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Wave Behaviour


Waves at Boundaries

9U Waves &
EM Spectrum
Wave Behaviour Engage

Suppose you want to look over this high wall…

How might you accomplish this?

HINT: you can use multiple mirrors, card, glue & scissors if you wish.

What is the science behind your solution?

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

The periscope relies on the law of reflection.

Answer the following questions in your notes;

1. What is the law of reflection?
2. Where do you think periscopes could be useful in
everyday life? Try to think of three situations.
3. What sports rely on the players knowing the law of

Does this explain why my toes seem closer when I stand in the swimming
pool than they do when on the side of the pool?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

When a wave hits a surface it changes direction: the wave is reflected.

incident ray normal reflected ray

i r
point of incidence
plane mirror

angle of incidence (i) = angle of reflection (r)

This is called the law of reflection and is true for any type of wave being reflected from
a surface.
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Why does the coin seem to


What is the science

behind your solution?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

The coin appears to disappear for the same reason that this straw
appears to be bent in the liquid.

What is causing this effect?

As the light crosses the boundary between fluid and glass, it

is bent, producing a distorted image.

This known as refraction.

How could you use a glass block & a

raybox to illustrate this effect?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

If an incident ray enters glass at an angle, then incident

it is refracted, and bends towards the normal. ray
The angle of incidence (i) is larger than the
angle of refraction (r).
When the light leaves the glass, the
opposite happens: it bends away from the
A material which light passes through,
such as glass or air, is known as a medium. normal
Why does refraction occur? ray
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Light travels at very high speeds. It reaches 300 000 km/s in a vacuum,
and is marginally slower in air.
This means that it takes light a mere eight minutes to reach the Earth
from the Sun!
In other materials the speed of light varies significantly:

material speed of light (km/s)

water 225 000
perspex 200 000
glass 200 000
diamond 120 000

As the speed of light varies depending on the medium, different materials refract light by
different amounts.
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

So the speed of light depends on the material through which the light is travelling.

When light enters a different material (e.g. when moving from air into glass), the speed of
light changes - this causes the light to bend or refract.


The speed of light is affected by the density of the material through which it is travelling.
When light enters a more dense medium, its speed decreases and this is why refraction
A useful way of remembering the speed and direction changes of light during
refraction is ‘FAST’: Faster - Away / Slower - Towards.
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Answer the following questions in your notes;

1. What happened to the path of the ray of ray
light when it entered the glass block?
2. Draw a particle diagram for a gas and for a
3. Given that air is a gas and the glass block is
a solid, suggest what happens to the speed
of the ray as it enters the glass block
4. What happens to the speed of the ray as it
leaves the block as the emergent ray?
Wave Behaviour Explain

Waves travel out from a point source in all directions.

When a wave meets the boundary between two in
wa cide
materials; ve nt
● some of its energy is reflected, c ted
f l e
● some is absorbed, re ve
● and some is transmitted wa

tra wav
In the case of a perfect reflector, no energy is

ns e
transmitted or absorbed.

tt e
Does light behave in the same way when
shone on different surfaces?
Wave Behaviour Explain

Different objects reflect light in different ways.

specular reflection diffuse


Some objects reflect light so as to form an image. A reflector such as a mirror forms a
specular reflection. The surface is very smooth and all the light rays coming from one
direction are reflected at the same angle.

At a rough surface, such as on your clothing, the light rays coming from one direction are
reflected at many different angles. This is diffuse reflection.
Wave Behaviour Explain

You are going to investigate the behaviour of Method

light when it is shone on different types of 1. Set up your equipment as shown in the top
surface. photograph.
Apparatus 2. Use the equipment to produce a diagram
• tray of mixed materials for the Law of Reflection.
• ray box with a slit 3. Repeat for each material in your tray.
• power pack 4. Set up your equipment as shown in the
• protractor
• ruler bottom photograph.
5. Use the equipment to produce a diagram
of refraction.
6. Repeat for each material in your tray.
The Raybox will get very
hot – turn it off when you
do not need the light!
Take care not to burn
Wave Behaviour Explain

