The Pillars of Play

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The D&D Pillars of Play

What's a pillar of play?

A game of D&D has multiple aspects to it. D&D is not always about fighting
off hordes of monsters. Different situations call for different sets of skills and
these are the pillars of play.

The pillars of play are:

• Combat
• Exploration
• Social

Normally in any adventure, you would come across hostile parties that would
stop you from achieving your goal. Sometimes, you have to stop them with
Combat (cont.)

Each character deals with combat slightly differently than others. Some
characters swing weapons, others shoot arrows. Some fire off spells, others
use their magic to heal. It is imperative that you know what your character
can or can't do because most combat scenarios are LIFE AND DEATH.

Whether it be skulking around dungeons, sneaking into an evil noble's manor,

or venturing into the great beyond, exploration plays another major part in a
game of D&D.
Exploration (cont.)

Some characters would be adept at being stealthy or have a knack for finding
treasure. Some characters also have talents for providing their party with food
and water. Some characters are good at roving the land, scouting, and
gathering information. 

And sometimes, violence isn't the answer. Sometimes, you need to talk things
out. Maybe you need to know a piece of information from someone. Maybe
you want the shopkeeper to give you a small discount. Maybe you want to be
the king's best friend?
Social (cont.)

Characters are built to handle social situations in different ways. Some

characters will intimidate. Others will lie their way through. Some characters
use their magic to augment their social skills. And some characters are just,
too awkward for most situations.
With the wide breadth of
situations, a character can
be placed in, it's
impossible for one
character to have all of
the answers.
That's why adventurers work in parties,
not alone.

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