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Physics I

Class 03

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Rev. 05-Jan-05 GB
Important Notice

Activity 4 (for next time) has some individual

preparation that you should do before class. Go to
the Activities page of the website and check out the
Activity Document. You will save a lot of time by
having your activity #4 write-up started before class
with the first 5 steps completed.

It would also be a good idea to start thinking about

the exercise in activity #4 before you come to class.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Isaac Newton, 1642-1727

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
(“Mathematical Principles of Physics”) 1687

There are three laws of motion.

They explain the motion of any object resulting from

its initial state of motion and the forces acting on it.

What is a Force?

A force is an interaction between two objects.

A force always requires two objects:
1. The target (acted upon).
2. The source (due to).


Target Source

Gravity is a familiar force.

What are the target and source objects for the force of
gravity pulling you down at this moment?

Forces Are Vectors -
Adding Force Vectors
To add forces, first write the individual force vectors
in component form.
In one dimension, there is only one component and
the + or – sign tells you the direction.
Add components for each dimension (X,Y,Z).
Examples (1D):

+3 N + +3 N = +6 N

+3 N + -3 N = 0 N

Newton’s First Law

Consider a body on which zero net* force acts.

If the body is at rest, it will remain at rest.
If the body is in motion with constant velocity, it will
continue to do so.
How does this law relate to our common experiences with real
objects in motion on the earth?
In what ways do our experiences confirm this law?
In what ways do our experiences seem to contradict this law?

*“net” means the same thing as “total”

Newton’s Second Law
“F = ma”

The correct expression for Newton’s

 Second Law:
    Fnet
 net
F  F  ma or a 
Only forces that act on a body contribute to the net
force on the body.
Forces exerted by the body (as a source) on other
bodies do not count in Newton’s Second Law.
The net force and acceleration are always in the same
direction because mis a positive number.

Using Newton’s Second Law to
Solve Problems
1. Identify all forces acting on the object.
Pushes or Pulls Friction (if specified)
Gravity Normal (Surface) Forces
2. Choose a coordinate system.
If you know the direction of acceleration, one
coordinate axis should be in that direction.
3. Draw a “Free-Body Diagram.”
We will show you how in the next slide.
4. Express the force vectors in components.
This may require trigonometry (later).
5. Use Newton’s Second Law to write one
equation for each direction considered.
We will do 1D today, 2D later.
6. Solve the equation(s).

Free-Body Diagrams

1. Draw the object as a box or a circle, detached

from everything else. (“free-body”)
2. Draw and label the force arrows acting on the a Y
object, with all tails on the object. The arrows
should point in the correct directions relative to X
your choice of coordinate system. If you have N
some indication of the relative magnitudes of the
forces, you can adjust the lengths of the arrows,
but that is not critical.
3. It helps to put the coordinate axes in the diagram W = mg
to remember which direction is +.
4. It helps if you know the direction of acceleration
to align the + direction of one of the axes with it.

Example Problem in 1D
An Elevator Going Down
Consider an elevator moving downward and speeding
up with an acceleration of 2 m/s2. The mass of the
elevator is 1000 kg. Ignore air resistance. What is
the tension in the elevator cable?
a X
1. Forces: Weight (W) down and Tension (T) up. T
2. Coordinates: +X down. (Why?)
3. Free-body diagram :
4. X Components: (W) and (–T). (Why – for T?) W = mg
5. Second Law: (W) + (–T) = m a.
6. Solve: T = W – m a = m g – m a = m (g–a)
T = 1000 (9.8–2) = 7800 N.

Newton’s Third Law:
“Action and Reaction”
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
What does that mean?
It means that forces always occur in pairs. If object A is the
target (acted upon) of a force whose source (due to) is object
B, then there is another force vector with the same length but
opposite direction on B due to A.

F on A from B F on B from A
Object A Object B

Newton’s Third Law Pairs:
How to Recognize Them

A pair of forces qualifies as a Newton’s Third Law Pair if (all of)

1. They act on two different objects.
2. They are the same type of force.
3. Each object is a target for one force and a source for the other.

A pair of forces is not a Newton’s Third Law Pair if (any of)

1. They act on the same object.
2. They are two different types, like normal force and gravity.
3. They are only equal and opposite for a certain combination of
accelerations and/or other conditions in the problem.

Class #3
Take-Away Concepts

1. Newton’s First Law: No net force, no change in motion.

2. Newton’s Second Law: Fnet  m a
3. Newton’s Third Law: All forces come in pairs.

4. Solve force/acceleration problems with Newton’s

Second Law and free-body diagrams.

Class #3
Problems of the Day

_______1. Which of the following are Newton’s Third Law Pairs?

A) Your weight and the force of gravity pulling on the earth due to your mass.
B) Your weight and the normal force from the seat holding you up.
C) The weight of an airplane and the lift from its wings holding it up.
D) All of the above (A-C).
E) None of the above (A-C).

Class #3
Problems of the Day

___ 2. Imagine that you are at rest and holding an object, of mass m,
stationary in your hand. (The weight of the object is mg.)
The net force exerted on the object is:
A) mg upward
B) mg downward
C) zero
D) more information is needed to answer this question

Activity #3
Newton’s Laws in 1D

Objectives of the Activity:

1. More experience with LoggerPro and taking data.

2. Investigate Newton’s Second Law –
Do the force and acceleration always point in the same direction?
How does the formula work out for real objects?
3. Explore the relationship between the direction of velocity and the
direction of acceleration in terms of speeding up and slowing down.

Class #3 Optional Material
Are Newton’s Laws True?
It’s been over 300 years since Newton published Principia Mathematica.
How have his laws done since then?
The First Law is still doing fine. In modern times, many types of very low-
friction motion (space travel, magnetic bearings, air hockey tables, etc.) make
this notion more intuitively appealing than in the past.
The Third Law is also doing fine. All forces currently known to physics
obey this law. Any force not obeying this law would cause big problems in
physics, like getting free mechanical energy from nothing.
However, the Second Law in the form we learn it in Physics I is not exactly
correct. Where did Newton go wrong?

Where Did Newton Go Wrong?

Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

Newton defined time and space as follows:

“Absolute, true, and mathematical time, of itself and from its own
nature, flows equably without relation to anything external…”
“Absolute space, in its own nature, without relation to anything external,
remains always similar and immovable.”
At the beginning of the 20th century, Albert Einstein showed that these
definitions were inconsistent with the observed properties of
electromagnetic waves (light) and electromagnetic interactions with
moving bodies. This was the basis of his Special Theory of Relativity.

If the Second Law isn’t true,
why do we still use it?
The Second Law is true to a very good approximation when dealing with
velocities much less than the speed of light. For most calculations
involving ordinary objects, it is close enough for practical purposes.

“Disintegration of the Persistence of

Memory” by Salvador Dalí, 1931
Art inspired by the
Theory of Relativity?


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