Answer the following questions to analyse & evaluate your experiment

1. Which surfaces showed specular reflection? Which showed diffuse reflection?
2. Through which materials did the light refract?
3. Can you draw any conclusion, simple relationship or rule from the data you have
4. What improvements would you make to the method to improve the accuracy and
reliability of the data collected?
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Work through the questions on the

worksheet to demonstrate your
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Measuring angles
1 They could use a ray box to produce the light ray, a mirror, a protractor to measure the angles, a piece of white paper, a
pencil and a ruler. Place the mirror vertically on a piece of white paper and draw a line along its edge. Remove the mirror
and draw in a normal line at 900 to the line that is already on the paper using the protractor and pencil. Replace the mirror
and shine a ray of light from the ray box so that it hits the mirror at the normal line. Use the pencil and the ruler to draw
lines along the incident ray and the reflected ray. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection between the
rays and the normal line by using the protractor.
2 They should measure them from the normal line.
3 e.g. the mirror could move; the pencil lines could be too thick to measure the angles from. Fix the mirror in place with
tape; use a sharp pencil; take repeat readings and find a mean value.
4 You could plot a graph with the angle of incidence on the x-axis and the angle of reflection on the y-axis. The shape of
the line of best fit shows you the relationship between the angles.
5 No – the angle of reflection always equals the angle of incidence but in diffuse reflections the normal lines are in many
different directions because the surface is rough.
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Exploring refraction
1aThe angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence – this happens when the light slows down.
1bThe angle of refraction is larger than the angle of incidence – the light has sped up.
2 It should leave the block in the same direction as it entered.
3 No – because at some angles the light would come out of the right hand side of the block rather than
the bottom edge.
4 They should put the water into a transparent container with very thin walls. The container should be the
same shape as the glass block. The walls should be thin to minimise the effect of refraction in the
container so that nearly all the measured refraction is due to the water. They should then carry out the
same procedure as they did with the glass block.
Wave Behaviour Engage

What do you think is meant by the term ‘wavefront’?

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

A wavefront is an imaginary surface that we draw to represent the parts of a wave

which are vibrating in unison.

In other words, a wavefront is a line

that joins all the points on a wave
which are moving up and down
together at the same time.
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

For a given frequency of light, the wavelength is proportional to the wave speed:
wave speed = frequency × wavelength
If a wave slows down, its wavelength will decrease.
This can be shown using wave front diagram;

The diagram shows that as a wave travels

into a denser medium, it slows down and the
wavelength decreases.

Although the wave slows down, its frequency

remains the same because its wavelength is
Wave Behaviour Explain

The previous diagram could be simplified like this;

How does this illustrate

why the wave front ‘bends’
(refracts) when the wave
crosses the boundary
between the two mediums?
Wave Behaviour Explain

When a wave strikes a boundary at an angle, one part of the wave reaches the boundary
before the rest of the wave. This part changes speed first.

The way that waves refract when going from a higher speed medium to a lower speed
medium is similar to what happens when a car drives at an angle into mud. The wheels
that reach the mud first slow down first so the car changes direction.
Wave Behaviour Explain
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

If light passes through a pane of glass and refracts, how is it we can see
that the glass is there?

& why is it sometimes the

glass only reflects?
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

When a wave hits the boundary between two materials of different

densities, we would expect the wave to be refracted.
However, if the angle is just right, the wave will be completely
reflected rather than refracted.
This is called total internal reflection and is a feature, by design,
of optical fibres.

Sometimes only part of a light ray will be reflected,

while the rest crosses the boundary and is refracted.
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

This results in three possibilities;

Refraction along Total internal

the boundary reflection

What do you notice about how the size of the angle of incidence
changes with each possibility?
Wave Behaviour Match the keyword to the definition Extend

Reflection A line drawn at right angles to a surface

The angle between the reflected ray and the normal
Absorption When a wave bounces off a surface
The angle between the refracted ray and the normal
Specular reflection
The bending of light at a boundary between two
Diffuse reflection
different materials
Normal Reflection that occurs off smooth surfaces
The process in which the energy of a wave is
Angle of reflection
transferred into thermal energy
Angle of refraction Reflection that occurs off rough surfaces
Wave Behaviour Engage

What do these images all have in common?

Wave Behaviour


9U Waves &
EM Spectrum
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Lenses alter the path of any light rays passing through them,
refracting them toward or away from a single point.

Lenses must be made of a transparent medium with a curved surface.

It is the curve of the lens that determines the amount of refraction.

There are two major types of lens, concave and convex,

both of which have many uses in modern life.

What shape would you expect a concave lens to be?

