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Create Maintenance
• Click Start > Identity > Client Maintenance
 Select Client Type
 Click Add
Address data Capture
 Personnel Con’t
 Personal, Address and photo & signature details are mandatory in client
account creation hence the user can save the information at this
• Stage. However, for employed clients, those who require special offers or
belong to a group, their details are entered
 Modifying Existing Client details (Start > Data entry
 Select Client ID.
 Select a client type from the Client Type list.
 Enter the client identification number in Client ID.
 Click View. The client details are displayed with the Edit button enabled.
 Personnel Con’t
Click Edit to enable the details to be modified.

Make necessary modification and click Save to

save the modified data.

Business Information Data Up date for individual

Modify Create Client
- Enter Client ID
- View
- Data Entry
- Client Profile Change
 Account Maintenance
 Additional From Client Id > Data Entry
•Viewing Account Transactions

•Activating Dormant Account

•Adding Freeze /release account

•Adding blocking/unblocking account

•View (Statement)
 Micro Finance > Center Maintenance
• Add
• Enter Group/Center Name
• Select Center Product ID
• Select Primary Scheme ID
• Select Credit Officer
• Select Formed by
• Center Formed Date
• First Meeting Date
• Center Class
 Center Maintenance
1. Members Link In to Center
2. Address
3. Group Detail.
Till Opened & Cloth
 Transaction > Cash Maintenance
• Add
• Currency
• Transaction Type
• Fixed Amount
• To Till ID
Cash Maintenance
 Cash Transaction Management
• Cash Maintenance
• Start > Transaction > Cash Transaction
• To add cash transaction;
• Click Add.
• Select the type of transaction from Transaction Type list.
• Select the type of the transaction account from Account Type list.
• Enter the account identification number in Account ID.
• Enter the transaction amount in Transaction Amount.
• To view an existing cash transaction; ( View All )
• To delete cash transaction
Cash Transaction
 Transfer Transaction
• Transfer Transaction
• Start > Transaction > Transfer Transactions.
• Add to activate the controls.
• Select the transfer type from the Transfer Type list.
• Select the type of transaction from Transaction Type list.
• Select the type of transaction account from Account
Type list.
• Enter the account identification number in Account ID.
• Enter the transaction amount in Transaction Amount.
Transfer Transaction Screen shoot Display
Jv Maintenace
• Jv Maintenance
• Start >Transaction > Jv Maintenance
• Click Add.
• Select the Value Date
• Select the transfer type from the Transfer Type list.
• Select the type of transaction from Transaction Type list.
• Select the type of transaction account from Account Type list.
• Enter the account identification number in Account ID.
• Enter the transaction amount in Transaction Amount.
Jv Maintenance
Center Collection
•A. Center Collection (Group Collection)
•Select Center id
•Enter Received Amount ,Loan & Saving
•Select Transaction Type
 Center Collection
 Center Collection Allocation
•Center Collection allocation
•Start > Center Collection Allocation
•Select Serial Id
 Center Collection Allocation
 Allocate Con’t
Collateral Maintenance
• Collateral maintenance
• Start > Limits & Collateral > Collateral Maintenance
• To Create Detail Information
• Click Add
• Description
• Collateral Type
• Owner Id
• Lodged Date
• Insured (for Vecles Only)
• Nature of Charges
• Saved (Collateral Id)
1. Collateral Maintenance
 2. Data entry
• More Detail
• Enter Collateral Id
• View
• Data entry
• More Detail
3. Collateral Insurance

• Collateral Insurance
Loan Process
• . Individual Loan Process
• Click Add
• Select Client ID
• Select Product ID
 Loan Application steep
• Select Main Repayment Account ID
• Client Id
• Product Id
• Select Donor ID
• Select Loan Purpose
• Select Officer ID
• Select Loan Amount
• Select Loan Term
• Saved ( Application Id Create)
1. Loan Application
 Loan Application & Collateral Link
•Add Collateral Id Into the Loan Application
•Start > Work flow Loan Application
•Select Application Id
•Data Entry
•Select Collateral Id
•Apportioned Ratio 100
•Margin 0
2. Link Collateral Into Loan Application
3. Loan Sanction
•Loan Sanction
•Select Application Id
•Select Approved by( Branch Manager)
•Select Sanction
3.Loan Sanction
Loan Disbursement
• Loan Disbursement
• Select Account Id by Application ID Or other
• View
• Add
• Select Mode of Disbursement
• Select Contra Account ID
• Print Contract
• Saved
4. Loan Disbursement
Center Loan Process
• B . Center Loan
• Select Center Id
• Select Scheme ID
• Select Product ID
• View
• Edit
• Select Donor ID
• Select Loan Purpose and Line Of Business
• Select Member
• Select Main Repayment Account ID
• Enter Loan Amount
• Enter Loan Term
• Done
1.Center Loan Application Projection
Center Loan Sanction
• Center Loan Sanction
• Select Center ID
• Select Scheme ID
• View
• Select Approved By
• Enter Grace Period ‘0’
• Select all Member
• Sanction
2. Center Loan Sanction
Center Loan Disbursement
• Loan Disbursement
• Select Center ID
• Select Scheme ID
• View
• Add
• Select Mode of Disbursement
• To Repayment Account ID √
• Is contract Printed √
3. Center Loan Disbursement
 Loan Maintenance (SPM)
• Enter Account ID
• Data entry
• SPM Score
Data Captured
• Data Entry
• SPM Score
• Edit
• All Loan
Travel Advance Management
Start Identity Client Maintenance select Employee client Type
Account Maintenance
Client Limit
Over Draft A
 Over Draft Application >Data Entry > Interest Rate
 Over Draft Sanction
 Cash Transaction
 Fixed Time Deposit
 Address
 Account Maintenance
 Cash Transaction
Deposit Maintenance

• Enter Account Id
• Add
• Select Operational A/C Branch
• Select Operational A/C ID
• Enter Receipt Amount
• Enter Term
 Deposit Maintenance
• Transfer Instruction
• Interest Credit Instruction √
• Renewal Instruction
• Saved.

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