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PreHistoric Age in Malaysia

By Harajuku Girl

Prehistory is the period before recorded history. The term "prehistory" can be used to refer to all time since the beginning of the universe, although it is more often used in referring to the period of time sincelife appeared on Earth, or even more specifically to the time since human-like beings appeared.[5][6] In dividing up human prehistory, prehistorians typically use the Three age system, The three-age system is the periodization of human prehistory into three consecutive time periods, named for their respective predominant tool-making technologies; the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.

60,000-35,000 years ago- Paleolithic (Early Stone Age)

In the Paleolithic, humans use to live like nomadic. they usually live by the lake and in the cave. lived a simple lifestyle of hunting-gathering 1. Among the findings are Paleolithic in Malaysia:
-Kapak genggam -Splinter tool used to whittle and cut -Penetak tools used to hew trees and cut the meat -Perak Man, the human skeleton buried with folding leg

2. 3.

They practiced animism. Locations in Malaysia

-Kota tampan, perak - 1989 -Bukit Jawa, perak- 1996 -Bukit Bunuh, perak- 1987 -Niah Caves, Sarawak - 1975 -Tingkayu, Sabah - 1992

Perak Man sekleton

The skeleton was a male with a height of approximately 157cm, aged 50s. It was discovered in 1991 and the skeleton has been dated to around 11,000 years old

Kapak genggam

Made of stone,have function burt doesnt have any specific form

10,000-5,000 years ago- Neolithic (New Stone Age)

Neolithic period was a time when technological development of the porcelain stone,began farming, and began working with livestock. Neolithic in Malaysia began about 7,000 years ago. Neolithic people not only used stones, but had to use clay to make pottery. Humans in this era has come to stay settled in one place and also conduct barter trade or barter system (exchange of goods). In this era of community systems have come into existence as a leader and make the division of labor. They lived in caves and areas near the river. They practice animism Locations in Malaysia
-Gua Badak in Perak -Gua Cha in Kelantan -Bukit Tengkorak in Sabah


This pottery used for cooking, storing food and water filling. The result is a better qualitypottery on the wheel disc is created.

Neolitic skeleton

Believe to be more than 2000 years.found at Gua Kain Hitam,sarawak.

Cave painting

Founded at Tambun,Perak. Evidence for the existence of Neolithic in malaysia.

2,500 years ago - Bronze Age

people began creating bronze and iron tools.Have own settelment,live by the lake or in a cave.Have their own believe and customs. They produce metal tools of bronze and iron. They also farming, fishing, hunting wildanimals in the forest, livestock rearing, and doing business in barter. Among the tools used were an ax, sickle, knife, and spear points. They also used tulang mawas as one of the tools that they use Location in Malaysia
-Sungai Tembeling, Pahang -Gua Harimau, Perak -Changkat Menteri, Perak -Lembah Bernam, Selangor

Kapak Batu

Have function,and design. Made of copper.

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