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Internet Technology

What is Internet Technology?

 Internet Technologies is a technical field that covers the necessary skills to develop

applications on the Internet or Internet based systems, harnessing e-commerce, cloud,

mobile, and Web based technologies.

Technologies to Cover

 Mobile Applications Development

 Wireless Networks and Security

 Introduction to Cloud Computing

 Internet of Things

 Internet Technology Specialist 

 Internet Technologies 
 Internet Technology Solutions Architect 
 Internet Technologies Support Analyst 
 Internet Technology Systems Analyst 
 Internet Technology Support 
 Internet Technology Infrastructure Support
What is Internet

 The Internet is essentially a global network of computing resources. You can think of the
Internet as a physical collection of routers and circuits as a set of shared resources.
 Some common definitions given in the past include −
• A network of networks based on the TCP/IP communications protocol.
• A community of people who use and develop those networks.
Internet Reference Models

 OSI is acronym of Open System Interface. This model is developed by

the International organization of Standardization (ISO) and therefore also referred
as ISO-OSI Model.

 The OSI model consists of seven layers. Each layer has a specific function, however each
layer provide services to the layer above.
OSI Reference Mode (2)
TCP/IP Reference Model

 TCP/IP model is practical model and is used in the Internet. The TCP/IP model

combines the two layers (Physical and Data link layer) into one layer known as Host-to-

Network layer. 
Examples uses of the Internet

 Search Engine
 Information
 Announcement
 Computation
 Mixed
Advantages of the Internet
Challenges of Posed by the Internet
Basic paradigms

 Hypertext + Internet

 Hypertext: textual documents together with the ability to interconnect documents by links
between them as part of the document contents

 HTML: HyperText Markup Language

 HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
Conceptual Architecture
History of the Web

 1969: ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)

 First small network: Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa, Barbara, Univ. of Utah
 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
 IP (Internet Protocol)
 1972: Telnet protocol
 1973: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
 1973: FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
 1989: T. Berners-Lee et al.: Word Wide Web (WWW)
 1994: W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
 1996: HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
Internet-Based Services

 Some of the basic services available to Internet users are −

• Email − A fast, easy, and inexpensive way to communicate with other Internet users
around the world.
• Telnet − Allows a user to log into a remote computer as though it were a local system.
• FTP − Allows a user to transfer virtually every kind of file that can be stored on a
computer from one Internet-connected computer to another.
• UseNet news − A distributed bulletin board that offers a combination news and discussion
service on thousands of topics.
• World Wide Web (WWW) − A hypertext interface to Internet information resources.
What is WWW?

WWW stands for World Wide Web. A technical definition of the World Wide Web is − All the
resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
A broader definition comes from the organization that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee helped
found, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): The World Wide Web is the universe of
network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge.
In simple terms, The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information between
computers on the Internet, tying them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia
What is HTTP?

 HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is the protocol being used to transfer

hypertext documents that makes the World Wide Web possible.
 A standard web address such as is called a URL and here the prefix http
indicates its protocol
What is URL?

 URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, and is used to specify addresses on the World Wide Web. A URL
is the fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the web (e.g., hypertext pages,
images, and sound files).
 A URL will have the following format −
 The protocol specifies how information is transferred from a link. The protocol used for web resources is
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Other protocols compatible with most web browsers include FTP,
telnet, newsgroups, and Gopher.
 The protocol is followed by a colon, two slashes, and then the domain name. The domain name is the
computer on which the resource is located.
 Links to particular files or subdirectories may be further specified after the domain name. The directory names
are separated by single forward slashes.
What is Website?

 Is a collection of various pages written in HTML markup language. This is a location on

the web where people can find tutorials on latest technologies. Similarly, there are
millions of websites available on the web.
 Each page available on the website is called a web page and first page of any website is
called home page(index.htm/html) for that site.
What is Web Server?

 All website sits on a computer known as a Web server. This server is always connected to
the internet. And every Web server connected to the Internet is given a unique address
made up of a series of four numbers between 0 and 256 separated by periods.
 For example, or
 When you register a Web address, also known as a domain name, such as
you have to specify the IP address of the Web server that will host the site.
What is Web Browser?

 Web Browsers are software installed on your PC. To access the Web you need a web
browsers, such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
 Currently you must be using any sort of Web browser while you are navigating through
my site On the Web, when you navigate through pages of information
this is commonly known as browsing or surfing.
What is SMTP Server?

 SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Server. This server takes care of

delivering emails from one server to another server. When you send an email to an email

address, it is delivered to its recipient by a SMTP Server

What is ISP?

 ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. They are the companies who provide you service
in terms of internet connection to connect to the internet.
 You buy space on a Web Server from any Internet Service Provider. This space will be
used to host your Website.
What is HTML?

 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is the language in which we write

web pages for any Website. Even the page you are reading right now is written in HTML.

 This is a subset of Standard Generalized Mark-Up Language (SGML) for electronic

publishing, the specific standard used for the World Wide Web.
What is Hyperlink?

 A hyperlink or simply a link is a selectable element in an electronic document that serves

as an access point to other electronic resources. Typically, you click the hyperlink to

access the linked resource. Familiar hyperlinks include buttons, icons, image maps, and

clickable text links.

What is DNS?

 DNS stands for Domain Name System. When someone types in your domain name,, your browser will ask the Domain Name System to find the IP that

hosts your site. When you register your domain name, your IP address should be put in a

DNS along with your domain name. Without doing it your domain name will not be

functioning properly.
What is W3C?

 W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium which is an international consortium of

companies involved with the Internet and the Web.

 The W3C was founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee, the original architect of the World
Wide Web. The organization's purpose is to develop open standards so that the Web
evolves in a single direction rather than being splintered among competing factions. The
W3C is the chief standards body for HTTP and HTML.
How the Web Work: Web Client-Server

 A user enters a URL into a browser (for example, This request is passed to a
domain name server.
 The domain name server returns an IP address for the server that hosts the Website (for
 The browser requests the page from the Web server using the IP address specified by the
domain name server.
 The Web server returns the page to the IP address specified by the browser requesting the page.
The page may also contain links to other files on the same server, such as images, which the
browser will also request.
 The browser collects all the information and displays to your computer in the form of Web page.
Types of Web - Browser

 Web Browsers are software installed on your PC. To access the Web, you need a web
browser, such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
 There are four leading web browsers − Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, and Safari, but there
are many others browsers available.
 While developing a site, it is important to make it compatible to as many browsers as
 For instance sites must be compatible to major browsers like Explorer, Firefox, Chrome,
Netscape, Opera, and Safari.
       Internet Explore

 Internet Explorer (IE) is a product from software giant Microsoft. This is the most

commonly used browser in the universe. This was introduced in 1995 along with

Windows 95 launch and it has passed Netscape popularity in 1998.

      Google Chrome

 This web browser is developed by Google and its beta version was first released on

September 2, 2008 for Microsoft Windows. Today, chrome is known to be one of the most

popular web browser with its global share of more than 50%.
      Mozilla Firefox

 Firefox is a new browser derived from Mozilla. It was released in 2004 and has grown to

be the second most popular browser on the Internet.


 Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and included in Mac OS X. It was first

released as a public beta in January 2003. Safari has very good support for latest

technologies like XHTML, CSS2 etc.


 Opera is smaller and faster than most other browsers, yet it is full- featured. Fast, user-

friendly, with keyboard interface, multiple windows, zoom functions, and more. Java and

non Java-enabled versions available. Ideal for newcomers to the Internet, school children,

handicap and as a front-end for CD-Rom and kiosks.


 Konqueror is an Open Source web browser with HTML 4.01 compliance, supporting Java

applets, JavaScript, CSS 1, CSS 2.1, as well as Netscape plugins. This works as a file

manager as well as it supports basic file management on local UNIX filesystems, from

simple cut/copy and paste operations to advanced remote and local network file browsing.

 Lynx is a fully-featured World Wide Web browser for users on Unix, VMS, and other

platforms running cursor-addressable, character-cell terminals or emulators.

Types of Web - Server

 Every Website sits on a computer known as a Web server. This server is always connected
to the internet.
 Every Web server that is connected to the Internet is given a unique address made up of a
series of four numbers between 0 and 255 separated by periods. For example, or
 There are four leading web servers − Apache, IIS, lighttpd and Jagsaw. Now we will see
these servers in bit more detail.
 Other Web Servers also available in the market but they are very expensive. Major ones
are Netscape's iPlanet, Bea's Web Logic and IBM's WebSphere
      Apache HTTP Server

 This is the most popular web server in the world developed by the Apache Software

 Apache web server is an open source software and can be installed on almost all
operating systems including Linux, Unix, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and more.
About 60% of the web server machines run the Apache Web Server.
      Internet Information Services

 The Internet Information Server (IIS) is a high performance Web Server from Microsoft.

