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P‡jv mevB Bs‡iwR PP©v Kwi

MBM Admission Test:- 2005

========================= 5th Part =========================
(***) Gi c‡i Av‡m we‡`kx e¨vs‡Ki AvMgb hviv Zv‡`i Kg©‡ÿ‡Îi mxwgZ cwim‡i AvšÍRv©wZK m¤ú‡K©i
my‡hvM e¨envi K‡i †`kR e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨ GK wfbœ AvšÍ m¤úK© M‡o Zzj‡Z mg_© nq|
========================= Starting =========================
Gi c‡i Av‡m = Then come
we‡`kx e¨vs‡Ki AvMgb = the arrival of foreign banks
hviv mg_© nq = who were able
M‡o Zzj‡Z = to build up
GK wfbœ AvšÍ m¤úK = a different inter-relationship
†`kR e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨ = for indigenous banks
my‡hvM e¨envi K‡i = by utilizing the opportunities
AvšÍRv©wZK m¤ú‡K©i = of international relationship
mxwgZ cwim‡i = in the limited arena
Zv‡`i Kg©‡ÿ‡Îi = of their workplace
========================= Ending =========================
Programmer Bikash
(***) Then come the arrival of foreign banks who were able to build up a different inter-relationship for
indigenous banks by utilizing the opportunities of international relationship in the limited arena of their
P‡jv mevB Bs‡iwR PP©v Kwi
Bangladesh Bank, (General Officer): Jan. 2020
========================= 1st Part =========================
(***) c„w_exi abx †`k¸‡jv‡Z AmgZvi we‡ùviY N‡U‡Q Zv wVK, wKš‘ MZ K‡qK `k‡K †h Mwie gvby‡li
Rxe‡b D‡jøL‡hvM¨ cwieZ©b N‡U‡Q, Zv-I ejv `iKvi|
========================= Starting =========================
(*) c„w_exi abx †`k¸‡jv‡Z AmgZvi we‡ùviY N‡U‡Q Zv wVK,
wVK (nq) = is right
Zv = That
we‡ùviY N‡U‡Q = has increased dramatically / has boomed
AmgZvi = inequality
abx †`k¸‡jv‡Z = in the rich countries
c„w_exi = of the world
(*) That inequality has increased dramatically in the rich countries of the world is right.
========================= Ending =========================
Programmer Bikash
(*) wKš‘ MZ K‡qK `k‡K †h Mwie gvby‡li Rxe‡b D‡jøL‡hvM¨ cwieZ©b N‡U‡Q, Zv-I ejv `iKvi|
========================= Starting =========================
wKš‘ = However / But
Zv-I ejv `iKvi = it is also needed to note that /
it is also necessary to say that
N‡U‡Q = occurred / has occurred / happened
D‡jøL‡hvM¨ cwieZ©b = a considerable change /
a significant development
Mwie gvby‡li Rxe‡b = in the lives of the poor
MZ K‡qK `k‡K = during the last few decades /
in the few decades
(*) However, it is also needed to note that a considerable change occurred in the lives of the poor during the
last few decades.
========================= Ending =========================
(***) That inequality has increased dramatically in the rich countries of the world is right. However, it is also
needed to note that a considerable change occurred in the lives of the poor during the last few decades.
Programmer Bikash
English Part
MBM Admission Test:- 2005
========================= 1st Part =========================
========================= Starting =========================

then come
the arrival of foreign banks
who were able
to build up a different inter-relationship
for indigenous banks
by utilizing the opportunities of international relationship
in the limited arena of their workplace
(***) Then come the arrival of foreign banks who were able to build up a different inter-relationship for
indigenous banks by utilizing the opportunities of international relationship in the limited arena of their
========================= Ending =========================
P‡jv mevB Bs‡iwR PP©v Kwi
Bangladesh Bank, (General Officer):
Jan. 2020

(***) However, it is also needed to note that a considerable change

occurred in the lives of the poor during the last few decades.

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