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Zinabu D

29/03/2010 1
Learning objective
At the end of the chapter, the student should be
able to:
 Discuss the structure & functions of the kidney
 Discuss the structure & functions of the urethra
 Discuss the structure & functions of the Ureters
 Discuss the structure & functions of the Urinary
 List organs of urinary system
 Discuss formation of urine
 List disorders of urinary system
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• Definition-is the system that removes

and eliminates waste products from the
• is also called the excretory system of the
body because of its functions to remove
and eliminate waste products from the

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Major functions of the urinary
Excretion of wastes
Hormonal production(rennin-angiotensin
and erythropoietin)
Acid base balancing

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The urinary system consists of:
1. Two kidneys: this organ extracts wastes from
the blood, balance body fluids and form urine.
2. Two Ureters: this tube conducts urine from
the kidneys to the urinary bladder
3. urinary bladder: this reservoir receives and
stores the urine brought to it by the two ureters.
4. urethra: this tube conducts urine from the
bladder to the out side of the body for
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The external anatomy of kidney
• A pair of reddish brown, bean shaped organ
located in the posterior wall of the abdominal
region, one in each side of the vertebra column.
• They usually span between T12 to L3.
• They are protected at least partially by the last
pair of ribs and capped by the adrenal gland.
• The bean shape of the kidney is medially
concave and laterally convex.
• On the medial concave border is the hilus
(small indented area) where blood vessels,
nerves & ureters enter and leave the kidney.
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Covering layers of kidney
 Renal capsule – innermost, tough, fibrous
 Adipose capsule – the middle layer
composed of fat, giving the kidney protective
 Renal fascia – is outer sub-serous
membrane, connective tissue layer.

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Surface anatomy of the Kidney

10 cm

3 cm

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The internal anatomy of kidney

A Sagittal section of the kidney reveals

three distinct regions of the kidney called
 pelvis,
 medulla and
 cortex (from inside out).

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renal pelvis is the large collecting
space with in the kidney formed from
the expanded upper portion of the
• Is the inner region of the kidney
• It branch to two cavities, these are:-
 2-3 major calyces and
8 to 18 minor calyces.
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 Renal medulla is the middle portion of the kidney.
• It consists of 8 to 18 renal pyramids, which are
longitudinally striped, one cone shaped area.
• The base of each pyramid is adjacent to the outer
• The apex of each renal pyramid ends in papilla, which
opens to a minor calyx.
• Pyramids contain tubules and collecting ducts of the
• Tubules involved in transportation and re-absorption
of filtered materials.
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 Renal cortex is the outermost portion of
the kidney.
• It is divided in to two region the outer
cortical and the inner juxtamedullary
• The cortical tissue that penetrates between
pyramids forms Renal Columns.
• The renal columns composed of mainly
collecting tubules.
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Blood circulation
• Blood is supplied to the kidneys by renal
artery and drainageis by renal vein

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 Nerve supply - By renal plexus of autonomic

nervous system
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The nephron
• Is the basic functional unit of the each kidney
• Is an independent urine-forming unit.
• Each kidney contains approximately one
million nephrons.

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The processes in urine formation are includes: -
1. Blood filtration, every day the kidneys filter
1700 Liter of blood
2. Tubular re-absorption
3. Tubular secretion
• Average Comparison of filtration, re-absorption
and excretion, variation in urine composition
will occur during variation in the daily diet,
fluid intake, weather and exercise.

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The major functions of the kidneys

 Elimination of wastes
 Regulation of total body water balance.
 Control of the chemical composition of the
blood and other body fluid
 Control of acid base balance

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 Filter blood plasma
 Regulate blood volume, pressure
 Regulate fluid osmolarity
 Synthesize calcitriol (Vitamin D)
 Detoxify free radicals, drugs
 Gluconeogenesis
 Secrete rennin
 Secrete erythropoietin (EPO

