Biblical Church Building Project

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Myanmar (formerly Burma) has

been a troubled country with little

hope for many years. Biblical
Church Ministries is sharing the
Good News of Jesus, which
restores hope.

You can help make a

difference in Myanmar!

1. The situation in Myanmar
2. The need.
3. Who is Pastor Aung Mai?
4. The Vision
5. The Mission
6. Strategies
7. Budget and Funding

1. The situation in Myanmar

The recent coup has rocked the

nation again.

Jesus is the real Hope for the

troubled and persecuted
people of Myanmar. Biblical
Myanmar has been under siege Church Ministries can help
provide hope, with your help.
The military junta seized
power by a military coup
on February 1, 2021.
Terror and destruction
have followed. Myanmar
needs hope and help!

Pastor Aung Mai: “The situation is bad now. There were explosions in
Tachileik and 3 church members were hit. A lot of soldiers are everywhere.
Yesterday 6 people were shot to death by military. Three members of Baptist
church were injured but safe now. We have to be very careful. Soldiers are
everywhere and investigate everyone.”
2. The Need:
It is important in a Buddhist
culture for believers to belong to
a church body for mutual
support, community, fellowship
and nourishment. Otherwise, the
believer will be alone in a hostile

This makes a church

building very necessary.
It is in the context of chaos
and danger that Pastor Aung
Mai is serving his people and
his Lord through Biblical
Church Ministries.

Despite explosions, military

investigations and threats to
the safety of citizens and
property, the Good News is
Pastor Aung Mai preaching the Gospel in being preached, because
Myanmar people need HOPE!
Jesus is the
You can be part of the
solution to the
spiritual and physical
needs of the
Myanmar people.

3. Who is Pastor Aung Mai?

a. Has a Master’s degree in theology

b. Pastors the “Biblical Church” in
Tachileik, Myanmar; there is no church
building at present.
c. A man of vision and action; he has
great joy in nurturing his flock, outreach,
and meeting spiritual needs despite many
d. Speaks Burmese, Thai and English. He
is married and has two children.

A personal message from the pastor:

“Hi! my name is Aung Mai, the

pastor of Biblical Church Ministries.
Thank you for your interest in
helping us build a church. May the
blessing of the Lord be upon you and
your family.

By the grace of God, we can start a

building for church by the help of our
friends.” 9
“The Golden Triangle”

Biblical Church Ministries is

strategically situated within
the “Golden Triangle.” It has
access to Myanmar and the
unreached tribal people of
Myanmar the north. Pastor Aung Mai
has had good success in
Thailand reaching many people with
the Gospel.
His own words in response to my
question about his future impact on

“My mother used to pray for me since

I am a child for having a huge impact
on Myanmar ministry. And when I
am a teenager, a missionary from
other city is seeing me in vision that
God will use me like Moses. As for
me, I will serve the Lord as His will
no matter that is small or huge.
Blessing, Aung Mai.” 11
Endorsement by Bruce and Elizabeth Francisco (Sponsors of
Tachileik Hill School, Myanmar)

Let us tell you about a wonderful young pastor in Myanmar,

named Aung Mai. We met him when we were visiting our
own mission in Tachileik, in 2018. He greeted us warmly as
fellow Christians and missionaries and told us about his
ministry and the need for a church building. He introduced us
to his family, his wife and two little girls.

We have been following his faithful ministry locally and with

various tribal people groups. He drives many miles through
dangerous territory to hold meetings with believers and non-
believers. He encourages them in their adversity and many
times provides food. He also helps in an orphanage in
Thailand. He served on the board of our mission when it was
possible to meet, providing helpful counsel. We feel he is a
real asset in spreading God’s love in Myanmar and would
highly recommend him and his work for your support! He is a
fearless worker in a difficult country. He has shown himself to
be trustworthy! 12
Endorsement of Pastor
Aung Mai by a local
Myanmar pastor.

Sample Footer Text 13

Pastor Aung Mai: “We still have meetings for Bible teaching. Thank
God a new member joined us last week. She was kicked out of her house
because she believes in Jesus Christ. Her name is Ma Shwe Kine. Please
remember her and her son in your prayers.

The cost for everything is going up. Not everyone can get a job in this
time. People are losing hope. So, we are preaching about the Lord of
hope to people. Please pray for everyone in Myanmar, especially for non-

Last two days near us two mines exploded. Soldiers are checking houses.”

The Pastor considers Myanmar to be his
mission field. He preaches in Tachileik,
but also in the unreached, northern tribal
areas. The Tribal people are open to the
Gospel. They are looking for hope.

“This is where we are preaching Good News. They are Ann tribe; they still
worship spirits. There are 3 villages, 2 still worship spirits. One of the villages
already believe in God, so they build their own village. There are 7 houses; they
still need electricity and water. Please pray for them; they have to start their new
life. In our new church area, there are over 10 children raised by homeless
parents. We will preach to them and give them some gifts. They are around 25
peoples... We do not have money to finish building our church, but I believe that
God will provide all our needs.” Pastor Aung Mai 15
In his own words: “The military arrest
only who against and fight them, whether
they are Christian or not. So, they will not
destroy Christian and take a Church if they
are just doing their job. I am just doing my
job which is pastoring a church, sharing the
Good News and helping people who are
struggling with their life. I can freely
preach and share the Good News.”