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

A concave lens is one which tapers inwards at its center.

Look through a concave lens – what

happens to the light as it passes
through it?

Uses for concave lenses include:

glasses for
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Concave lenses are also called diverging lenses.

This means the lens refracts light away from a single point.

What shape might a convex lens

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

A convex lens bulges in the center.

Look through a convex lens – what

happens to the light as it passes
through it?

Uses for convex lenses include:

In your eye glasses for magnifying

camera far-sightedness glass
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Convex lenses are also called converging lenses.

This means that they refract light rays towards a single point.

The point at which the rays cross over is determined by the distance
between the lens and the light source.
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Copy & Complete these two diagrams

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

For light rays to be parallel when they enter the lens, the object must be an infinite
distance away.
A convex lens will cause parallel rays to converge at the focal point

The position of an object relative to this point

is crucial when trying to establish the type of
image formed by a convex lens.

Label the focal point on your diagrams

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Label the focal point on your diagrams


TIP: If your rays do not seem to be converging after passing through

the lens, try tracing them backwards and see if they would appear to
converge before the lens
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

What words can we use to describe the images below?

Concave Lens Convex Lens

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

The images formed by a lens can be described as;

● upright or inverted (upside down compared to the
● magnified or diminished (smaller than the object)
● real or virtual

A real image is an image that can be

projected onto a screen.
A virtual image appears to come from
behind the lens.

How can we identify whether an image is

real or virtual?
Wave Behaviour Explain

We can use ray diagrams to predict the type of image different lenses will produce.

For example, in convex lenses, the image will form at the point of convergence of two light rays,
which originate from a single point on the object.


Whenever drawing a ray diagram for a lens, there are a few simple steps to follow.
Wave Behaviour Explain

1st Draw your lens

We can represent a convex rather than having to draw

lens like this; the full shape

& a concave lens as;

Wave Behaviour Explain

1st Draw your lens

2nd Draw a line at right angles to your lens, passing through its centre – the Principal
Axis – and mark on it the Principal Focus (F)


Wave Behaviour Explain

1st Draw your lens

2nd Draw a line at right angles to your lens, passing through its centre – the Principal
3rd Add your object


Wave Behaviour Explain

1st Draw your lens

2nd Draw a line at right angles to your lens, passing through its centre – the Principal
3rd Add your object
4th Using a Ruler (as rays travel in straight lines), draw a ray from the top of your
object to the lens, parallel to the principal axis


For a convex lens, this ray will be refracted down towards the principal
axis, and pass through the principal focus
Wave Behaviour Explain

1st Draw your lens

2nd Draw a line at right angles to your lens, passing through its centre – the Principal
3rd Add your object
4th Draw a ray from the object to the lens that is parallel to the principal axis. Once
through the lens, the ray should pass through the principal focus.


5th Draw a ray from the same point on your object, through the centre of the
lens (where the principal axis passes through)
Wave Behaviour Explain



2F F F 2F
This produces an image which is;
● Inverted
● Magnified
● Real
This will occur for all objects placed between 1 and 2 focal lengths from a
convex lens.
Wave Behaviour Explain

When drawing a ray diagram for a convex lens, there are three rules to remember;
1. Any ray arriving at the lens parallel to the principal axis will refract towards the
principal axis and pass through the principal focus

2. Any ray hitting the centre of the lens at an angle will continue on that angle without
being refracted

3. Any ray passing through the principal focus before the lens, will refract to emerge
parallel to the principal axis.
Wave Behaviour Explain

Use the rules from the previous slide to complete diagrams of your own for a convex
lens with the object;
● Greater than 2 focal lengths
● At 2 focal lengths
● Between 1 & 2 focal lengths
● Less than 1 focal Length

Then use the words below to describe each image;

upright; inverted; magnified; diminished; real; virtual

TIP: If your rays do not seem to be converging after passing through

the lens, try tracing them backwards and see if they would appear to
converge before the lens
Wave Behaviour Explain

Real, Diminished, Inverted Real, Inverted

(Same size as original!)

Real, Magnified, Inverted These two lines will never cross, so

Virtual, Magnified, Upright
track them back on the original side of
What might the lens diagrams for a concave the lens
lens look like?
Wave Behaviour Explain

Ray diagrams for concave lenses can be
drawn using the same method as for
convex lenses.

