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Czech traditions

 All Saints Day and All Souls‘ day

All Saints day
• 1.11. is celebrated All Saints Day It's origins date back to the 4th century
there were too many saints and there was no room in the calendar, so
they put it all together
• in 11th century the France monks invented this holiday
• Originally it was celebrated on 13. 5., but on British Islands began to
celebrate on 1. 11. and that's why we celebrate it on this day
All Soul‘s day 2. 11.
• People believed that souls would go to the purgatory and they must clean up. It
became the feast of light sinners, their souls were being clean up and they went
to the paradise, On this they the souls can return to the living and therefore
people believed that they can meet with their loved ones, who have died
• The biggest habit was that lamps were filled with butter and dissolved butter
smeared it on their bodies, because butter was to heal their wounds
• Other habit was that the flour and others dish was pouring to the fire to feed
the souls, because in the purgatory they had nothing to eat. In households was
prepared one extra place, if the dead decided to join the food
• It wasn't allowed to sweep, because the souls would be afraid, but today it is
no longer like that
And how is it today?
• Graves are usually decorated with wreaths
• We visit our loved ones, light a candle and who doesn't go to the
cemetery should at least light the candle at home
• That the light show them, that their loved ones are there with them
and that their souls don't get lost
Okay, and that is all!

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