“Only God can turn this situation. Many people are losing hope, but when
they hear the Good News, they get hope by Jesus and accept Him as their
Saviour. By the grace of God, we can start a building for church by the
help of our friends.” You can help them achieve their goal! 16
“I have many opportunities to
share the Good News to
unbelievers. Not only preaching
to them but we also helping by
buying some food for them. By
the grace of God, some of them
are interested in Lord Jesus, so
I can follow them up... Thank
you for reading this letter.
Blessing, Aung Mai.”
Biblical Church Ministries has provided
food during crisis times.
4. The Vision:

To share the Good News of Nurturing the flock

Jesus with ASEAN people and
plant Biblical churches.

(This is a larger vision for the future.

ASEAN is a 10-member group of
Asian nations, including Myanmar.)
Working with drug addicts
5. The Mission of Biblical Church Ministries:
1. Engage in evangelism.
2. Care for and nourish new and mature believers to become
disciples of Jesus.
3. Actively reach those who are influenced by drugs, the sex
trade, gambling, and other vices and train them to become
disciples of Jesus.
4.To plant local, Biblical Churches and enable them to
reproduce among their own people.
6. Strategies:
“The way to get started is to quit
talking and begin doing.” Walt Disney

1. Share the vision with others

2. Leverage donors and partners
3. Provide ongoing updates
4. Strengthen trust and accountability
5. Complete the church building
6. Encourage effective evangelism and church planting
7. Create a base of people who will pray for the work
The Lot
A humble beginning The work has started

The building lot was donated to Burmese workers use Burmese methods
Biblical Church Ministries. that have worked in the past. The building
Land is very expensive, so this methods are the same that were used in
was a huge benefit for the Thailand when we rebuilt 8 Thai homes
Church building project. destroyed by the tsunami.
Biblical Church Ministries has
stepped out in faith.
The building is taking shape. Walls are Proposed Sanctuary floor.
required for security reasons. Motorcycles and Approximate size is 40’ x 60’.
vehicles will be parked on the bottom floor
and the church will be on the top floor. (There may be some changes due to current needs.)
7. Budget and Funding
Can. $
Estimated total budget: $70,500
Funds raised and used: $15,500
Funds needed to complete church: $55,000
Your funds will go further in Myanmar; local Burmese do the work.

(Note: Funds are sent to Thailand and transferred to Myanmar due to Military Coup. We
have a reliable means of transferring funds.)

You can help Biblical Church Ministries
complete the building project*

Suggested breakdown Total Approx. Sq. ft.

1 donor @ $15,000 $15,000 750 sq. ft.
2 donors @ $10,000 $20,000 1000sq. ft.
10 donors @ $1,000 $10,000 250 sq. ft.
100 donors @ $100 $10,000 500 sq. ft.
Total donations $55,000 2500 sq. ft.
* Any donation of any size is appreciated.
Biblical Church Ministries Yearly Operational Budget

Can $
Pastor’s salary $3000
Outreach expenses 1500
Utilities 800
Maintenance and supplies 2000
Total yearly Operational costs: $7300*

*Biblical Church Ministries will attempt to contribute half of the Operational costs. That
leaves $3650/year to be donated. Members have a tough time making a living in this
difficult time; your help is greatly appreciated.
The long-range plan:
to help Biblical Church Ministries to become:


We will explore various alternatives to achieve this goal.

At the present time Canada has sanctions against Myanmar,
making transfers of donations difficult.

We have been transferring funds through a reliable entity in

Thailand, to Biblical Church Ministries at reasonable cost.
CRA apparently considers this acceptable.

We are exploring potential relationships with charitable

organizations that can help BCM donations be receipted.

Thank you for your support of Myanmar believers
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All
authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I
have commanded you. And surely, I am with
you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Myanmar has a population of over 55 Million people. Many are
without hope and in critical turmoil and danger. That is why the
Gospel is so important, and Pastor Aung Mai is preaching the
Good News in many different ways.

Following are some examples of what he is able to do.

Please pray for him. He is often in danger and short of funding.

You can make a difference in his and his people’s lives!

Pastor Aung Mai speaking to the WA
people. The WA are a Southeast Asian
ethnic group that lives mainly in
Northern Myanmar, part of Shan State
and the eastern part of Kachin State, near
and along Myanmar's border with China,
as well as in China's Yunnan Province.

The pastor travels far in

dangerous territory, to reach the
unreached, often on a small
Preaching to unbelievers in Tachileik,
Myanmar. Many are hungry for hope!
You can help bring them Jesus’ hope!
English is a desirable language
all over the world, because it
increases the potential of earning
a better living. Aung Mai has a
fair command of English, and
can speak to students about the
Gospel in English and Burmese.

This is an English class listening

intently to the message of Jesus!

Preaching to
Burmese field
workers about
Jesus and the
Hope He has
for lost men
and women.
The harvest is
ripe! You can
be part of the

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