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 It transport urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary
 25-30 cm in length
 It pass between the parietal peritoneum and the
 body wall to the pelvic cavity, where they enter the pelvic
 It is narrow at the kidney and widen near the bladder.
 Peristalsis aids gravity in urine transport
Its lumen is composed of three layers:
 Innermost, Tunica Mucosa
 The middle, Tunica Muscularis (made of smoot muscle)
 The outer, Tunica Adventitia
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Urinary bladder
• is a hollow, muscular organ that collects urine from
the ureters and store until(temporarily) it is excreted.
• It usually accumulates 300 to 400 ml of urine but it
can expand as much twice.
• It is located on the floor of the pelvic cavity
• like the kidneys and ureters, It is
Retroperitoneal(behind the peritoneum).
• In males it is anterior to the rectum and above the
prostate gland.
• In females, it is located somewhat lower, anterior to
the uterus and upper vagina.
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• Has three opening (two from ureters and one
urethra ) 3 layers
1.Outer layer-tunica
Loose connective tissue
2.Middle layer-tunica
Smooth muscle and
elastic fibres
3.Inner layer-tunica
Lined with transitional

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• is a tube of smooth muscle lined with mucosal layer.
• It joins the bladder at its inferior surface and
transport urine out side the body during urination.
• It is 4 C.M in female and 12-14 C.M in length in male.
• In females it opens between vagina and clitoris.
• In male it pass through prostate, membranous
portion (pelvic diaphragm muscle), spongy portion
(that pass through corpus spongosus) and open at
the tip of penis.

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Urine & urination
• it is composed of mainly water, urea,
chloride, potassium, sodium, cretinin,
phosphate, sulfates and uric acid.
• Proteins, glucose, casts (decomposed
blood) and calculi from minerals are
abnormal if present in urine.
• The PH of urine is 5.0 to 8.0 (mostly
acidic) and has translucent (clear, not
cloudy) color.
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• to excrete wastes and to maintain proper
kidney function the body must excrete at
least 450ml of urine per day.
• A healthy person excretes 1000 to 1800 ml of
urine daily.
The volume and concentration of urine is
controlled by:
 Antidiuretic hormone
 Aldestrone
 The Renin – angiotensin mechanism
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• Is the process of emptying the bladder;
• it is the process of conscious and unconscious nerve
 Steps of urination are:
 Conscious desire to urinate
 Pelvic diaphram muscle relax
 Urinary bladder neck Moves down, outlet Opens, wall
stretch, and Receptors are stimulated
 Smooth muscle of Urinary bladder Contracts & urine
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Disorders of urinary
Oedema- is the collection of excess
water/fluid in the body tissues resulting from
inability of kidney filtration.
Renal failure –is the failure of kidney
tissue to perform its normal function.
Polyuria- Excessive urine output
Diabetes - is chronic polyuria resulting
from various metabolic disorders

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Introduction to Acid - Base Balance

– In a healthy person, the PH of systemic arterial blood remains
between 7.35 and 7.45
– The maintenance of acid – base balance is of critical
importance because body functions are affected by the most
minor changes in PH.
There are three major mechanisms that control the PH body
Buffer systems
Exhalation of CO2 (respiration)
Excretion of H+ in urine

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Mechanism of Control of PH of Body Fluids
1. Buffers  
– Buffers prevent rapid, drastic changes in PH of body fluids by converting strong acids
into weak ones.
– The principal buffer systems of the body are:
• Protein buffer system
– The most abundant buffer in intracellular fluid and plasma
– (-COOH) and (-NH2)
– Buffer both acids and bases
2. Carbonic acid – bicarbonate buffer system
– Based on (HCO3) and H2CO3
– In both intracellular and extra cellular fluid
3. Phosphate buffer system
– (H2PO42-) and (HPO42-)
– Mainly in intracellular fluid
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Exhalation of CO2 (Respiration)
– CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ +HCO3-
– Can only get rid of carbonic acid
Excretion of H+ in urine
– Excrete H+ and reabsorbs HCO3-  
Acid – base imbalances
1. Acidosis
– Arterial blood PH of less than 7.35
– Effect: depression of the CNS.
– If PH is less than 7 depression of CNS is so severe (individual becomes disoriented, then
comatose, and may die.
2. Alkalosis
– Arterial blood PH of greater than 7.45
– Effect: over excitability in both CNS & PNS neuron
(Nervousness, muscle spasms & even convulsion and death may result)
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Thank u !!!!!

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