluate website activity of potential customers who eventually leave to keep contributing to
the remarketing efforts, since they are a strong way of offering personalization and value to potential
 Insights into the current
strategy, cost reduction efforts 1. If one is to focus on the unpaid channels, then the direct and organic campaign
of campaigns and seem to be doing well, with both remaining at a steady performance rate. Talking
optimization for increase of about paid channels, the remarketing channel seems to be doing well with a
bookings significant decrease in cost and increase in customer conversion.
2. In order to reduce the cost without it resulting in the loss of bookings, one would
need to reform the display marketing tactics (as one seems to be doing towards
the end of the table), since it results in negative ROMI. Stabilization of
remarketing investments since the conversion results are good based on both,
more expensive, as well as less expensive marketing actions. Optimization of CPC
(possible reevaluation of used CPC and addition of advertisement based on visual
and relevance).
3. In order to tackle the question of optimizing campaigns with the purpose of
increasing bookings, one should focus on the “unpaid” channels that are doing
well, as well as grow the marketing efforts on the social media platforms to
ensure the promise of value to the customers. In addition, one should focus once
again on the referral aspect since it plays a key role for the validity and security
the potential customers are seeking about the provided services. As mentioned,
Cross Selling efforts might also be beneficial to look into, if possible, in order to
 Insights into the current
strategy, cost reduction efforts
of campaigns and
optimization for increase of
bookings Continuation of 3:
If we are to assume that we wish to increase the sales of
December (16.639E) by 10% (1.663E), then we should compare
the performance of December with the one of the last best
performing month (18.302E), which is October (19.203E). The
CPO should remain lower or equal to 226.731E (assuming that
these are all of the marketing investments).
 The social media channels should become more active
 Referral should be paid attention to
Summer Sales
 The suggestion of a campaign
suitable for a summer full of
change, developments and
new aspirations (due to world
state and current Key Points:
 According to the Expedia Group Chief Executive Officer Peter Kern, the summer
of 2022 should be “the busiest travel seasons ever” – indication that upselling
and cross selling could be implemented as a “Must Have” since individuals will
be willing to pay high prices in order to “escape” from their responsibilities.
 Individuals want to travel to culturally rich destinations (alternative tourism). It
is expected that people will be traveling much more during the summer (also
with children and young adults having more time and people working from
home) as they and the government become ever “number” to the effects of the
 The regions of Asia and Latin America might see a slower bounce – back due to
the strong restrictions.
 People want more information in short period of time that is easy to react to.
Summer Sales
 The suggestion of a campaign
suitable for a summer full of
change, developments and
new aspirations (due to world
state and current
circumstances) Suggestions:
 SEO actions to further increase findability.
 Social Media Engagement Campaign since social media plays a
major role in marketing and tourism is an industry that sells
“dreams” and bases its content very highly on the visual aspect of
the destination. In this sense, initiatives about the sustainable
activities and value promises can be delivered easily
 Email marketing should be paid attention to for consistent
 Referral marketing, since people trust their friends and family the
Summer Sales
 The suggestion of a campaign
suitable for a summer full of
change, developments and
new aspirations (due to world
state and current
circumstances) Suggestions:
 Countries the campaign should focus on: The go-to summer
destinations Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Egypt. The Emirates
since consumers are willing to spend more (the niche of luxury
travel is still very important). Well developed and culturally rich
tourism destinations like Japan, Korea. Long – haul destinations
(Hawaii, the Maldives, the Caribbean). Countries with major cities
with rich cultural heritage (Paris, New York)
 Areas the campaign should target: Primarily Western Europe and
the U.S. Millennials and families (since business can take place
remotely, it is easy to combine leisure and business).
Summer Sales
 The suggestion of a campaign
suitable for a summer full of
change, developments and Suggestions:
new aspirations (due to world
state and current  Channels to be utilized: Email Marketing, Social Media, SEO,
circumstances) Content Marketing, Referral, Optimized CPC, Remarketing,
possible Partnerships
 Success measurement: This activity would take place via Google
Analytics and measuring the conversion rate resulting from the
campaign initiatives (multi channel funnel). Additionally, it would
be evaluated how the set Goals are reached. Google Ads would be
connected in order to measure the paid channels and see which
ones are the most effective. Attention would be paid to customer
engagement and communication on the social channels in order
to gather feedback and an overview of customer satisfaction
levels. Attention would be paid to personalizing the remarketing

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