UWWT Directive - Current State of Affairs in Serbia

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UWWT Directive

Current state of affairs in Serbia

1st DSIP Working Group Meeting, March 2017

Further Implementation of
Environmental Approximation Strategy
Legal Framework
• Regulation on emission limit values in waste waters and deadlines for their
achievement (Official Gazette of RS, 67/2011, 48/2012)
• Regulation on threshold values of pollutants in surface waters,
groundwaters and sediment and deadlines for their achievement ("Official
Gazette of RS", No.50/2012)
• Under preparation-Rulebook on methods and conditions for wastewater
quantity measurement and quality testing, and the content of the
• New bylaw regarding Content of water acts (formal name to be determined
• National Sludge Strategy-to be prepared
Legal Framework
• Water Law („Official Gazette RS“, no 30/10, 93/12 and 101/16)
• Environmental Protection Law („Official Gazette RS“, no
135/04 and 36/09)
• Nature Protection Law („Official Gazette RS“, no 14/16)
• Mining and Geological Survey Law („Official Gazette RS“, no
• Public Utilities Law („Official Gazette RS“, no 88/11 and
• Local Self-Government Law („Official Gazette RS“, no 129/07
and 83/14)
Strategic Framework
• Water Master Plan of the Republic of Serbia („Official
Gazette RS“, no 11/2002)
• Water management strategy for the territory of the Republic
of Serbia by the year 2034 („ Official Gazette RS“, no 3/2017)
• Draft Danube River Basin Management Plan
• Draft Water Pollution Protection Plan
• In planning - River Basin Management Plan for the territory
of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2027
Institutional Framework
• MAEP, Water Directorate
• MAEP, Sector for Environmental Protection
• Ministry of Economy
• Ministry of Health
• Ministry of Public Administration and Local-Self Government
• Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
• Ministry of Finance
Institutional Framework
• PWMC Srbija vode, PWMC Vode Vojvodine
• Provincial Secretariat for Urbanism,
Construction and Environmental Protection
• Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water
Management and Forestry
• Local self governments and PUCs

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