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The Ongoing US-China Trade War

Exploring the underlying cause of the conflict

Hegemonic Stability Theory
● Predominant power creates and stabilizes global
economic system
● USA as hegemon since WWII
● China's rise poses a challenge to US hegemony
Power Transition Theory
● War likely when declining hegemon and rising
challenger approach power parity
● China's rise aligns with predictions of PTT
● BRI, AIIB, and Made in China 2025 challenge US

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US Efforts to Maintain
● Concerns about BRI as global dominance attempt
● Trilateral efforts with Japan and India
● Opposition to AIIB establishment
● Perception of threat from Made in China 2025

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Trade War Dynamics
● US fear of China's challenge to hegemony drives
trade war
● Intensifying competition between superpowers
● Potential for larger conflict in the future

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Implications for Global
Economic Order
● Trade war effects may persist beyond current
● Sino-US hegemonic rivalry likely to lead to similar
● China's rise and US response shaping future global
economic order

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