Search Engine

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Search Engine

A web search engine is a software

system that is designed to search for
information on the World Wide Web. It
uses keywords to search for documents
that relate to these keywords and then
puts the result in order of relevance to
the topic that was searched for.
History of Search Engine
• The first tool used for searching over the
Internet was Archie in 1990 by Alan
Emtage. In 1991, two new search
programs Veronica and Jughead. In
September 1993, W3Catalog was the first
web primitive search engines.
Importance of Search Engines
Search engines are important because with over
8 billion of web pages available, it would be
impossible to search for the information that is
specifically needed. That is why search engines are
used to filter the information that is on the Internet
and transform it into results that each individual
can access and use within a matter of seconds.
• (
Types of Search
1. Crawler-based search engine.
•This type of search engine uses a “spider” or
a “crawler” to search the Internet. The
crawler digs through individual web pages,
pull out keywords and then adds the pages to
the search engine’s database. Crawler-based
search engines are good when you have a
specific search topic.Examples: Google, Yahoo
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey
Brin. The homepage of Google has a button
labeled as “I’m feeling lucky”. When a user
types in a search and click on the button, the
user is directly taken to the first search result.
Google has various “special features” which
include weather, unit conversion, currency
conversion, time, calculator maps, etc.
Yahoo was founded by David Filo and
Jerry Yang. Yahoo operates a portal that
provides the latest news, entertainment,
and sports information. The portal also
gives users access to other Yahoo services
like Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Maps, Yahoo
Finance, Yahoo Groups, and Yahoo
Directories depend on human editors to
create their listings or the database.
Yahoo Directory, Open Directory and Look
Smart are few examples. Human powered
directories are good when you are
interested in general topic of search.
3.Hybrid Search Engines.
• These are search engines that use
both crawler-based searches and
directory searches to obtain results.
4.Meta Search Engine.
• A meta search engine is a tool that helps to locate
information available in the World Wide Web. It
provides a single interface that enables users to
search many different search engines, indexes and
databases. Thus, meta search engines are capable
of searching several search engine databases at
• Examples: Dogpile, SavvySearch, MetaCrawler
These are the 10 best search engines in 2020, ranked by popularity.

1. Google
2. Bing
3. Yahoo
4. Baidu
5. Yandex
6. DuckDuckGo
7. 
8. Ecosia
9. 
10.Internet Archive
Social bookmarking is a way of storing and classifying
Internet bookmarks, meant to help Internet users find
other sites they might be interested in.
Bookmarking sites are specifically made to encourage
the marketing experts as well as Internet sites in order
to publish their referrals, or may be bookmarks to other
alternative resources online. These bookmarked
resources may very well graphic, your site write-up, a
YouTube video, or even almost any site.
This equipment happens to be originally produced for
boosting the online surfers in coordinating their best
bookmarks or perhaps Internet site back links on the web as
an alternative to protecting all of them with computers.
Being slashed on the Internet, you can
connect to the inbound links or perhaps
bookmarks at any time and wherever, as long
as there is World Wide Web connectivity.
These days, these sites are being used by
means of website owners to market their own
websites in terms of producing backlinks.
Exactly what are Social Bookmarking Sites?
A social bookmark creating site is one where
an Internet end user can take note as well as
preserve their best sites, and as well as write
about them other folks. In addition to this, one
can likewise search this bookmarking sites
intended for pertinent and interesting data,
and also arranged and take care of your added
Exactly what are Social Bookmarking Sites?
Nowadays, more and more people
are choosing social bookmarking
sites, rather than search engines like
Google, to find unique data as well as
stocking exactly the same for long
term accessibility.
History of Bookmarking
The concept of social bookmarking dates
back to April 1996 when was
launched. Followed by web sites like Backflip,
Blink, Clip2, Hotlink, and Quiver. The new era
begins in 2005-2006. The first wave of social
bookmarking includes, Furl and
Simpy. The second wave of social bookmarking
includes Diigo, Netvouz, Ma.gnolia, and
List of Popular Bookmarking Sites
Blue Dot BookmarkSync
CiteULike Connotea Digg
Diigo Furl
Ma.gnolia My Web Mixx
Newsvine Linkwad
Reddit SimpySiteBar
A hyperlink is a reference link
that allows you to navigate to
another page of the same
document or to another
A text link is one or more words
that appear underlined on your web
browser. The color of the hyperlink
usually differs from the color of the
other text in the web page.
On the Internet, a link is more
appropriately referred to as
a hyperlink and is what
connects web pages to other web
Two Types of Links
1.Relative Links – creates the link to the other
pages of your website.
Example: <a href=”home.html> Home Page </a>
2. Absolute Links – uses the URL to create a link
to the address of that particular web page.
Example: <a>Click this to
go to Yahoo page</a>

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