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1. Space Audit Definition in HEI Context
2. Space Audit Application in HEI
3. The Main Purpose and Objective of Space Audit in HEI
4. Space Audit Application in HEI
5. Space Audit Scope of Works in HEI
6. Space Auditor Competency in HEI
7. Space Audit Process in HEI
1. Space Audit Preliminary
2. Space Audit Inspection
3. Space Audit Reporting
8. Space Audit Assessment Measurement in HEI
1. Space Capacity Audit
2. Space Occupancy Audit
3. Space Frequency Audit
4. Space Utilization Audit
5. Space Condition Audit
9. Space Audit Assessment Analysis in HEI
1. Space Audit Capacity & Occupancy Index
2. Space Audit Frequency Index
3. Space Audit Utilization Index
4. Space Audit Condition Index
Space Audit Definition in HEI Context
• In understanding more deeply about the space audit in
facilities management in higher education institutions, the
fundamental of auditing process must clear understanding
through definitions of space audit.

• Costello (2003) stated that definitions of auditing is “a

systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating
evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and
events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between
those assertions and established criteria and communicating
the results to interested users.”
Space Audit Definition in HEI Context

• Costello (2003) explains more detail each of the auditing

definition statement, however only two (2) component of
definition auditing that have relevancy with space audit that
as follows:-
1. Systematic Process
As a systematic process, auditing is a logical, purposeful,
structured approach to decision-making; it is not an
unplanned, haphazard process.
2. Objectively Obtaining and Evaluating Evidence
Auditing involves the collection of evidence. Evidence
represents the information collected by the auditor
that will affect the auditor’s decision process.
• Although evidence it may be more or less conclusive in nature, the
process of collecting and evaluating evidence should be objective.
• Based on Castello (2003) definitions about auditing, it is a significant and
close relationship with the auditing process of building space facilities.
• It cause of the similarity elements of the space management definitions,
state that, “a process skill of art and sciences of maximizing the value of
existing space and minimizing the need for new space through projecting
space requirements, identifying deficiencies, allocating available space to
users in an equitable way, monitoring use, assisting users with space
usage problems, and resolving space problems in fulfill facilities
management strategic to support the core business of the
organisation”(Wan Hamdan,2012).
• The close relationship between definition auditing and space
management are the element of process monitoring use of existing space
in determine the space utilization in achieving maximizing the value of
existing space.

• Therefore, without process of auditing approach such as reviews,

reassessment, revalue, evaluation, revise, re-measure, verification,
inspection, examination, vetting, checking, investigation, appraisal, and
scrutinize, it will difficult to determine the optimal of building space
facilities usage in higher education institutions and forecasting the new
requirement of space in economical approach.
Background of Space Audit in HEI
• Space audit is quite new in higher education institutions since for the past
early years 2000.
• Not many researches had been done space audit studied since that until
• This is because many researchers are more focusing on facilities
management fields in higher education institutions.
• However, since the global economic environment drastically changes in
20th century with the rapid development of information technology, many
institutions organization body, especially higher education.
• The implication from these scenarios, higher education institutions
changing the direction of the strategic management from expandable
infrastructure asset to optimization facilities asset.
Background of Space Audit in HEI
• At these moments, many higher education institution's reassessment
existing facilities infrastructures to determine the efficiency of facilities
usage especially space management.

• In determining the effectiveness and efficiency optimization space, a few

higher education institutions produce space audit guidelines for the
process of space management performance.

• Previously only a few researcher or organization body defines about space

No. Definitions Focusing / Critic Sources
1 A Space Audit is a comprehensive review of currently assigned space for Extensive examination and verification on existing assigned space in campus. Not overall space
a College being revises, but assigned space only. ManualofBusinessProcedures/
uditAnalysis.asp (Michigan State
University, 2003)
A comprehensive review and evaluation of a room’s physical
2 Extensive examination and verification on existing space in campus, with focusing on physical
characteristics and academic or administrative attributes.
space characteristic and academic or administrative features. upps/upps-01-03-01.html
Focusing only on physical space condition with academic or administrative elements. Lack on (Texas State University, 2012)
revise and determine space capacity, utilisation, and equilibrium component that evaluate
overall space management performance.

