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Preapare by

Radate Tadese ID 726/12

Table of Contents

Contents Pages

1. Introduction
1.2. Background
1.3. General Descriptions
1.3.1. Mission, Vision and Goal
 Buno Bedele Zone Information and
Communication Technology is found in Oromia
region Buno Bedele Zone, Chora District.
 This office is responsible for arranging

government Video Conferencing, Net meeting

and providing maintenance of Computers and
Printer, Faxing service, Internet service,
giving ,Basic Computers Training, aims to
access current government information and
Expanding information communication
technology service in the Chora woreda.
 This Information Communication Technology
organization is found in Oromia Buno Bedele
Zone, Chora woreda of the region. There are
various information resources which are
available to be served for disseminating
government through many Medias among these
the information communication technology is
one of them.
 In the field of my work this attachment
provides professional experience which
integrates the theoretical and practical aspect
of activities in the professional field.
1.1. Background

This information and communication

technology was opened in 1996E.C for the
first time in Chora woreda.
 It located Western of Oromia Buno Bedele.

516 Km from Addis Ababa. Public Service and

Human Resource Development office, which
is located at right side of this information

 Providing video conferencing,

 providing maintenance of hardware
 And software and certain values will appear

in the society supported by government and

 To establish a multi-service IP-based service
by the use of Broadband Terrestrial.
 To bridge the digital divide between urban

and rural communities .

 To assist in the empowerment of the lowest

level of government by the virtue of accurate,

timely, and consistent information.
To creates continuous interrelation ship
among government, people and media.
 To provide video conferencing, Maintenance,

faxing service among them.

 To establish Informed ICT knowledgeable

man power by teaching them.

Core Values of Buno Bedele Zone ICT
 Work for change
 Dedicate service for community
 Responsibility
 Provision of quality ICT services for the end-

 Management, control and maintenance of ICT

in the woreda area

 Advising the zone and woreda authorities on

all ICT matters.

Statement of problem
 The problem existing system is all about
budget and human resource.
 No sufficient materials and technology.
 The materials need for the maintain computer

is not enough.
 Some of their employees are not opening

minded to understand and help others.

Number of computer allowed to do practice is
not sufficient.
General objective
 Explain how to use a system.
 To Assess Resource of Back end service.
 To access current government information.
 To provide video conferencing
 To provide computer hardware maintenance
 To provide faxing services
 Provide basic computer skill services
 To create good communication structure

between people of Zone and woreda

Specific objective
 To observe the overall roles and performance
of the organization.
 Students can also develop sense of

 A sense of responsibility towards society.
Solution to the above problem

 I solved the problem listed in the above as this:-

 Giving ideas to Allocate more budget for

Information communication technology.

 Buying enough computers, television.
 Replacing the old system by new systems.
 Using update soft wares.
 Buying computers that is compatible with all

 networking the computers for better

 hiring(contract) new employee.
Tasks I completed
 Installing some software for the organization
 computer hardware maintenance
 Teach basic computer skill services
 Formatting some computers
 Writing some proposals for the organization
 I attach new computers given by the

Organization to its LAN.

 I also upgrade some computers windows

from windows 7 to windows 8, windows 8.1

to windows 10 and windows 11
I did not completed
 The following tasks are not completed:
 Developing the website for organization.
 Developing system for the organization

because the office workers are not have the

concept of programming.
. Challenges
 The main challenge was, for the first two weeks
it was difficult to adopt the work environment.
 Number of computer allowed to do practice is
not sufficient.
 Some staff employees are not ok to give much
response when asked to gain information.
 The employees who are work in the user
support and maintainance has less exprience
and knowlegde.
Difficulties in internship
 Overload of the work
 Loss of electric power
 Lack of good documentation.

Some solutions to these difficulties

 Checking for power loss from electric power
 Putting good documentation for the

During my practical attachment I am motivated
by the following:
 There is good respect among workers.
 My advisor is tolerant person for giving me

information when I need and have good

 Maintenance and support subsection is giving

many services for their end users.

 Staff members can get any types of services

without payment

 Working place was not comfortable.