This web server runs on Windows NT/2000 and 2003 platforms ( and may be on

upcoming new Windows version also). IIS comes bundled with Windows NT/2000 and

2003; Because IIS is tightly integrated with the operating system so it is relatively easy to

administer it.

 The lighttpd, pronounced lighty is also a free web server that is distributed with the

FreeBSD operating system. This open source web server is fast, secure and consumes

much less CPU power. Lighttpd can also run on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris

operating systems.
      Sun Java System Web Server

 This web server from Sun Microsystems is suited for medium and large websites. Though
the server is free it is not open source. It however, runs on Windows, Linux and Unix

 The Sun Java System web server supports various languages, scripts and technologies
required for Web 2.0 such as JSP, Java Servlets, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, ASP
and Coldfusion etc.
      Jigsaw Server

 Jigsaw (W3C's Server) comes from the World Wide Web Consortium. It is open source

and free and can run on various platforms like Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X Free

BSD etc. Jigsaw has been written in Java and can run CGI scripts and PHP programs.
Advantages of Site

 Business is Open 24x7

 Increased Customer Base
 Tremendous Cost Saving
 Advertising Opportunities
 Creates a Brand Image
 Customer Satisfaction
 Showcase Your Work
Skills Required in Web Construction
 Computer Operations
 Remote Access
 File Uploading & Downloading
 HTML / XHTML Knowledge
 CSS Knowledge 
 PHP Script 
 Java or VB Scripts 
 AJAX Technology
 ASP or JSP 
 Flash Knowledge
 HTTP Protocol 
Tools Required in Web Construction

 Computer Machine
 Internet Connection 
 A Web Server
 A Text Editor / Web Authoring Tools
 A Web Browser
 Secure telnet client
 Secure FTP client 
Domain Names

 A domain name is the part of your Internet address that comes after "www". For
example, patriciagh. com
 When you plan to put a site online, you need to purchase a domain name.

 The domain name you purchase is registered and when domain names are registered they
are added to a large domain name register, and information about your site − including
your Internet IP address is stored on a DNS server with your contact information etc. is
registered with your registrar.
Types of Domain Extension

 There are various types of domain extensions you can select for your domain name depending on your business nature.
 For example, if you are going to register a domain name for education purpose then you can choose  .edu extension.
 Below is a reference of the correct usage of certain extensions. But there is no hard and fast rule to go for any
extension. Most commonly used is .com
• .com − Stands for company/commercial, but it can be used for any website.
• .net − Stands for network and is usually used for a network of sites.
• .org − Stands for organization and is supposed to be for non-profit bodies.
• .us, .in − They are based on your country names so that you can go for country specific domain extensions
• .biz − A newer extension on the Internet and can be used to indicate that this site is purely related to business.
• .info − Stands for information. This domain name extension can be very useful, and as a new comer it's doing well.
• .tv − Stands for Television and are more appropriate for TV channel sites.
 Newer domain extensions such as .biz .info and .us etc. have more name choices available as many of the popular
domains have yet to be taken and most of the them are available at very nominal prices.
How to choosing a Domain Name

 The domain name will be your business address. 

 Keywords in the domain name are usually important, it helps to keep the domain name
short, memorable, and free of hyphens.
 keywords in your domain name gives you a strong competitive advantage over your
competitors.: increase click through rates on search engine listings and paid ads as well
as make it easier to using your keywords in get keyword rich descriptive inbound links.
 Avoid long and confusing domain names.
 Keep two to three words in your domain name − it will be more memorable.
 Memorable websites do a great job of branding by creating their own words. Examples
include eBay, Yahoo!, Expedia, Slashdot, Fark, Wikipedia, Google...

 Based on your requirement you can divide your domain into different sub domains
especially with multiple businesses
Protocol Stack
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

 international consortium where member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public
work together to develop Web standards

W3C's mission:
to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that
ensure long-term growth for the Web.
Web Application

A Web Application is a software system based on technologies and standards of the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that provides Web specific resources such as content and
services through a user interface, the Web browser.
[Kappel et al. 2004]
Web Application Development: The
BASIC Concepts

 What is Web App Development?

