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International Trade ∙
Internasionale handel
Session ∙ Sessie 8:

Economic and Management Sciences | EyeNzululwazi ngoQoqosho noLawulo | Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe

About government intervention

Oor owerheidsinmenging

Economic and Management Sciences | EyeNzululwazi ngoQoqosho noLawulo | Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe

Theme 2 •
Tema 2

Economic and Management Sciences | EyeNzululwazi ngoQoqosho noLawulo | Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Theme 2

Tema 2


IV The African Continental Free Trade Agreement. What are the options for Africa to improve growth prospects
through increased trade?

Die Afrika Kontinentale Vryhandelsooreenkoms. Wat is Afrika se opsies om groei-vooruitsigte met behulp van
internasionale handel te verbeter?

What will I Learning Objectives Leerdoelwitte

learn in this Engaging with this sub-module content,

Deur gefokus deur die inhoud van die sub-
module te werk, behoort studente:
module? you will learn to:
 Understand the current economic conditions and the

die huidige ekonomiese toestande en hul implikasies vir

Wat gaan ek in
implications for economic growth and trade ekonomiese groei- en handelsvooruitsigte te verstaan; √
prospects;√ insig te put uit Internasionale Handelsteorieë wat
 Gain insights from International Trade Theories that verduidelik waarom handel belangrik is; √
hierdie module explain why international trade matters; √
 Understand why, how and to what effect
te verstaan waarom, hoe en met watter impak owerhede
in internasionale handel inmeng; √

leer? governments intervene in international trade; √

 *Understand the multilateral global trading system
and how it advances trade amongst countries;
*die multilaterale handelsregime en hoe dit internasionale
handel bevorder, verstaan;
streeksintegrasie, die rationale, doelstellings, moontlikhede
 Understand regional integration, its purpose, en struikelblokke daarby betrokke, te verstaan;
possibilities and obstacles; die insigte uit die handelsteorieë te benut om te verstaan hoe

* today.  Use the insights from theory to understand how the

confluence of freer trade under the World Trade
Organisation’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, the African
die samevloei van vryer handel onder die
Wêrelhandelsorganisasie se Handelsfasiliteringsooreenkoms,
die Afrika Kontinentale Vryhandelsooreenkoms en die Vierde

vandag Continental Free Trade Agreement and the Fourth

Industrial Revolution can propel Africa into economic
prosperity, despite many obstacles and the Covid-19
Industriële Revolusie Afrika kan help om ekonomiese welvaart
te skep, tenspyte van verskeie hindernisse en die Covid-19

Theme 2: key issues Tema 2: sleutel vraagstukke
Barriers to trade are removed under the Beperkings op handel word onder die
auspices of the World Trade Organisation. Wêreldhandelsorganisasie (WHO) reëls opgehef.
How could Africa benefit from participation in Hoe kan Afrika baat vind by lidmaatskap van die
Content: the World Trade Organisation? Wêreldhandelsorganisasie?

Regional integration also aims to remove Streeksintegrasie het ook ten doel om
barriers to trade to encourage intra-regional handelsbeperkings te verwyder ten einde intra-
trade. streekshandel te bevorder.

Trade. What is the African Continental Free Trade

Agreement and what is it aimed at achieving?
Wat is die Afrika Kontinentale
Vryhandelsooreenkoms en wat probeer Afrika
* What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution and
how can Africa benefit from it?
daardeur bereik?

Wat is die Vierde Industriële Revolusie (VIR) en hoe

Inhoud: What are global supply chains and how can
Africa benefit from it?
kan Afrika daaruit voordeel trek?

Wat is globale voorsieningskettings en hoe kan
Afrika daarby baat?
What is the role of women in trade and how can  

their prospects be enhanced? Wat is die rol van vroue in handel en hoe kan hul
vooruitsigte verbeter word?
READER: Jafta & Semenya, PART III & IV
READER: Jafta & Semenya, PART III & IV

trading system


Today it is the rule-based system under the WTO; what was it before?
Vandag is dit die reëlsgebaseerde stelsel onder die WHO; wat was dit voorheen? 7
Today’s session: Q2.1. Why was the WTO and its
predecessor, the GATT established?
The multilateral trading system:
past & present [6]
Vandag se sessie:
Vr. 2.1. Waarom is die WHO en sy
die multilaterale
voorganger, die Algemene Ooreenkoms
handelsregime: verlede en op Tariewe en Handel (AOTH) gestig?
READER, pp.43-53

