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PPC & Account

Amazon PPC
➔Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a
powerful advertising model that allows
sellers to promote their products on the
Amazon platform.
➔By leveraging Amazon PPC, sellers can
bid on keywords, ensuring their ads are
displayed when customers search for
relevant terms.
➔The best part? You only pay when a
customer experiences your ad.
➔Enhance product visibility and create
brand awareness
➔Localise the product listing based on
targeted market
➔Experience improved conversion rates
and witness a surge in sales by leveraging
the power of PPC.
➔Highlight the strengths of an alternative
product to the target segment
➔Dive deep into campaign performance
data, empowering you to make informed
decisions and optimize your strategies.
Amazon PPC Campaign Structure

Campaigns Ad groups Keywords

➔Campaigns serve ➔Ad groups nest ➔Keywords fuel your
as the highest within campaigns, ads, determining
level of grouping relevant ads when and where
organization, and keywords they appear to
allowing you to together. customers.
allocate budgets
and define
targeting settings.
Keyword Research
➔ Unlock the potential of effective
Amazon PPC campaigns through
meticulous keyword research.
➔ Unearth relevant keywords by
employing Amazon's Keyword Planner
& paid platforms like Jungle Scout
➔ Conduct competitor analysis, and
explore relevant customer search terms
of competitor brands.
Rework Product Listing
➔Craft compelling product listings that captures the
attention of potential local customers of the targeted
market and entice them to buy.
➔Infuse your product listing with relevant keywords, &
ensuring a strong alignment with customer search
➔Edit listing with Amazon A+ Content for visually
engaging product listing
➔Highlight the USP’s & emphasizing their value
proposition in local language
Setting Budgets & Bids
➔ Strategically allocate budget and set
optimal bids to maximize the impact of
Amazon PPC campaigns.

➔ Continuously monitor ( daily, weekly &

monthly) the campaign, fine-tune budget
and bids to achieve a balance between
visibility and cost-effectiveness.
Ad Targeting

Keyword targeting: Product targeting: Category targeting: Audience targeting:

Seamlessly Display your ads on Focus your ads on Refine your
connect with relevant product specific product targeting based on
customers actively detail pages. categories. demographics,
searching for specific interests, or
keywords. shopping behavior.
Optimizing Campaigns
➔Carefully observe the performance of your
campaign, uncovering valuable insights for
➔Track key metrics such as click-through rate
(CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad
spend (ROAS) to assess the effectiveness of
your campaigns.
➔Enhance campaigns by adjusting bids,
refining keywords, and fine-tuning targeting
to drive better results
A/B Testing &
➔Embrace the power of A/B testing
to experiment with different
elements of campaigns.
➔Test alternative ad variations,
bidding strategies, or targeting
options to identify the most
impactful approaches.
➔ Build organic reviews
➔ Enhance the confidence of
the buyer to buy the listed
Festival Participation
➔ Create coupons /
Discount coupons
➔ Plan for the Amazon
festival in advance
Ads Budget
➔ Minimum budget of
1350 AED for a
month to run ads.
Account Issues
➔ Resolution of account issues
➔ Ticket issues

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