In this case the ray parallel to the

principal axis will intercept the focal
point on the object’s side of the lens when image
virtual, reduced, not inverted

How will our rules for a convex lens change for a concave lens?
Wave Behaviour Explain

When drawing a ray diagram for a concave lens, the three rules are;
1. Any ray arriving at the lens parallel to the principal axis will refract away from the
principal axis and appear to have originated from the principal focus before the
2. Any ray hitting the centre of the lens at an angle will continue on that angle
without being refracted
3. Any ray heading for the principal focus after the lens, will refract to emerge
parallel to the principal axis.

2F F F 2F
Wave Behaviour Explain

Use the rules from the previous slide to complete diagrams of your own for a concave
lens with the object;
● At 2 focal lengths
● Between 1 & 2 focal lengths
● At 1 focal Length

Then use the words below to describe each image;

upright; inverted; magnified; diminished; real; virtual
Wave Behaviour Explain

Virtual, Diminished, Upright

Virtual, Diminished, Upright

What do you notice about

the size of the image as the
object gets closer to the
Virtual, Diminished, Upright lens?
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply
Copy & complete this summary table

Original direction of the

Direction of Ray after passing Direction of Ray after passing
Ray before reaching the
through a convex (converging) lens through a concave (diverging) lens
Refracts away from principal axis as if
Refracts towards the principal focus
Parallel to Principal Axis it had come from(2)the principal focus
before lens

Passing through the Centre

Continues without refraction Continues without
(4) refraction
of the lens (3)

Aimed to pass through Refracts to emerge parallel to the

Principal focus before lens principal
(5) axis

Aimed to pass through Refracts to emerge parallel to the

Principal focus after lens principal
(6) axis

Type of Image
Can be Real or Virtual Always Virtual
(Real or Virtual) (7) (8)
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

To calculate the magnification of a mirror or a lens, we use the

formula below:
magnification = height of image
height of object

Magnification is a ratio, so it has no units; the heights of image

& object should be measured in cm or mm

If the image is larger than the object, the magnification will be greater
than one.
If the image and the object are the same size, then the
magnification will be one.
If the image is smaller than the object, the magnification will be less
than one.
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

When used as a magnifying glass, a convex lens

produces a virtual image.

If the beetle is 10mm long, but its image is 45mm long

when looking through the lens, what is the lens’

Magnification = height of image = 45 = 45 times or x45

height of object 10
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Complete the following questions;

1) What is the magnification of a magnifying glass that enlarges a 4mm
ant to 20mm?
2) An image 2 cm high is focussed onto a film. The object is 10 cm
high. Calculate magnification.
3) Light from a 2 cm high object produces an image 56 cm high.
Calculate magnification.
4) An image 4.8 cm high is focussed on a screen by a lens. The object is
19.2 cm tall. Calculate the magnification.
5) A microscope has a 100x magnification. If it is used to look at a
speck of dust that is 0.01mm big how big will it look through the
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

1) What is the magnification of a magnifying 1) Magnification = Image ÷ Object

glass that enlarges a 4mm ant to 20mm? = 20 ÷ 4
2) An image 2 cm high is focussed onto a film. = x5
The object is 10 cm high. Calculate 2) Magnification = Image ÷ Object
= 2 ÷ 10
3) Light from a 2 cm high object produces an = x0.2
image 56 cm high. Calculate magnification.
3) Magnification = Image ÷ Object
4) An image 4.8 cm high is focussed on a screen = 56 ÷ 2
by a lens. The object is 19.2 cm tall. Calculate
the magnification.
= x28
4) Magnification = Image ÷ Object
5) A microscope has a 100x magnification. If it is
= 4.8 ÷ 19.2
used to look at a speck of dust that is 0.01mm
big how big will it look through the = x0.25
microscope? 5) Magnification = Image ÷ Object
100 = ? ÷ 0.01
100 x 0.01 = ?
Image height = 1mm
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Match the key terms to their definitions;

 Principal axis This means upside down.

The straight line that passes along the normal

at the centre of the lens.

An image formed from where the rays of

light appear to come from.

 Virtual image This means bigger than.
Wave Behaviour

Black Body Radiation

9U Waves &
EM Spectrum
Wave Behaviour Engage

Why has the city of Los Angeles covered their Ivanhoe Reservoir with 96
Million black plastic balls? (NB: The water is still underneath!)