A web application development is a process of creating a web application. A client-server

application (or web app) is the app the main part of which is contained on a remote server,

and the user interface (UI) is displayed in the browser as web pages.
Advantages of Web Application
 Access from any device – You can work with the web application anywhere in the world from a
computer, tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet.
 Saving – Web applications work on all platforms and eliminate the need to develop applications
separately for Android and iOS.
 Adaptability – If native applications need a certain OS, then any operating system (Windows, MAC,
Linux, etc.) and any browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, Google Chrome, etc.) are suitable for
working with a web application.
 Lack of client software – Cheaper and easier to install, maintain and upgrade the client interface.
Updating to the latest version occurs the next time the page loads.
 Network security – The web system has a single entry point, which can be protected and configured
 Scalability – With the increasing load on the system, it is not necessary to increase the capacity of
client places. A web application allows you to process more data, usually only by hardware resources,
without rewriting the code or changing the architecture.
 Data loss protection – User data is stored in the “cloud”, for the integrity of which the hosting
providers are responsible, and are protected from loss if the hard disk of the computer is damaged.
The Full Web Application Development
1. Analysis of business requirements and market conditions – It is necessary to find out the target audience of a
digital product, understand its functionality and check for competitors.
2. Drafting technical specifications – The requirements for the development of a web application should be
3. Prototyping web applications – It is a key step in allowing you to think through and visualize the entire logic of a
digital product.
4. Interface design development – It involves drawing graphic solutions that fully and conveniently meet the
functionality of the web application.
5. The adaptive layout of a web application – It is the implementation of interface design on different devices.
6. Programming the server and client parts of the program – It is the main stage in the development of web
7. Testing web applications – It is necessarily carried out not only at the final release stage but also in the development
8. Launching and technical support – It implies that a web app will be located on the customer’s server and serviced
in the future.
Categories of Web
Categories of Web Applications (1/5)
Categories of Web Applications:
 Informational
read-only content is provided with simple navigation and links
 Download
a user downloads information from the appropriate server (ftp-server)
 Customizable
the user customizes content to specific needs

 examples:
 static HTML-pages, „home pages“
 web radio
 simple presentations of companies/products
Categories of Web Applications:

 content of a website is dynamically generated as response to a user request

 form-based input is the primary mechanism for communication between client and server
 usage of HTML-forms and Common Gateway Interface (CGI) techniques
 radio button, string input, choice lists

 examples:
 dynamic HTML pages
 public transport schedules
 search engines
Categories of Web Applications:
 complex interactions
 read and write actions
 usage of transaction management of database systems
 efficient and consistent data management
 structured data and queries

 examples:
 online banking
 e-shopping
 reservation systems
Categories of Web Applications:
 support business processes („workflows“) within resp. between different enterprises or private
 an application provides a complex service to the user, e.g. assists the user in determining the
mortgage payment
 prerequisite: structured flow of activities

 examples:
 Business-to-Business (B2B) Integration Frameworks
 E-Government
 patient workflows in health care systems
Categories of Web Applications
Categories of Web Applications:

 support cooperation in case of unstructured flow of activities and high degree of communication
 „groupware“

 examples:
 support of shared information- and workspaces
 Wiki,
 chat rooms
 e-Learning platforms
Categories of Web Applications:

 the application channels the user use to other Web content or services outside the domain of the
portal application
 „single point of access“

 examples:
 Community portals
 dedicated user groups
 customer profiles
 enterprise portals
 Intranet, extranet
Categories of Web Applications:

 personalized services at every time at every location

 multi-platform delivery (PC, PDA, mobile phone)
 context-dependent information

 examples:
 display of today‘s menu on end-user devices while entering a restaurant
Categories of Web Applications:
semantic web

 information available on the web

 adequate for human understanding and
 adequate for automatic manipulation

 „knowledge management“
 derivation of new knowledge
 re-use of knowledge
 based on ontology's

 examples:
 Web 2.0
 social software: wiki, Flickr,
 Google
Categories of Web Applications
Characteristics of
Web Applications
Characteristics of Web Applications
Characteristics of Web Applications:

Content Product
• Presentation
• Hypertext
 “content is king” in web applications
• Content
 document-centered and multi-media
 text, tables, graphics, animation, audio, video
 main objective of web applications is to communicate content
 high usability demands
 high quality demands
 actuality, preciseness, correctness, reliability, size
 e-shopping: information about price, availability of products
 quality is critical factor for acceptance of web applications
Characteristics of Web Applications:
• Presentation
• Hypertext
 non-linearity • Content
 main distinction to traditional software systems
 systematic reading (“browsing, query, guided tour”)
 navigation in information space depends on interest and previous knowledge of user
 great challenge for web application authors
 risks
 disorientation: loss of sense of locality and direction
 cognitive overload for users
Characteristics of Web Applications:

