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Critical Thinking (BES-103)

Lecture 17
Problem Solving

Hadiqua Fazal
Asst Professor
Computer Science Department
Case Study 1
For the assigned Case Study critically demonstrate the challenges,
situations, potential consequences, ethical implications of different
decisions, and propose a comprehensive solution/strategy for them.
Case Study: The Company's Environmental Impact
Description: Imagine a manufacturing company that is facing
criticism for its environmental practices. The company has been
accused of polluting nearby water sources and endangering local
wildlife. Each team in the group will analyze the case from
different perspectives, such as the company's management,
environmental activists, affected communities, and regulatory
authorities. They should critically evaluate the situation, consider
the potential consequences, and propose solutions to address the
environmental impact.
Case Study: Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare
Description: Consider a scenario in which a hospital has limited
resources and is facing an ethical dilemma regarding the allocation of
life-saving treatments. Each team in the group will represent different
stakeholders, such as doctors, patients' families, hospital
administrators, and government regulators. They should critically
analyze the situation, evaluate the ethical implications of different
decisions, and propose a fair and just solution.
Case Study: The Future of Transportation
Description: Imagine a city that is grappling with traffic congestion, air
pollution, and limited transportation options. Each team in the group
will analyze the case from the perspective of different stakeholders,
such as city officials, environmentalists, commuters, and public
transportation providers. They should critically evaluate the
challenges, consider alternative transportation solutions, and propose
a comprehensive plan to improve transportation infrastructure and
reduce environmental impact.
Case Study: The Water Crisis in a Developing Country
Description: Imagine a developing country facing a severe shortage
of clean water. The government, NGOs, and local communities are
struggling to find sustainable solutions. Each team in the group will
analyze the case from different perspectives, such as government
officials, environmentalists, local communities, and international aid
organizations. They should critically evaluate the underlying causes,
propose strategies for water conservation and management, and
discuss the social, economic, and environmental implications of
their proposed solutions.
Case Study: The Future of Energy Generation
Description: In a rapidly changing world, a country is
grappling with the challenge of transitioning to
sustainable energy sources while meeting its
growing energy demands. The government is facing
pressure from environmentalists, energy companies,
and the public to reduce dependence on fossil fuels
and mitigate climate change. However, there are
various factors to consider, including the cost of
renewable energy technologies, job losses in the
fossil fuel industry, and the reliability of renewable
energy sources.
Case Study: Urban Housing Crisis
Description: In a rapidly growing city, the demand for affordable housing has
skyrocketed, leading to an urban housing crisis. Housing prices have soared, making
it difficult for low-income residents to find suitable housing. Each team in the group
will analyze the case from different perspectives, such as city planners, developers,
low-income residents, and community activists. They should critically evaluate the
causes of the housing crisis, propose strategies to increase affordable housing
supply, and discuss the potential social and economic implications of their proposed
Case Study: Food Security in a Changing Climate
Description: A region heavily reliant on agriculture is experiencing the adverse
effects of climate change, such as droughts, extreme weather events, and declining
crop yields. Each team in the group will analyze the case from different
perspectives, such as farmers, policymakers, environmentalists, and consumers.
They should critically evaluate the challenges posed by climate change on food
security, propose strategies to enhance resilience and sustainable farming practices,
and discuss the potential trade-offs and long-term impacts of their proposed
Case Study: Empowering Women in Agriculture
Description: In an agricultural-based economy in a developing
country, women face significant barriers and gender inequalities in
accessing resources, training, and markets for their agricultural
activities. Each team in the group will analyze the case from
different perspectives, such as women farmers, government
officials, NGOs, and gender equality advocates. They should
critically evaluate the constraints faced by women in agriculture,
propose strategies to empower women farmers, and discuss the
potential impacts on food security, poverty reduction, and gender
equality in rural communities.

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