& why Black instead of any

other colour?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

All objects, whatever their temperature, both emit

(give out) and absorb (take in) infrared radiation.

The hotter an object, the more infrared radiation it

emits in a given time. Therefore, objects at
different temperatures appear at different
brightnesses on a thermal imaging camera.

What will happen to the Infrared

when it strikes an object?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

When infrared radiation strikes an object, the

radiation may be;
● absorbed by it,
● transmitted (pass through it)
● or reflected back (just like visible light!)

A transmitter is a body that transmits all of the

radiation that reaches it.

What impact do you think the nature of the surface

might have on the fate of the infrared?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

All objects emit (give out) some thermal radiation.

Certain surfaces are better at emitting thermal radiation than others.

best emitter worst emitter

white silver

Matt black surfaces are the best emitters of radiation.

Shiny surfaces are the worst emitters of radiation.

How could we test this experimentally?

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

You are going to investigate how the nature Method

of a surface affects the amount of infrared 1. Put the Leslie cube onto the heat-proof mat.
radiation emitted 2. Fill the cube with very hot water and put
Apparatus the lid on the cube. Your apparatus should
• a Leslie cube • an infrared detector look like the diagram shown
• a kettle • a heat-proof mat. 3. Use the detector to measure the amount of
infrared radiated from each surface. Make
sure that the detector is the same distance
from each surface.

Plot an appropriate chart to show the

amount of infrared radiated by each type The Leslie Cube will get very hot as you are
of surface and write a conclusion. filling it with boiling water! Take care not to
burn or scald yourself!
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

In a similar experiment, using a

In that video, the data provided was; homemade ‘Leslie Cylinder’, the
data recorded was;

Surface Temp. (oC) Surface Temp. (oC)

Shiny 35.1 Shiny 28.2
Matt Black 83.8  Matt Black 80.0

What do these results suggest about the reliability of the


Are these temperature readings a measure of the temperature of the

water? The surface? Something else?
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

The sides of the Leslie Cube will actually all be at the same
temperature as the water.
However, an infrared sensor held a fixed distance from each
side registers ‘different temperatures’ - in fact, the sensor is
measuring the rate at which energy is emitted (as infrared
radiation) from each surface.
Remember: each side has the same area!
The Matt Black surface gives the highest reading,
demonstrating that it emits radiation at the fastest rate.

How would you expect absorption to compare to emission?

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Infrared waves heat objects that absorb (take in) them.

Certain surfaces are better at absorbing thermal radiation than others.

best emitter worst emitter

white silver
best absorber worst absorber

Matt black surfaces are the best absorbers of radiation.

Shiny surfaces are the worst absorbers because they reflect most of the radiation

How could we test this experimentally?

Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

You could use temperature sensors (or

thermometers) attached to plates of each type of

…or you could attach a mass to the

plates by wax and wait to see which
one falls off first…

…or use test-tubes filled with cold water and wrapped in different materials!
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

You are going to investigate how the nature Method

of a surface affects the amount of infrared 1. Fill the test-tubes with the same amount of
radiation absorbed water and position them all the same
distance from the radiant heat lamp
• glass test tube covered in 2. Place a thermometer into each test tube and
black paper record the temperature
• glass test tube with no • Thermometer x3
covering 3. Switch on the heat lamp, after a suitable
• stopwatch
• glass test tube covered in •
Radiant heat lamp period of time, record the temperature rise
aluminium foil in each test tube.

Plot an appropriate chart to show the

The Radiant Heat Lamp is designed to get HOT
amount of infrared absorbed by each type – so be careful not to burn yourself!
of surface and write a conclusion.
Wave Behaviour Challenge & Develop

Work through the questions on the sheet

revisiting this Practical
Wave Behaviour Explain

Wave Behaviour Explain

A perfect black body is an object that absorbs all of

the radiation which strikes it.
A black body does not reflect or transmit any radiation.
Since a good absorber is also a good emitter, a perfect
black body would be the best possible emitter.

How does the temperature of

the Perfect Black Body affect This diagram represents one
it’s emissions? idea of a Black Body – the
wave entering it never leaves.
Wave Behaviour Explain

At a given temperature, a perfect

black body radiates at all

The intensity and peak

wavelength of the radiation
emitted depend only on the
object’s temperature.

How might this graph change if the temperature changes?

