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URL’s consists of
protocol of the
resources, domain name
for the resource and
address of the file.

The first part of the address
indicates what protocol to use,
and the second part is called the
resource name and it specifies
the IP address or the domain
name where the resource is

The protocol identifier
and the resource name are
separated by a colon and
two forward slashes.
Function of URL
URL connects the browser to the
webpage. The address that we type in
locates the specific web page that can
be viewed anywhere in the world at
any time, just by a simple click on the
Uses of URL
The information contained in a URL
gives you the ability to hop from one
webpage to another with just a click.
When you type a URL into your
browser or click a hypertext link,
Uses of URL
your browser sends a request to
a remote computer, called a web
server, to download one or more
files. Every URL is unique,
identifying specific one file.
Structure of the URL
folder name/name/web-
The above URL is broken down into the following
parts: http:// or https://
•The "http" stands for
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It lets
the browser to know which
protocol it is going to use to access
the information specified in the
•An "https" protocol is short for
"Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure"
and indicates that information
transmitted over HTTP is encrypted and
secure. After the http or https is the
colon ( : ) and two forward slashes ( // )
that separate the protocol from the
remainder of the URL.

•The "www" stands for
World Wide Web and is used to
distinguish the content. This
portion of the URL is not required
and many times can be left out.
•For example, typing "" would still
get you to the Computer Hope website.
This portion of the address can also be
substituted for an important subpage
known as a subdomain.
•The "" is the
domain name for the website. The
last portion of the domain is known
as the domain suffix, or TLD. It is
used to identify the type or location of
the website.
•For example, ".com" is short for
commercial, ".org" is short for an
organization, and "" is the United
Kingdom. There are several
domain suffixes available. To get a domain,
you would register the name through a
domain registrar.
•The "folder-name" and "name"
are the directories where the
web page is located on the
server. In this example, the web
page is two directories deep, so
to find the file on the server,
it would be in the
directory. With most servers, the
public_html directory is the
default directory containing the
HTML files.
• The web-page-file-name.htm is the actual web page
on the domain you're viewing. The trailing .htm is
the file extension of the web page that indicates the
file is an HTML file. Other common file extensions
on the Internet include .html, .php, .asp, .cgi, .xml,
.jpg, and .gif. Each of these file extensions performs
a different function, like all the different types of
files on your computer.
Where is the URL located?
A URL is located at the top of the browser
window in the address bar or omnibox
depending on your browser window. On
desktop computers and laptop, unless your
browser is being displayed in fullscreen the
URL is always visible
.In most smartphone and tablet browsers,
the address bar containing the URL will
disappear as you scroll down and only
show the domain when visible. When the
address bar is not visible, scroll up the
page. If only the domain is shown,
tapping on the address bar shows the full

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