3 Space audits are based on space utilisation survey data, and related Explanations more on space audit resources data.
information from college and university management systems. Only reviews on space utilization data and other information from universities operational stellae_space_auditing.html
system. (Stellae timetabling & space
Not specifically showing and explain on space audit component that evaluate overall space consultants, 2013)
management performance.
Not specifically showing and explain on space audit areas that evaluate overall space
management performance (assigned or non-assigned space)

4 To ensure that departments have the accommodation they need to Explanations more on general purpose of space audit and showing relationship with Space
function efficiently Space Management and Planning have initiated a Management and Planning and Space Management Policy Document. space/surveys/
rolling programme of space audits to promote the progressive adoption Not specifically showing and explain on space audit component that evaluate overall space (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
of good practice in space use in accordance with the Space Management management performance. 2010)
Policy Document. Not specifically showing and explain on space audit areas that evaluate overall space    
management performance (assigned or non-assigned space)
Space Audit Goals (Aims)

The important reason of auditing process in

building space facilities in higher education
institutions is minimizing space problems in
fulfill facilities management strategies to
support the core business of the organization.
Space Audit Objective
Bil Objective Focusing
1 Update space database information usage for reorganizing - Database Information
space entitlements (ownership) plan - Space Ownership
2 Analyze space optimization efficiency level for outline space - Optimal Level
requirement category - Space Requirement Category
3 Investigation space management issues for enhancement - Space Management Issues
and recommend a strategic space management plan - Strategic Space Management Plan
4 Evaluate booking compliance effectiveness for improving - Space Management Booking System
the effectiveness of timetabling schedule - Timetabling Schedule
5 Examination utilization level and pattern space usage of - Space Utilization Level and Pattern Usage
strategic facility development plan - Strategic Facility Development Plan
6 Assess and analyze the physical space condition for - Physical Space Condition
intensifying maintenance management strategy plan - Maintenance Management Strategies Plan
Space Audit Application
• Space Audit Assessment can be applying for any
institution that manage massive and largest asset
for example building, infrastructure, land etc.
• Basically space audit are more applying in higher
education institution (Public or Private) due to
involve enormous amount of asset for such as
academic building, student college, office
administration, sport and recreation building etc.
Scope of Space Audit in Higher
• Presently, the scope of space audit
assessment in higher education institution are
more focusing on academic space, including:-
a. Lecture Hall
b. Classroom
c. Studio
d. Workshop
e. Laboratory
Space Auditor Competency in Higher
Education Institutions
• Presently, there are no specific professional or expertise that responsible
to manage space audit and space management in higher education.
• However, currently in space management in higher education being
responsible by Properties and Maintenance Management Department or
Facilities and Asset Management Department.
• The staff competency are from various background for such as engineer,
architecture, building surveying, properties management , facilities
management, etc.
• In Malaysia, space auditor and space management staffing being decide
to take responsible by Building Surveyors (Refer Garis Panduan Amalan
Baik Pengurusan Ruang di Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam Malaysia)
Space Audit Assessment Process in
Higher Education Institution
• Space audit process can be divided by three phases,
which is :

a. Preliminary Audit (Preparation)-Phase I

b. Fieldworks Audit (Site Survey & Inspection) – Phase II
c. Audit Reports (Documentation) – Phase III
Preliminary Audit (Phase I)
• Preliminary audit is “a initial process on preparation space
audit activity with including desk top study activities before
entering on actual site for investigation and inspection.”
• Preliminary audit are more focusing on preparation process in
space audit assessment in HEI.
• It Involve:-
a. Universities Authorizations
b. Collecting Relevant Document
c. Preparation Checklist
d. Preparation Survey Equipment
Fieldworks Audit (Phase II)
• Fieldworks audit is “a process of surveying, inspection and
investigate for collecting data on actual site with appropriate
equipment and checklist inspection form including photograph and
drawing sketches on existing building layout plan.”
• It Involve with :-
a. Building Inspection & Condition Survey
b. Make any amendment on existing drawing building layout plan.
c. Investigate space capacity, space occupancy, space frequency,
space utilization.
Audit Report (Phase III)
• Audit Report is a process analysis audit data finding to produces and prepare
documentation audit reports for presenting result and recommendation
improvement on space management in higher education institutions.
• This process involve with:-
a. Analysis Data Collection
b. Produces Data Result and Finding
c. Prepare and produces audit reports.
d. Presenting documentation audit report to higher or senior
management for acceptance approval.
Space Audit Assessment Indicator
Measurement in HEI
• There are 5 indicator measurement for space
audit assessment in HEI, which are:-
a. Space Capacity
b. Space Occupancy
c. Space Frequency
d. Space Utilization
e. Space Condition
Space Capacity Assessment
• Space capacity assessment is a process evaluation on actual size layout with standard
occupancy load (Basically for Malaysia refer to EPU Norms) to determine compliance
optimum occupancy space layout design.
• Calculation Formula Space Capacity:-
Usable Floor Area / Occupancy Load
60sqm / 0.9sqm = 54 student