• Presentation
• Hypertext
 aesthetics
• Content
 look and feel
 depending on current fashion
 self-explanatory
 intuitive use without reading any documentation
 uniform application logics
Characteristics of Web Applications
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 spontaneity
 users come and go ..
 unknown number of users
 scalability important issue
 multiculturality
 anonymous type of user
 limited knowledge about previous knowledge, handicaps, preferences of users
 desired adaptation of content and presentation
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 quality of service
 unknown network characteristics (e.g., bandwidth, reliability)

 multi platform delivery

 different types of devices (PC, tablet, mobile phone)
 different versions of browsers
 different degree of functionality, performance, display size, …
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 place and time of access

 globality
 internationalization of web applications
 regional, cultural, linguistic differences have to be taken into account
 demands on security
 prevent access to private or confidential data

 availability
 instant delivery mechanism (also in case of partial realizations)
 permanent (24/7)
 time-dependent services
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 multi disciplinary
 mixture of
 print publishing and software development
 marketing and computer science
 art and technology
 IT-experts, hypertext experts, UI designer, domain experts, …

 young average age of developers

 “technology freak”, “nerd”

 community development
 open source
 open content
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 inhomogeneity
 two essential components
 Web server (under control of developer)
 Web browser (out of control of developer)

 immaturity
 “buggy” components due to time-to-market pressure
 continuous evolution of base technology
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 flexibility
 changing requirements
 changing context
 requires agile, light-weight processes

 parallelism
 of development of parts of web applications
 of development steps
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 internal integration
 add web access to legacy systems

 external integration
 of content and services of external web applications (“web services”)
 similarity to integration of heterogeneous database systems, but
 high autonomy of sources w.r.t. to availability and change
 few detailed information about sources
 heterogeneity on different levels (data, schema, data model)
Characteristics of Web Applications
Characteristics of Web Applications:

 continuous change
 permanent evolution
 changing requirements and contexts
 change of characteristics product, use, or development

 competitive pressure
necessity of web presence
leads to shorter product life cycles
leads to shorter development cycles

 fast pace
 “either you are fast or irrelevant”
Support for Web Application Development

Model-based Development
Support for Web Application Development

Model-based Development
Quality of Web Applications
• Kinds of quality properties
• External qualities are visible to the user
• Internal qualities are visible to / concerning the

Model-based Development
Quality of Web Applications
 correctness:
 a web application is functionally correct if it behaves according to the specification of the application

 reliability:
 the probability that the software will operate as expected
 occurring software errors are not serious

 robustness:
 software behaves reasonably even in circumstances that were not anticipated in the requirements
Quality of Web Applications
 actuality:
 actuality of content must be guaranteed

 user-friendliness:
 easy to use by human (novice / experts)

 efficiency:
 economical handling of resources (time, storage space)

 security:
 system is protected from unauthorized access
Quality of Web Applications
 portability:
 a web application is portable if it can run in different environments

 interoperability:
 refers to the ability of the web application to coexist and cooperate with other systems

 maintainability:
 ability to modify a web application after it has been deployed
 correct errors
 extend the web application
Quality of Web Applications

 Choose/design your own

Navigation in Web

 Broken or wrong links

Development of Web Applications:

 ad-hoc development
 based on knowledge, experiences and practices of individual developers
 reuse of existing applications by “copy&paste” approach
 insufficient documentation of design decisions
 isolated activity: no “design for change”
 missing methodical approach
Reasons for Quality Deficiencies

 document-centered view
 development of web applications seen as editorial activity: “ (textual) web pages, links and use
of graphics”
 misconception that web applications are simple
 due to availability of tools like HTML-editors and form generators
 no use of know-how of relevant disciplines
 no use of software engineering know-how
 no use of hypermedia or HCI (Human Computer Interaction) know-how
Web Crisis


Difference to software systems?

 What are the differences of general software systems and web applications?
 Can we use the same techniques to develop web applications as we are using for
developing software systems in general?

Web Engineering =? Software

Difference to software systems?

 What are the differences of general software systems and web applications?
 Can we use the same techniques to develop web applications as we are using for
developing software systems in general?

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