Algebra Day2

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Longwood University Professional Development Seminar

Algebra, Number Sense, and

Mathematical Connections
in Grades 3-5
 Blanton, Maria, et. al. Developing Essential
Understanding of Algebraic Thinking: Grades
3-5. Reston, Va.: NCTM, 2011
 Jacob, Bill, and Catherine Twomey Fosnot.

The California Frog-Jumping Contest:

Algebra. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2007
 Russell, Susan Jo, Deborah Schifter, & Virginia

Bastable. Connecting Arithmetic to Algebra.

Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2011
 Cuevas, Gilbert and Karol Yeatts. Navigating
through Algebra in Grades 3-5. Reston, VA:
NCTM, 2001
 Wickett, Maryann, et. al. Lessons for

Algebraic Thinking: Grades 3-5. Sausalito,

CA: Math Solutions, 2002
 Von Rotz, Leyani and Marilyn Burns. Lessons

for Algebraic Thinking: Grades K-2. Sausalito,

CA: Math Solutions, 2002
 Bamberger, Honi J. and Christine Oberdorf.
Activities to Undo Math Misconceptions, Grades
3-5. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman, 2010
 Collins, Anne and Linda Dacey. Xs and Whys of
Algebra: Key Ideas and Common
Misconceptions. Portland, ME: Stenhouse,
 Mirra, Amy. Focus in Grades 3-5: Teaching
with Curriculum Focal Points. Reston, VA:
NCTM, 2008
 Subtraction problems that help students think
about what happens when they add two odd
There is no other decision that teachers make
that has a greater impact on students’
opportunity to learn and their perceptions about
what mathematics is than the selection or
creation of the tasks with which the teacher
engages students in studying mathematics.

---Glenda Lappan & Diane Briars, 1995

1. Conceptual Phase
◦ Explores topic with concrete models;
◦ Invents own strategies and solutions.
2. Connecting Phase
◦ Builds relationships between language,
concrete models, and written symbols and
3. Symbolic Phase
◦ Understands the connections between a
procedure and underlying rationale.
A.J. with Coslick, R.T. (1998), Fostering Children’s
Mathematical Power: An Investigative Approach to K-8 Mathematics
Instruction, p. 3-8.
A mathematical statement that uses an

equal sign to show that two quantities are

equivalent is called an equation.

---Blanton, et al., 2011, p. 25.
 What number might your students place in
the box when asked to solve the following

 The equals sign is a symbol that represents a
relationship of equivalence.
--Blanton et al., 2011, p. 25.

 “The repetitive use of arithmetic tasks where

children compute an expression then write their
answers immediately after the = symbol can build a
misconception in their thinking about what equality
means. Many children fail to see the algebraic role of
= as signaling a relationship between quantities,
such as 9 + 3 is equivalent to, or the same as  +
4” (p. 23).
--Blanton, 2008.
 Many students marked these equations as
incorrect. Can you guess why?

7 = 5 + 2
7 = 7
4 + 6 = 3 + 7
 When asking students to find a sum, instead
of having them express the sum as one
number, ask them to express it as the sum of
two other numbers.

25 + 37 = +
 Make a matching game for students to form
equations with equivalent expressions

 Make a concentration game with equivalent


 Is This True? (Bamberger & Oberdorf, 2010,

p. 51)
 Find as many ways as you can to partition the set of
diamonds and record each pattern using an

 For example, 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 9 = 25

 What is the value of the left side of your equation?

 What is the value of the right side of your equation?
 How do you know that you have written a correct

 Cuevas & Yeatts, 2001, pp. 48-50
 Examine your patterns and the patterns of your partner
and identify two equations that demonstrate a
particular property.
 On your paper write each of your original equations.
 Then write a new equation which combines the two
equations and demonstrates the property. Which
property does your new equation demonstrate? How
do you know?
 Under your new equation include the drawings you
partitioned that match with each side of your new
 Explain how you know your new equation is true.
 “Two quantities can relate to each other in
one of three ways:
◦ (1) they can be equal,
◦ (2) one quantity can be larger than the other , or
◦ (3) one quantity can be smaller than the other” (p.
--Blanton et al., 2011

 < and >, = and ≠

 Greater than, less than, equal to and not

equal to
 You and your partner each grab two handfuls
of cubes.
 When you grab your cubes put each handful

on a separate plate.
 Record the number of cubes in each handful.

