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Chapter IV


• Ordeal
• Secular Take over
Cornelio Fuentes
Apuentes Documentados de la Revolucion en Toda la
Isla De Negros
According to Cornelio Fuentes

• The Spanish soldier and citizens were quartered inside the San
Sebastian parish
• They were conditions according by De Castro
• En cuan a los frailes… ya fue otra cosa means As for the
friars ... it was something else
• The revolutionary leaders turned against their former pastors
“Accused the religious of instigating and directing the governor
and the captain of the civil guards to surpress and torture
prominent personalities and perceived filibusters”
Banda Numero Uno

• Issued by Emilio Aguinaldo on June 24 1898

• Ordered all revolutionary forces to respect the person and
properties of all foreigners –Chinese and Spaniards- who did
not take arms and surrendered their arms against the
• 39 priest were taken and brought to Bacolod and incarnated at
Puerto San Juan together

• Only three priest were spared from being taken to custody

Fr. Mauricio Ferrero
Fr. Fernando Cuenca-Talisay
Fr. Miguel Alvarez-Murcia
Chronoolgy Event
Fr. Mariano Lasa Underwent Cruelty Most
• He was detained in Binalbagan and marched on foot in Isabela
• Rebel tolled the bells for the dead-the agonias- great pain or
• Prominent family Remigio Montilla abused and spat on him
Papa Isio acted modesty and courtesy and he refused to harass
prisoner and greet them
Fr. Lasa and Fr. Manual Garcia spent night in Isabela Jail
La Castellana For
Bacolod marched
La Castellana treated them better
• 2 days of complete liberty
• Give Horses when they left to Pontevedra-San Enrique-Valladolid
• Refused horses
• Priest from Sum ag, Maao, San Miguel, La Carlota, San Enrique,
• Pontevedra, and Cauyan 2 other are prisoned and treated humanely
Fr. Manuel Navarro of Kabankalan- Bonafacio Araneta accused him of putting up a bounty for the arrest of
Juan Araneta
Sent to foot on Bacolod
• During the Spanish period as in Europe
Stock • The feet or hands of the prisoners
were locked in two pieces of wood with
their hands bounds with chains
• Fr. Angel Martinez-Himamaylan
• Fr. Felipe Segura-San Miguel
• Fr. Marcelino Simomena-Kabankalan
• Fr. Franciso Echanojauregui-Sum ag
• Fr. Manuel Garcia-La Castellana
• Fr. Jose Rada
• Fr. Gregorio Alfaro-Guimbalanon
• Oriental Negros priest
Eduardo Esteban

• Son in law of Remigio Montilla in Isabela

• Raided the church and convent of Heibayo and Guinhulgan
• Arrested Fr. Pedro Jiminez and Fr. Victoriano Tarazona
Maltreatment of
Revolutionary Leaders

Lucio and his son, Delfin- Fr. Garcia- La Catellana

Maximiamo Guanzon and his son, Mateo- Fr. Navarro and Fr.
Simonena- Kabankalan
In Talisay

Nicolas Lizares- rode his horse into the church and attempted
to pry open and take the sacred vessels and to convert the
church into his horse stable. Fr. Cuenca was helpless
People of Talisay- stop Lizares and he gave in
Anieto Lacson- intervined to spare the Fr. Cuenca-harassed and
Fr. Licinio Ruiz
Historia del Provencia de San Nicholas de Tolentino de
las isles Filipinas de la orden de Agustinus Recoletos
36 detained in Puerto San
Minister of War

Lacson and Araneta misunderstanding

Lacson- disapproved of the treatment of the priest

Araneta- blame the priest for his arrest and taking revenge
- he believed that the priests instigated the civil
authorities to arrest him
Fr. Sirmonema

Last to be incarcerated
He was allowed to say Mass and the Sacrament of Baptism
Under the protection of Rafael Ramos- head of the
revolutionary forces in southern Negros.
Nov. 12 – Ramos bow to the order of the Revolutionary
Government set up in Bacolod
Jan 4, 1899- he joined his fellow Recollects in Captivity
Luis de los Santos
• The priest found themselves at the mercy of this jail warden
• Given a rank of lieutenant colonel by the new government
• Infamous by Fr. Cuenca
• Insulted them privately and flattered them publically
• Hindered friends visitation
• greedy
Dr. Montinola

