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Lecture (6)

Formulas and Functions II

MAX function
MIN function
Count function
The COUNTA function
The COUNTBLANK function
The Round function
What are 'IF functions'?
Using the IF function
 Create new spreadsheet with name and
“patient group name” that contains
information and patients and TBW(total
body Water” percents for them.
 Find the following percents for all patients
- ECF= 1/3 TBW
- Plasma=1/4 ECF
- ISF=ECF-Plasma
MAX function
 Fromstudents work book find the
maximum number of total column.

= MAX(j2:j6)
MIN function
The MIN function will display the
minimum number within a range.
 from students work book find the
minimum number of anatomy column.

=MIN (D2:D6)
Count function
The Count function will count up the number
of cells which contain numbers.
 Click on cell that you want to display the
number of cells in the column above that
contain a number.
- Click on the Formulas tab and within the
Function Library group click on the down
arrow next to (or under) the AutoSum icon.
You will see a drop down list displayed. Click
on the Count Numbers command
COUNTA function
COUNTA function used to count the
number of cells within a range that are not

the function has counted every instance of

a number or letter within the specified cell
COUNTBLANK function used to count
empty cells within a cell range.
Round function
function is used to reduce a given value to
a specific number of decimal places. the
syntax of ROUND function is :
 =ROUND(number,num_digits)
number : the value to be rounded
num_digits: the number of decimal
places to reduce the above number.
IF function
IF function introduces decision making by
testing a specified condition in your
spreadsheet to see if it is true or false. if the
condition is true the function will execute
one action. if the condition is false the
function will execute different action. the
syntax of IF function is :
Cont …
- logical _test: a value that is tested to see
if it is true or false. i.e. j8>70.
- value_if_true: the value that is displayed
if the logical_test is true. i.e “A”
- value_if_false:the value that is displayed if
the logical_test is false. i.e “D”
Example :
Create column in students work book with
name grade to show pass if total greater
than 150 and fail if it’s less than 150.


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