Von Rotz & Burns, 2002

pp. 138-156
 Each partner then writes an expression for the
number of cubes they grabbed.
◦ (For example: 15 + 22, if you grabbed 15 cubes and
then 22 cubes)

 Write an appropriate equation or inequality that

represents the relationship between the number
of cubes you grabbed and the number your
partner grabbed.
(e.g., 15+22 >13 + 21)
 How do you know your equation or inequality
is true? Can you explain without calculating
the total number of cubes each of you

 Can you write another equation or inequality

that also represents the relationship between
the number of cubes you grabbed and the
number your partner grabbed. How do you
know this equation or inequality is true?
 Equationscan be used to
represent problem situations.
 --Blanton et al., 2011, p. 30.
“Using equations to reason about, represent, and
communicate relationships between quantities is a
cornerstone of algebra” (p. 25).

“Writing equations that represent the situation in

arithmetic problems builds a foundation for writing
equations in algebra” (p. 31).
---Blanton, et al., 2011
 Write a story context for 27 + 39.

 How does your story illustrate the meaning of


 Solve your story in 2 different ways: use

manipulatives, drawings, mental math, open
number lines, and equations.

 Share and discuss your work with a partner.

 How can the story explain why
27 + 39 = 26 + 40?

 Justify how this equation represents a

relationship of equivalence.

 Share and discuss your work with a partner.

 Write a story to model 54 – 18.

 How can the story explain why

54 – 18 = 56 – 20?

 Solve your story in 2 different ways:

use manipulatives, drawings, mental
math, open number lines, and
Number line representations for 54 – 18.


36 54 18 54
 Equations can be reasoned about
in their entirety rather than as a
series of computations to execute.
 --Blanton et al., 2011, p. 26.
Task: Make a conjecture

Are these number sentences true?

19 + 6 = 20 + 5

How do you know they are equal?

27 + 34 and 30 + 31
19 + 6 = 20 + 5

Ifyou add an amount to one number and

subtract it from the other, the total doesn’t

Ifyou add an amount to one addend and

subtract it from the other, the sum remains the

If a + b = c, then (a + n) + (b – n) = c

(a + n) + (b – n) = (a + b)
Now try the same generalization with

9-3 = 8-4
Why doesn’t this work?

Create a few more examples.

Use one of the representations (drawings, cubes, or
number lines) to talk about the conjecture in
general; that is, use the representation, but do not
use the numbers in the specific instances.

Here are a few ways to express the conjecture:

1. If you take away more, you end up with less.

2.If you increase the second number in a

subtraction expression, you decrease the difference
by the same amount.

3. If (a – b) = c, then a – (b + n) = c – n
1. Use a specific problem and informal
reasoning using the context of the problem.

2. Make a general statement or conjecture.

3. Use formal algebraic notation – variables and

---Blanton, et al., 2011, p. 18
“There is much, much more to the development of the
ability to solve equations than moving up step by step”
--- Fosnot & Jacob, 2010, p. 94.

Nonstandard strategies for solving equations are


particularly relevant to algebra in grades 3-5 because

they allow students to reason intuitively about an
equation in its entirety”
---Blanton, et al., 2011, p. 28

Video link
Providing regular routines to set up habits for math explanations.

Create variations within routines to highlight various aspects of a claim

or to call attention to an unstated assumption.

Giving students multiple opportunities to clarify for themselves the

ideas they are working to express.

Encouraging representations such as cubes, diagrams, drawings, and

story contexts to provide tools for expressing ideas. (continued…)
Insisting students explain what they mean by ‘it’ or ‘this.’

Giving many students the opportunity to state a claim in their own

words and how they do this: individually or in pairs, orally or in writing.

Refining language and offering vocabulary as needed.

---Russell, Schifter, & Bastable, (2011), p. 49.

Variables are versatile tools that are
used to describe mathematical ideas in
succinct ways.
---Blanton, et al., 2011, p. 32.
 What is a variable?

 How would you describe the role played by

the variable t in each of the following:
◦ t + 4 = 3t – 6

◦ y = tx + 2

◦ 3 + (t + 5) = (3 + t) + 5
---Blanton, et al., 2011, p. 34
A variable can represent:

1. a number in a generalized pattern.

2. a fixed but unknown number.
3. a quantity that varies, especially in relation to
another quantity.
4. a parameter.
5. an arbitrary or abstract placeholder in an
algebraic process.
--Blanton et al., 2011, pp. 32-34.
Make a conjecture that describes why
all these examples are true.


5 × 16 = 10 × 8

32 × 50 = 16 × 100
If you double one factor in a
multiplication expression and halve
the other, the product remains the

(a × 2) × (b ÷ 2) = a × b
“Mathematical proofs are important because
they provide insights into the mathematical
relationships that underlie generalizations. By
engaging in proof, students learn not just that
claims are true, but why they are true… the
types of proofs that elementary-aged
students can construct are representation-
based [for example: using a number line,
objects, or a story context]”
---Russell, Schifter, & Bastable, (2011), p. 56.
 The meaning of the operation(s) involved in the
conjecture is represented in diagrams,
manipulatives, or story contexts.