The saving grace the incarceration of the priest was his medical
Appointed provincial doctor
Jan 18, 1899

3 am- the prisoner were awakened and directed to gather all

their belongings and be prepared to leave
5 am- the priest were marched “in formation”
Naratives of Fr. Pardiña and Fr. Aranda
Fr. Cuesta describe the
ordeal of the priest
They crossed in Lupit River
Sum ag- a peasant offered the use of his cart to carry those who were
sick, they received them with joy
Bago-they were received coldly
Valladolid-townspeople are lining and give them banquet
San Enrique- they were received cordiality, spend the night,
Spaniard Jose Doming-invited them to to rest in hacienda but they not
received because he suffered heart attack
La Carlota- received hostility and not allowed to rest
Barrio Cubay-people insist to give them food
La Granja Agricultural
Experimental Station

Spaniard Francisco Perez- show kindness nevertheless set the

priest to work cutting grass, cleaning roads and hauling lumbers.
• Their daily ration was one peso for all of them and were
allowed food only twice a day
Give food- Engineer Jose Sanchez, some people in La Carlota,
parish of San Miguel in La Granja
Juan Araneta

Justified this forced labor and then poor food given to the
Citing the;
• “precepto divino” of eating bread from the sweat of one’s brow
”Comeras el pan. Con el sudor de to frente!”
• The priest worked under the “sol de justicia”
• He wanted them to literally work under the scourching sun
Feb 1- They were ordered to return in Bacolod
• Met them and gave a speech saying that their ordeal was a
misunderstanding with de los Santos
• The cruelty of the warden and ill treatment of the priest
during their forced marched through the towns also believed
Araneta’s justification of a misunderstanding because its was n
ot for a day but for 12 days
December 28, 1988- he denied the report that the native
soldiers had been brutal with the priest.
September 1899- Jose Ruiz de Luzuriaga claimed that the
people of Negros behaved with a great deal of generosity
toward the friars.
Araneta declaring his denial in;
December 1899
Febuary 3 1899- the frias were treat inhumanely
Fr. Eusebio Valderrama
Wrote in 1909 the possible reason for the release of
the Recollects in Negros
He wroted

The change of attitude on the part of the revolutionary

committee of Negros were the disgust of the townspeople upon
seeing the harassment of the missionaries, the indignation of
the babaylanes themselves and the intervention of the German
consul in Iloilo
Rafael Ramos- removed Fr. Simomena and Fr. Navarro from the
prison of Kabankalan
Papa Isio- respected the men of the cloth- from Fr. Lasa
Anciento Lacson- extended protection to Fr. Cuenca who was old
and infirmed
German Consul- the recollects believed that they had more to
do with the release of the friars
December 23, 1898- General Rios turned over Iloilo to its mayor
in compliance with the order of the Madrid
- this was when the United States and Spain
had agreed to enter a peace agreement
Enrique Steriff- German consul
- The Spanish interest in Iloilo was tuned over to
- he was responsible for negotiating with the
revolutionary government Iloilo to release the Recollects
S/S Monserrat

The priest left on board in this at 10 am

Last minute the others joined which had served and left
remarkable legacy
• Fr. Mauricio Ferrero
• Tomas Preciado
• Jose de la Pardiñia
Fr. Juan de Dios Martinez- former parish priest of Arguellos-
preffered to stay in Negros
Fr. Pedro Bengoa of Vallermoso- joined the revolutionaries of in
Oriental Negros which was led by Diego de la Viña, biggest
hacendero of Vallermoso and his friends
- became their chaplain
- revolucionarius were prud to
claim they had a Spanish friar as
a chaplain
Parish priest that left
The prior to the revolution and when signs of an impending
uprising become apparent
• Fr. Juan Labarga (Ilog)
• Ricardo Ruperez (Binalbagan)
• Angel Quintana (Honob-honob)
• Gregorio Aparte (Toboso)
• Ciriaco Echevarria (Escalante)
• Angel Maestro (Calatrava)
• Pedro Chivite (San Carlos
Parish priest were either on leave
• Fr. Carlos Ubeda (Valladolid)
Parish Priests were spared on the ordeal of their brothers
• Fr. Leon Acsay
• Fr. Apolonio Ramirez
• Florentino Saenz
Parish Priests were spared on
the ordeal of their brothers

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