Calculation formula Usable Floor Area:-

Net Floor Area – Safety Area (40%)
100sqm – (100sqm x 0.4)
100sqm – 40sqm = 60 sqm (Usable Area)

Note : 40 % safety area are based on parameter size fire access layout with depend on types of
space function and seat layout.
Calculation formula space capacity compliance
Actual Seat x 100
Design Seat
(Maximum Capacity)
45 seat / 40 seat x 100
1.125 x 100 = 112.50 (Not Comply)

Note : 112.5% mean the existing capacity not comply

the design standard space capacity based on EPU Norm
Space Capacity Compliance Index
Space capacity compliance index :
Percentage Status

More 100 Not Comply

75 – 100 Comply

60 - 74 Partially Comply

0 -59 Not Comply

Indek Penanda Aras Kapasiti Ruang

SKOR (%)

Muatan ruang sedia ada Muatan ruang sedia ada mengakibatkan Muatan ruang sedia ada perlu disemak
melebihi daripada kapasiti keadaan amat sempit, ketidakselesaan dan dinilai semula penggunaan ruang
Tidak Patuh > 100 % sebenar. kepada penghuni ruang dan jugak tersebut.
menjejaskan tahap risiko keselamatan
Muatan ruang yang Memberikan tahap keselesaan yang tinggi Fungsi dan penggunaan ruang sedia ada
75 % - 100 disediakan mematuhi kepada penghuni dan tahap keselamatan dikekalkan.
% kapasiti yang sebenar. ruang lebih terjamin.

Muatan ruang yang Muatan ruang sebahagian mengakibatkan Semak dan nilai semula muatan sebenar
disediakan hanya kos selenggara tidak ekonomikal dan ruang dan memaksimumkan kapasiti
Patuh mematuhi sebahagian seimbang kerana keluasan sebenar ruang ruang tersebut.
50% - 74 %
Sebahagian kapasiti yang sebenar . boleh guna tidak digunakan sepenuhnya.

Muatan ruang yang Keadaan ini mengakibatkan kerugian kos Semak dan nilai semula keperluan fungsi
49 % ke disediakan amat tidak selenggara yang amat tidak ekonomikal dan dan kegunaan ruang sedia ada kepada
Tidak Patuh
bawah mematuhi kapasiti yang juga pembaziran penggunaan ruang yang memenuhi keperluan kegunaan lain
sebenar . tinggi. yang amat diperlukan.
Space Occupancy

• Space Occupancy in Higher Education can be define as a process indicates the

numbers of students in a room, when the room is use, compared to the total room

• Space Occupancy is independent of Room Frequency (University of


• Ihfasuziella Ibrahim et al (2012) based on Salford University, space occupancy

define as measurement process for determine percentage of space usage rate
through calculation with total student, room capacity and hour usage of space.  

• Occ = Total Students

Maximum Capacity
• However, Abdul Rahman et al (2009,2011 & 2012) with
referred various of researchers stated that space occupancy
rate can be define as measurement process in determine
percentage of space usage rate through calculation with total
student numbers during week and divided by room capacity
during week .

• Room Occupancy represents the average number of students

in the room when the room is in use, compared to the total
room capacity. Room Occupancy is independent of Room
Frequency (TEFMA,2009).
Sampel Calculation :
Kapasiti muatan ruang kuliah :-
= 20 student (Actual Capacity)
40 student (Maximum / Design Capacity)
= 50 % Occupancy Rate
Indeks Tafsiran Sela Peratus Penggunaan
1 0-50%
2 51-75%
3 76-100%
Induk 4 >101%
SKOR (%)

Tahap kadar penghunian Keadaan ini mengakibatkan

ruang sedia ada yang amat kesesakan dan ketidakselesaan yang
penuh, padat, sesak dan juga boleh menyebabkan tahap risiko
Padat > 100 % berasak-asak yang keselamatan penghuni terjejas.
disebabkan oleh muatan
yang diisi sedia ada
melebihi muatan sebenar.
Tahap kadar penghunian Keadaan ini menunjukkan tahap kedudukan (jumlah, paras, dll) yang terbaik
ruang sedia ada yang tinggi penggunaan ruang baik, namun jika atau paling menguntungkan (bagi sesuatu,
dan maksima yang tidak dikawal kadar penghunian yang keadaan, pengeluaran, perkembangan,
Tinggi 75 % - 100 % disebabkan oleh jumlah efektif dan berkesan , boleh dll). 2. paling baik atau menguntungkan
penghuni diisi sama atau mengakibatkan kepada tahap padat. (bukan pengeluaran dll)
hampir sama dengan
muatan sebenar.