Wave Behaviour Explain

The hotter the object, the more

radiation it radiates in a given time.
This means the intensity of every
wavelength emitted increases with

temperature – the curves all get higher
as temperature increases.

What happens to the location

of the peak as the temperature
Wave Behaviour Explain

The relative brightness of the different

colours emitted also changes as the
temperature increases – the curves in
shift to shorter wavelengths as
temperature increases.

Using the graph – is
our Sun a hot star?
Wave Behaviour Explain

Use the information below to explain the

patterns on the graph in your notes

The hotter the object, the more radiation it radiates

in a given time.
This means the intensity of every wavelength emitted
increases with temperature – the curves all get higher
as temperature increases.

The relative brightness of the different colours

emitted also changes as the temperature increases –
the curves in shift to shorter wavelengths as
temperature increases.
Wave Behaviour Explain

Use the graph to explain why a heated metal object appears first red, then
yellow, then white.
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Which of these three robots will heat up fastest?



Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Objects that are hotter than their surroundings emit infrared

radiation at a greater rate than they absorb it, and so transfer
energy to their surroundings.
Objects that are cooler than their surroundings emit some
infrared radiation, but they absorb infrared radiation at a
greater rate than they emit it.
When the rates at which radiation is absorbed and emitted are
the same, the temperature of an object does not change. This is
called thermal equilibrium.

Both the Sun & the Earth emit Infrared Radiation. True or False?
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

This photograph of the Earth was taken by

NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope

What do you think it is showing?

It’s showing the amount of IR radiation

emitted by the Earth at the time the photograph
was taken.

The Earth absorbs radiation from the Sun and it

also emits infrared radiation because its
temperature is higher than that of its
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

As shown in the graph, most of the

energy the Sun radiates is in the
visible part of the electromagnetic

Visible light can pass through the

Earth’s atmosphere – this is how we
see the Sun and stars.

What happens next to this solar radiation?

Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Solar Radiation travels

through Space to the Earth.
Some is reflected by
the atmosphere.
Most solar radiation is
transmitted through the
atmosphere before being
absorbed by the surface of the Earth.
Some of the incoming radiation is also
absorbed by the atmosphere.

What is there in the atmosphere which can

absorb this solar radiation?
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

The Earth then re-radiates the

energy it absorbed, as infrared
Some transmits through the
atmosphere into space.
The remainder of the outgoing
radiation is absorbed by
greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrogen
oxides, which occur naturally in the
atmosphere as well as being
produced by human activities.
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Therefore the temperature of the

Earth depends upon;
● the rate of absorption of radiation
from the Sun,
● the rate of emission of radiation
from the Earth
● the rate of reflection of radiation
by the atmosphere into space.

If one of these three factors changes, then the Earth’s temperature will also

How might these factors be changed ‘naturally’?

Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Clouds have an impact on the Temperature of

the Earth.

Being mostly made of water vapour, they can

reflect Infrared Radiation.

They also absorb Infrared Radiation and can

emit it.

How might the colour of the cloud affect

the amount of IR it reflects, absorbs or
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Use your knowledge to suggest why a moonless night is often colder than a cloudy
night; but a cloudy day is often cooler than a clear, sunlit day.
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Of course it’s not quite this simple – the colour, height & composition of the cloud all
have an impact as well!
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Describe the relationship shown in

these graphs between air temperature
& the amount of radiation from the
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

The graph shows how the intensity of

different wavelengths of radiation from a
hot object varies with temperature.

What can be concluded

from the graph about how the distribution
of the intensity of radiation from an object
changes as the temperature of the object
[3 marks]
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

As the temperature of the object

● the intensity of every wavelength
● the shorter the wavelength the more
rapid the increase in intensity
● the peak intensity occurs at shorter
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

The diagram shows how the balance between the incident radiation
from space and the radiation emitted by the Earth into space has changed over the last 200

Explain how the temperature of the Earth and its atmosphere

has changed over the last 200 years. [3 marks]
Wave Behaviour Consolidate & Apply

Over the last 200 years;

● the temperature has increased
● because 200 years ago the energy / radiation from space = energy / radiation emitted
(and reflected) into space
● but now less radiation is emitted so there is a net absorption
Wave Behaviour Extend

Finally – two cars, identical in every way except for the colour…
…which would get hottest the fastest on a summer’s day?
…which would stay warmer for longer on a winter’s day?

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