 The representation can accommodate a class of

instances (for example, all whole numbers).

 The conclusion of the conjecture follows from

the structure of the representation; that is, the
representation shows why the statement must
be true.
How would you prove
1.What does each argument show that the
student understands about proving the

2. What more would the student need to

do to move toward proving this
I figured out that 2 times 6 equals 4
times 3, and also 8 times 10 equals 4
times 20. So it works.
Argument #2: Argument #3:
I did a story context. I I have 2 stacks of
have 2 stacks of books, and each one
books, and each one has 6 books. But the
has 6 books. That’s 12 stacks were too heavy
books. Then I have 4 to carry, so I put each
stack in half. Now
stacks of books, and there are 4 stacks and
each one only has 3 each has 3 books. So
books. That’s 12, too. when I doubled the
So they’re the same. number of stacks,
there was only half of
the books in a stack
than there was before.
Argument #4: Argument #5:

I cut the 2 by 6 in half,

and I put one piece
underneath. It’s half
across the top, but now
See this is a 2 by 6, it’s twice as tall. It’s all
and this is a 4 by the same stuff I started
3, and they both with, like if this was a
have 12. carpet and I cut it and
moved it around.
1. Draw an unknown amount as one ‘jump’ on a
number line. Label it j.

2. If this is one jump, what does 3 j look like?

3. How about one jump and seven steps?

4. What do three jumps and one step backward

look like?
 Day One: Frog Jumping Lesson; Look at Appendices A & B;
Complete Appendix C

 ‘Jump and step’ on classroom number line

 Draw ‘jumps and steps’ on an open number line for

Appendix C activity

 4j + 8 = 52

 What if j + 7 = 23? How many steps are equal to one jump?

Use an open number line to represent this equation. Solve
for j.
 (Jacob & Fosnot, 2007, pp. 15-20)
 “Reasoning with properties of equality and of
number and operations [p.16 properties] to
solve equations with a single variable can
provide a foundation for understanding how
to solve more complex equations”
 --Blanton et al., p. 29

 4 properties of equality:
◦ Addition property of equality
◦ Subtraction property of equality
◦ Multiplication property of equality
◦ Division property of equality
Reading Expressions +
1 1
Place some of the
Algebra Tiles on the 1
Basic Mat
Combine like terms
and read the algebraic

Answer X+4
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
X + +
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

_ _
What equation is modeled on the Equation Mat?
Answer: X + 4 = 12
Model with Algebra Tiles




4X – 2X + 3

Write the expression for
this Cup and Chip model.

=X =1
Make connections between the symbols and algebra
tiles to model the following:

Model the 3 different balance scales using algebra tiles.

Solve the equations using the tiles and write out the
steps of your actions. NO PENCILS!
(Collins & Dacey, 2011, p. A17)

Teams of three teachers model at least 3 different

equations using algebra tiles, Chips and Cups
model, and balance model. Solve the equations
using the manipulatives, and write out the steps of
your actions.
(Collins & Dacey, 2011, p. A20)
 Make a conjecture that describes how the
perimeter of a square varies with the length of
the side of the square.

 In words: The perimeter of the square is 4 times
the length of the side of the square.
 With symbols: p = 4s where p is the perimeter

and s is the length of the side of the square.

 “A
parameter can be thought of as a
quantity whose value determines the
characteristics or behaviors of other
quantities” (p. 33).
--Blanton et al.,
◦ Every week Diondra’s Dad gives her money for
helping with chores around the house. Diondra is
saving her money to buy a bicycle.
 Write an equation that represents the amount of
money Diondra saves (s) if her Dad gives her
d (dollars) in w (weeks).
 How would this equation be different if Diondra’s Dad
gives her $5 for helping with chores each week? How
about $15? How about $20? (Of course she has to do
more chores for more money.)
 If the bike Diondra wants costs $300, what is the
fewest number of weeks Diondra must do chores in
order to buy her new bike? Explain your thinking.
3 + (t + 5) = (3 + t) + 5
t is thought of as an abstract symbol that can be
manipulated. It does not represent a particular number
under a particular circumstance.
 3 x 5 + 3 x 6 = 3(5 + 6)
Cherry Orange
Base 10 and Algebra

 12 X 3
 12 x 14
 17 x 23
 21 x 23
 17 * 23 = (10 + 7) x (20 +3)
= 10 (20 +3) + 7(20+3)
= (10x20) + (10x3) + (7x20)+ (7x3)
= 200 + 30 + 140 + 21
= 391
 Model with your base ten blocks to see the four

partial products; build a 17 x 23 rectangle.

