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Communication Skills For

What is communication?
Message transmitted from one place, group, or person
to another
Transactional exchange of information (Martin et al.,
Involves sender encoding, message, channel, receiver
decoding, feedback, and noise.

Forms of communication
Verbal communication- Information exchange
through written or oral words(Martin et al., 2012)
Non-verbal communication- passing information
through kinetics and gestures.
Communication between partners
Partners- people in a relationship
Communication is important in a relationship
Allow partners to express their emotions and
Increases connection(Services, n.d.)
In relationships , it is important to:
Important to: talk openly
Listen actively
Share positive messages
Non-verbal communication in partners
It utilizes non-verbal signs, behavior band ques
Can be misunderstood, resulting in conflicts
Elements that can affect partnership:
Facial expressions(Services, n.d.)
Tone of voice
Body posture

Listening tips
Learn to show interest
Eye contact(Martin et al., 2012)
Open and fairly relaxed posture
Avoid distracting gestures(Services, n.d.)
Facing the person directly or standing at the same level
Communication skills
Communication skills can ruin or strengthen
Used when delivering or receiving different types of
Some of the communication skills include:
Active listening(Martin et al., 2012)
Right communication method
Communication skills
Tone and volume
Principles of good communication
Clarity (SimonJHudson, 2023)
Principles of good communication
Consistency/ Coherent
Timeliness(SimonJHudson, 2023)
Ethical and unethical communication
Ethical communication- clear, concise, responsible,
and truthful
Unethical communication- destructive, deception,
and coercion
How to avoid unethical and hurtful
Process your own feelings first
Timing consideration
Start with your own feelings
and statements(Lack of
Communication, 2019)
How to Avoid Unethical and
Hurtful Communication
Focus on listening and being heard
Compromising(Lack of Communication, 2019)
Setting boundaries
Conflicts resolution
Directly expressing feelings
and thoughts
Avoid placing blame on the
partner(Lack of
Communication, 2019)
Consider one topic at a time
Open minded
Communication- Passing information from one
person, place, or groups
Communication is an essential part of relationships
and partnerships.
Communication skills enable people to share
information effectively
Communication principles are also important in the
Unethical communication undermines relationships,
bringing about conflicts.
Martin, J. N., Alberts, J. K., Nakayama, T. K. (2012). Human
Communication in Society. (n.p.): Pearson Education.
Services, D. of H. & H. (n.d.). Relationships and
communication. Retrieved July 6, 2023, from http://
SimonJHudson. (2023, January 23). The principles of
communication – supporting the microsoft 365 maturitymodel.
Lack of communication: 17 tips for couples. (2019, October 29).
Healthline. https://

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