Tahap kadar penghunian Keadaan yang terbaik dalam

ruang sedia ada tidak lebih, penggunaan ruang sedia ada dan
Optimum 50% - 74 % tidak tinggi dan tidak tahap kadar penghunian ruang yang
kurang atau tahap terkawal (berdasarkan tahap
pertengahan. piawaian antarabangsa)

Tahap kadar penghunian Keadaan ini mengakibatkan kos

ruang sedia ada amat selenggara yang tinggi, tidak
rendah yang disebabkan ekonomikal dan pembaziran
Rendah 49 % ke bawah
oleh jumlah diisi amat penggunaan ruang yang tinggi
kurang daripada muatan berbanding dengan kadar penghunian
sebenar. yang rendah.
Space Frequency
• Frequency index space is part of the benchmark use of space. Frequency calculations derived space
utilization of timetable space usage in IPT / universities. Data timetable collected through this space
categorized as Frequency of Teaching and Learning Space. Spatial data through schedule gives guidance on
the use of space total hours of use in IPT including room bookings.

Formulation Frequency Index Space

a) space-frequency formula is as follows:

Frekuensi ruang (FR) = HU

• FR = frequency of the use of space in the timetable system
• HU = Number of hours the room is used (the use of) the audit period
• HA = The maximum number of hours that can be used rooms in the audit period
Sample Calculation :

Space Frequency :-
= 30 Hours Weekly (Actual Hour)
40 Hours Weekly (Maximum Hour)
= 75 % Frequency Rate
Indeks Tafsiran Sela peratus Penggunaan Definisi

Frekuensi Penggunaan berada

1 Penggunaan Minimal 0-50%
pada tahap yang rendah

Frekuensi penggunaan berada

2 Penggunaan Optimal 51-75%
pada tahap yang paling baik

Frekuensi penggunaan berada

3 Pengggunaan Maksimal 76- 100%
pada tahap yang tinggi

Frekuensi penggunaan berada

pada tahap genting kerana telah
4 Penggunaan Kritikal >101% penggunaan melebihi waktu tipikal
Space Utilisation

• Space Utilisation
• “Space utilisation is a measure of whether and how space is being used. The utilisation rate is
a function of a frequency rate and an occupancy rate. The frequency rate measures the
proportion of time that space is used compared to its availability and the occupancy rate
measures how full the space is compared to its capacity”. (SU: PPG, 2006)
Space Capacity
• Capacity load index space is a key element in this audit because it can measure the rate of use of a space whether resulting
density or otherwise use space. Auditing can also have positive effects such as:
• a. Identify areas of low use;
• b. Space management plan in accordance with the planning strategic organization;
• c. Forecast future space needs;
• d. Facilitate spatial analysis;
• e. Streamline the process of effective measures;
• f. Comparison of actual use than the use of planned, and
• g. Increasing awareness of the importance of space management efficient.

• In measuring the space capacity, there are some things that need to be first be understood such as:

• a. Population Load (Occupancy Load)

• b. Type of Floor Area
• Population load that is also known as the occupant load, means the number of people that can be filled
into a designated space and can be used to determine number of filling in a space. The calculation is based
on estimates of the population load space individual occupying that depends on the type of places and
events different, for example the population burden of classrooms not the same as the population burden
with workshop space.
• Three steps to measure the capacity of a space building, is as follows :
a. Determine which categories of the population load will adopted. The load of this population may refer to
standard planning standards by the government or the body the relevant professional agencies in the
industry construction.
b. Determine the net floor area ( NFA ) space. Calculation taking into account the whole area less or reduced
by the space that can not be occupied and used as walls, columns, stairs , utility room and so on
Space Condition
• Level of the building condition is very important in the measurement and evaluation level of efficiency and effectiveness of
space management. Results of the analysis building conditions to optimize the use of space. Condition building space that
has defects and insecurity will detrimental to the organization because the space can not be used completely.
Determination of the condition of the building space is very important because to help administrators :
• 1 . Control the maintenance cost of building space ;
• 2 . Controlling waste of space ;
• 3 . Ensure the safety and health area ;
• 4 . Maintaining and extending the life of the functions use space ;
• 5 . Preserve and enhance the rate of investment value space building , and
• 6 . Succession planning another space .
• Determination of the conditions of a space in a building can determined by performing a condition survey
inspection methods building ( Building condition survey) . Accurate inspection method to ensure all
defects and failure conditions of a building can be properly managed and maintain function room that can
be used to smooth and safe .
• There are two methods of determining the condition of a building :

• 1. Inspection of the building to the main building components such as roofs, walls, floors,
columns, beams , doors, windows and other related building components.
• 2. Testing of building service systems such as mechanical system and electrical and other
building services systems related. Testing is usually focused on the functionality of the system minimum of
the system.

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