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forest destroyed hawk
flock plenty ground
flew everyone shadow
flame thirsty building
safe drank everywhere
terrified quickly huge
everything hungry acacia
lonely shape peck
: Read each sentence. Circle the word that means the same
(synonym) as the underlined word.
The Journey of Gansiyangs
Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of animal is the Gansiyang?
A. bird B. worm C. Dog D. duck
2. Why did the Gansiyangs leave their home?
A. because the weather is hot C. because of illegal logging
B. because of the forest fire D. because of the animal hunter
3. Where did the Gansiyangs take their journey?
A. to the east C. to the south
B. to the west D. to the north
4. How did the Gansiyangs save themselves from the hawk?
A. by forming v-pattern in the sky C. by making loud sounds
B. by flying high and fast D. by hiding on the trees
5. How did the Gansiyangs feel when they find their new home?
A. happy B. lonely C. shock D. angry
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Old Gansiyang felt terrified when he saw the big fire? The word
terrified is same with _______.
A. afraid B. happy C. excited D. lonely
2. The hawk was shocked when he saw the dark shadow in the air.
What is the synonym of shocked?
A. surprise B. excited C. afraid D. worried
3. The Gansiyangs were alarmed on the fire coming their home. The
word alarmed is the synonym of________.
A. enjoyed B. quiet C. sorrowful D. scared
4. Everybody helped each other in building their nest. What word is
similar to building?
A. making B. climbing C. knocking D. destroying
5. If search is same with look, what is the synonym of journey?
A. trip B. war C. contest D. exhibit
Read each sentence. Decide which word in the box means almost the
same as the underlines words. Then write it on the line.

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