Test yourself: complete Q.2.1.& 2.2. Toets jouself: voltooi Vr. 2.1.& 2.2. 8
Without the GATT / WTO
The effect of protectionism on world trade, 1929–33
December 1929 $3.0bn February


November 1932 March


October $0.9bn April

September May

August June


Trade figures: per month

Today’s session: Q2.2. Explain what the WTO’s Trade
Facilitation Agreement is, how it works what
The multilateral trading system: progress has been made with
past & present implementation so far. [12]
Vandag se sessie:
Vr. 2.2. Verduidelik wat die WHO se
handelsfasiliteringsooreenkoms is, hoe dt
Die multilaterale werk en watter vordering met
handelsregime: verlede en
hede implementering reeds gemaak is.
READER, pp.43-53

“Trade facilitation is geared
towards the simplification of
import and export procedures with
the overarching aim of reducing
transaction costs. It also
emphasizes transparency of
procedures, harmonization and
modernization of international
trade procedures. The Trade
WTO’s TFA Facilitation Agreement (TFA),
* which entered into force on 22
Die WHO se February 2017, is an agreement
designed to cut trading costs by
handelsfasiliterings- implementing processes that are
ooreenkoms more efficient and eliminating
unnecessary obstacles before
READER, p.50-53 export or import clearance at
borders” .

How the TFA works • Hoe

die HFO werk, p.51
WTO’s TFA: the logic
Die WHO se
ooreenkoms: die logika
WTO’s TFA: progess (1)
Die WHO se
ooreenkoms: vordering (1)

READER, p.50-53
NOTE: the progress with ratification &
implementation since eBook
WTO’s TFA: progess (2)
Die WHO se
ooreenkoms: vordering (2)

READER, p.50-53

Source • Bron: World Bank

“More than ever,
international trade should
be an instrument of peace
and environmental
improvement. With trade
among continents going
together with the mobility
of workers, the exchange of
talents and the rise of
innovation and

Mathieu Maes, Brussels,


Registration link for

Clicker 3

Number of Responses

Group 1 Group 2
16 31

Clicker 3: Group 1
Question: If I did not have to come to Economics 244 lectures during the week of 22-26 August, I will:

Clicker 3: Group 2
Question: If I did not have to come to Economics 244 lectures during the week of 22-26 August, I will:

Week 22-26 August Week 22-26 Augustus

No lectures Geen lesings

1. Tutorials and tutorial tests as normal 1. Tutoriale en tutoriaaltoetse soos normaalweg
2. Your complete answers to Q1.1 -1.15 must be 2. Jou volledige antwoorde vir Vr1.1-1.15 moet teen
uploaded on SUNLearn by noon on 26/08/22 middag 12h00 op 26/08/22 op SUNLearn gelaai word.
3. International Trade lectures recommence 29/08 3. Internasionale Handel lesings hervat 29/08
4. Contacts: 4. Kontakte:
For tuts: Vir tuts:
• (English) • (Engels)
• (Afrikaans) • (Afrikaans)

Teaching Assistants Onderrig Assistente

• Van Voore, CP, Ms [][Group 1] • Van Voore, CP, Ms [][Groep 1]

• Petersen, RR [][group1] • Petersen, RR [][groep1]
• Hyde, AJ, Mr [][group 2] • Hyde, AJ, Mr [][groep 2]
Economic and Management Sciences | EyeNzululwazi ngoQoqosho noLawulo | Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Removing barriers: regional Opheffing van beperkings:
integration streeksintegrasie
Q2.3.What does economic
Next session integration mean?
Vr. 2.3. Wat beteken ekonomiese
integrasie? [2]
* Q2.4. When is economic Vr.2.4 Wanner word ekonomiese
integration called regional
Volgende integration? [1]
integrasie streeksintegrasie genoem?

sessie Q2.5.Use examples to distinguish

between the static and dynamic
Vr.2.5. Gebruik voorbeelde om
tussen statiese en dinamiese effekte
effects of regional integration. van streeksintegrasie te onderskei.
[10] [10]
Q2.6. What is the African Vr.2.6. Wat is die Afrika Kontinentale
Continental Free Trade Vryhandelsooreenkoms en wat
Agreement and what is it aimed at probeer Afrika daardeur bereik?
achieving? [10] [10]


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