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Physics I

Class 04

Newton’s Second Law

for More Complex Cases

Rev. 27-Jan-06 GB
Newton’s Second Law -
A Review

: 
    F
FF m
net a or a net
Inaco mplexsitu
ation,w ewillneedtoap plyth
objectand/orinmo rethano
n edim ensio

W henwed othis,wewillg
etaseto flineareq
em forth
eu nk no
w nquantities.

Using Newton’s Second Law to
Solve Complex Problems
1. Identify all forces acting on the object.
Today: Gravity, normal, and ropes/strings.
2. Choose a coordinate system.
If you know the direction of acceleration, one
coordinate axis should be in that direction.
3. Draw a “Free-Body Diagram.”
We will use two dimensions today.
4. Express the force vectors in components.
We will use trigonometry today.
5. Use Newton’s Second Law to write one
equation for each direction considered.
6. Solve the equations.

Atwood’s Machine
Measuring “g”
We assume that the string and pulleys
T T are massless and frictionless.

M+m M (M  m ) g  T  (M  m ) a
T  M g  M a
A d d th e tw o N e w to n ’s S e c o n d L a w
aX e q u a tio n s :
M+m M (M  m  M ) g  (M  m  M ) a
Xa M  m  M
g  a
(M+m)g Mg m

Atwood’s Machine
Measuring “g” - Part 2
We assume a constant friction force, F.

(M  m )g  T  (M  m )a
M+m M
T  F  M g  M a

T T-F A d d th e tw o N e w to n ’s S e c o n d L a w
e q u a tio n s :
m g  F  (M  m  M )a
M+m M

T h is e q u a tio n h a s tw o u n k n o w n s :
g an d F .
(M+m)g Mg H o w c a n w e s o lv e it?

Solution to Atwood’s Machine
Part 2
T a k e tw o d iffe re n t m e a s u re m e n ts o f a c c e le ra tio n , a ,
w ith tw o d iffe re n t v a lu e s o f e x tra m a s s , m :
m 1 g  F  (M  m 1  M )a 1

m 2 g  F  (M  m 2  M )a 2

T h is c a n b e s o lv e d w ith a lg e b ra , g iv in g :
(M  m  M )a 2  (M  m  M )a
g  2 1 1
m 2  m 1

Inclined Plane

Coordinate Systems and
Free-Body Diagrams

Use trigonometry to determine X & Y components

of forces not aligned with coordinate system.

Solving for Acceleration
F o r m ass 1 :
X: T  m 1 g sin(  )  m 1 a Y: N  m 1 g cos(  )  0

F o r m ass 2 :
X: m 2g  T  m 2 a

T o s o lv e fo r a , a d d th e tw o X e q u a tio n s :
T  m 1 g sin(  )  m 2 g  T  m 1 a  m 2 a
m  m 1 sin(  )
a  2 g
m1 m 2
W h a t w o u ld it m e a n if w e fo u n d a < 0 a f te r p lu g g in g in th e v a lu e s ?
If  = 0 , d o e s th e “ in c lin e d ” p la n e re s e m b le s o m e th in g in c la s s ?

Class #4
Take-Away Concepts
1. Keep using the six-step process for doing Newton’s Second Law
problems for complex cases, it will help you keep things straight.
2. For each dimension and each object, you will get one equation. You
may or may not need to know the forces in the “normal” direction.
3. You should have the same number of unknowns as equations.
4. The easiest way to solve is usually to add the two equations resulting
from opposite ends of a rope or string, or opposite sides of a contact
surface where two objects push on each other.

Class #4
Problem of the Day #1
1. In the pulley system shown to the right (“Atwood’s
Machine”), the weight of the smaller mass is 2 N
and the weight of the larger mass is 6 N. Assume
the rope and pulley are frictionless and massless.
The masses are released from rest and begin
accelerating. What is the magnitude of the tension
in the rope when the masses are accelerating?
A) 2 N.
B) 3 N.
C) 4 N. 2N
D) 6 N.
E) 8 N. 6N

Class #4
Problem of the Day #2
2. Ike and Mike are having a game of tug-of-war, where each pulls on the end of a rope to
see which one is pulled forward into a mud pit between them. To pull on the rope
effectively, they must each exert a horizontal force on the ground through the soles of their
shoes. Ike is exerting a horizontal force on the ground of 500 N (magnitude) while trying
to pull Mike in the –X direction . Mike is exerting a horizontal force on the ground of 514
N (magnitude) while he tries to pull Ike in the +X direction. They each have mass = 70
kg. Assume that the mass of the rope is negligible and that its tension, T, is not near its
breaking point. Find Ike’s acceleration, Mike’s acceleration, and the tension of the rope.

Ike and Mike grip the

rope tightly with both
hands and don’t let go.

Ike Mike

Activity #4 - Forces and Motion in
Coupled Systems

Objectives of the Activity:

1. Making detailed theoretical predictions and comparing

with measured data.
2. Understanding forces and motion in coupled systems.


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