 Number of computer allowed to do practice is

not sufficient.
 Lack of documents about the office by well-

prepared document about the office by

English language
Significance of Apparent ship
 To give more knowledge for student
 To solving problems
 To develop students experience of work.
 To make personal relation at working

Methodology for the field practice
 Reading documentation
 Observation
 Interview
 Questionnaire
Strength of organization
 Good governance
 Solving office problem by discussing on

important point
 Saving the official budget
 Using new technologies for better service
Weakness of organization
 Lack of skilled full person.
 Lack of human resources.
 Lack of programmer for developing system.
 Lack of full materials
 The adoption of new technology and the
increased incorporation of information
technology in the office may require, expand
and development of training programs for the
office. The effective use of training could
better utilize the talents and skills of
Threat of organization
 Buno Bedele Zone .Chora woreda information
and communication technology was an
organization which provides current
information for the society. But there is no
enough current information technology
service which are available for the society
because of the following reasons.
 Lack of enough budgets for employers.
 Unavailability of information technology

Results and Discussions
 This report states the activity performed in
the Buno Bedele Zone ICT hardware
maintenance and software maintenance
 I got a lot of knowledge about hardware

maintenance and preventive maintenance

such as cleaning the dust, running anti-virus
programs and installing software.
In addition the result of discusion from the Practical

 Learned Social Life

 Learned Communication Skill
 Team Spirit
 Different Types of Maitainance Tools and

Their Function or Uses.

. Description of network installation
Materials and Tools we used

 Router
 this device to connect two or more networks or

LANs and also join multiple networks together.

 Switches
 We used this device to interconnecting networking

 Having a switch allows a connection to be opened

or closed.
 A switch is a network device that selects a path or

circuit for sending a unit of data to its next

 Trunk
 Trunk is used to carry multiple signals

 simultaneously to provide network access

between two points. One trunk may have
many branches. A trunk is used for a safety
of Ethernet cable in some offices.
 Tester
 To test whether a given Ethernet cable is working or

 To test whether a given Ethernet node is working or

 RJ-45
 “RJ” is stands for "registered jack", and is used

commonly as a connector.
 All RJ-45 connector has eight pins, which means an

RJ-45 cable contains eight separate wires.

 “45" is refers to the number of the networking

interface standard.
 Crimping Tools
 We used this device for crimping an Ethernet

cable after we finish possible order of the

color for straight through and crossover
using RJ-45.
 The major function for which it is designed is

to crimp or connect a connector to the end of

a network cable.
Fisher (expenditure pipe): We used this device
to hold screws of different size.
 Cable: We used this cable for data translation

between devices.
Cable Arrangement, punching and
 We used this cable to connect the different type of network devices.
 This is used to connect:-
 Computers with switch
 Routers with switch
 Switch with hub

 Straight through cable Arrangements

1. White orange 1. White orange
2. Orange 2. Orange
3. White green 3. White green
4. Blue 4. Blue
5. White blue 5. White blue
6. Green 6. Green
7. White brown 7. White brown
8. Brown 8. Brown
 Cross over cable
 We use this cable to connect the same type of network

 Two computers, Two routers , Two switch, Two PC’s

 Cross over cable Arrangement

1. White orange 1. White green

2. Orange 2. Green
3. White green 3. White orange
4. Blue 4. Blue
5. White blue 5. White blue
6. Green 6. Orange
7. White brown 7. White brown
8. Brown 8. Brown
 Steps to Crimp Cable
 Step1 Cut the cable by the cutter
 Step2 Strip cable end
 Step3 Untwist wire ends
 Step4 Arrange wires
 Step5 Trim wires to size
 Step6 Attach connector
 Step7 Check
 Step8 Crimp
 Step9 Test
Conclusions, Recommendations and
 Conclusion
 When I generalize about Buno Bedele Zone

ICT office ICT office that gives service in the

area which is responsible for:
 Office Machine Maintenance
 Giving Video Conference
 Faxing Service
 Giving Basic Computer Training
 Network Installation
 Buno Bedele Zone Chora woreda ICT public
information and communication technology office is
good giving in ICT service and saving official budget.
 The workers in the bureau are good in computer
hardware and maintenance, video conferencing,
faxing service and giving ICT training.
 End user of system should be informed about the task
schedule such as: weekly schedule, monthly schedule,
annual schedule. Practical attachment also makes the
student self-confident on their future field of work.
 Practical attachment curriculum must be continued by
improving some of its weakness.
 Document we take from the organization
 Interviews with supervisor during practical

 Practical attachment guidelines
 Internet.


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