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English Project

Nombre: Mendoza Mero Ostin

Fecha: 07/07/2023
Curso: 1 BGU ´´A´´
Tema: healthier
diet for teenager
The diet for adolescents must be balanced and nutritious, since this stage of life is crucial for growth and
development. Here are some general guidelines for a healthy diet for teens:

1. Eat a variety of foods: Include foods from all nutrient groups, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean
proteins (such as chicken, fish, legumes), and low-fat or fat-free dairy products.

2. Limit processed foods and added sugars: Reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods and sugary .

3. Stay hydrated: Drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

4. Control portion sizes: Learn to control food portions and avoid overeating.

5. Healthy breakfast: Do not skip breakfast and opt for healthy options such as whole grains, fruits and lean proteins.

6. Healthy Snacks: Choose healthy snack options like fruit, cut-up vegetables, nuts, or low-fat yogurt.
7. Limit consumption of fried foods and saturated fats: Opt for healthier cooking methods such as roasting, boiling or
steaming instead of frying food.

It is important to keep in mind that each adolescent is unique and may have individual nutritional needs. Consulting a
health professional or nutritionist may be enhanced for more specific and personalized recommendations for a healthy
diet during adolescence.

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