 Now try 12 x 22: write the equation that shows

the distributive property, build the rectangular
model, draw a sketch, and state the product.
 For each of the following expressions use the
distributive property to find an equivalent
expression. Then model with algebra tiles or
Hands-on-Equations, make a sketch, and write an
equation that shows the two expressions are equal.

a) 3(x - 2)
b) 4(x + 3)
1. Draw one jump and 2 steps. What else could it
look like?

2. So how about two jumps and four steps?

3. What about 2(j + 2) on the same double number

line, with the previous problem.

4. What about 3(j + 2)?

5. What about 3j + 6 on the same double number

--- Fosnot and Jacob (2010). Young mathematicians at work:
Constructing algebra. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. (p.166)
 Use a double open HUMAN number line to
show why the following is an equation.

(3 x 2) + (3 x 5) = 3 (2 + 5)

 Use a double open number line to show why

the following is an equation.

(12 x 4) - (12 x 3) = 12 (4 - 3)
“Regardless of what interpretation is
given to a variable, it is important to
develop an appreciation for the
complexity associated with a thorough
understanding of variables” (p. 36).

--Blanton et al., 2011

 “Thesame variable used more than once in
the same equation must represent identical
values in all instances, but different
variables may represent the same value.”

--Blanton et al., 2011

 Be sure to use the term equation when
working with things that are =

 Be sure to use the term inequality when

working with things that are >, <, or ≠

 Equations and Inequalities are both types of

mathematical sentences.

 Who would like to explain their thinking about the

first sentence? How about the second equation?

 Howcould we rewrite the third sentence to

make it a true sentence?
---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 29
 Take the next few minutes to think of at least
one example of a mathematical sentence that is
true and one that is false.

 Make two columns on the board, one for true

sentences and one for false sentences. Take
turns sharing your sentences and discussing
why they are true or false.

 What about this one… 6 x 3 ÷ 2 = 4 + 5?

---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 32
5 +  = 13

 Whatcould we put in the box to make this

statement a true statement?

 Thisis called an open sentence because it is

not true or false.

 Is
there anything else we could put in the box
to make it a true statement?
---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 33
 Would 7 x 6 =  be an open sentence?

 Can anyone think of a value for the  that

would make the statement true?

 Can anyone think of a value for the  that

would make the statement false?

 How about 4 +  = 12?

---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 34
 It is an open sentence if whether or not it is
true or false depends on the what is in the box.

 Now think of three open sentences that you can

share with the class.

 Share the sentences and decide if they are open

sentences or not. For the open sentences
decide what has to be in the box for the
statement to be true.
What about  - 4 = 3?

I think the following sentence is the same as

the one above but different in another way.
What am I thinking?

What if I wrote  - 4 =3?

What if I wrote x – 4 = 3?

Is this still an open sentence?

Can you use any letter for the variable?
---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 35
 How is this open sentence different from the others
we have been discussing?
 +  = 10
 Is it still an open sentence if it has more than one


 What could we put in the boxes to make this a true


 When you use a variable in more than one place in

a sentence, it has to take on the same value.
---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 36
 How could I make this open sentence false
and still use the rule that the box has to
stand for the same value?

 X =16

 What could I place in the box to make the

sentence true?
---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 37
 You can have more than one variable. What
values will make this open sentence true?
 +  = 10

 The variables are different so they do not

have to be the same value.

 It is possible that the different variables have

the same value.
---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 37
 What value for the variable will make this
open sentence true?

(  x 5) + 3 – 20 = 8

---Wickett, et al., 2002, p. 41

 Share explanations of how you decided on the
value of each shape.

 Can each of the circles have a different value?

How do you know?

 Can the circle and the triangle have the same

value? How do you know?
 -- (2009) Focus in Grades 3-5 Teaching with Curriculum Focal
Points. Reston, VA: NCTM.
 Read:
◦ Blanton et al. (2011): pp. 25-38
◦ Jacob & Fosnot (2007) Day Two, pp. 21-26;
and Day 6 and Day 7, pp. 45-53

 Do:
◦ Wickett et al. (2002): Read pages 38 - 42 and focus
on the student work. The students were asked to
write 5 open sentences and tell how to make the
statement true. Steve had incorrect solutions to #3
and #5. What are the correct solutions? Justin has an
error in his first equation. What is it? Choose one of
Tessa’s equations and explain how you know her
equation is true for the given value.

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